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Everything posted by spants

  1. If you set dns1 and dns2 to Unbound, it gets changed?
  2. Is your server at (mine is!) Also a few post back it was found that unraid VM install pinches poet 53. I think if you disable VM, install, re-enable VM it should work (I think that was how people did it). I didnt have the problem....
  3. did you try this:
  4. strange, mine works well. Try clearing browser cache?
  5. You have no queries or clients to graph.... are the clients pointing to your pihole server? When you go to Tools/Tail pihole.log, are things being added?
  6. It shouldn't introduce latency, all it is doing is providing a dns lookup- the traffic should behave as normal
  7. Look at the query log on the UI when visiting the site. It will tell you what is being blocked.
  8. good to hear. I will create a script that people can run when the docker is updated. 1. Not sure why. As mentioned before I just made the simple template, digiinc did the hard work. It might be worth checking the github for it https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole. (reminds me that I need to see if the bug for debian was fixed) 2. The script will need to be run again as it modifies the docker rather than being just data 3. I dont, sorry.
  9. Your server ip is wrong, key 1 should be your pi-hole server ip. Currently the ads are being replaced by the unraid ui hence the password prompt
  10. Hi guys, can you try the following to see if it speeds things up for you. I will roll it into a batch file so that you can run it after the docker is updated. 1. SSH to your Unraid server with pihole docker running 2. Copy and paste the following lines docker exec -it pihole apt-get update docker exec -it pihole apt-get --reinstall install iptables docker exec -it pihole apt-get install iptables-persistent docker exec -it pihole iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 443 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset docker exec -it pihole iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 80 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable docker exec -it pihole iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 443 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable docker exec -it pihole ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 443 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset docker exec -it pihole ip6tables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 80 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable docker exec -it pihole ip6tables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 443 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable docker exec -it pihole iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 docker exec -it pihole ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v6 Not sure if I need to change the "apt-get install" to "apt-get -y install" to accept the defaults - let me know...
  11. I'm back from travelling... Will have a look over the next couple of days....
  12. @CorneliousJD sorry I am away on business for a couple of weeks so will not be able to check. I run the log script with userscript plugin to keep the entries clear daily. @ebnerjoh a couple of the config directories are exposed but not sure you can get to hosts. You could change it in the docker but will have to reinstall mods on upgrade. Also change the exit DNS to opendns instead of
  13. did you see a couple of posts up... There is a slight issue on the dockers that the author is addressing. The "extra parameters" tip solves it...
  14. There is nothing I can do to "fix" this as the template is working as designed, I am not sure that Limetech will change the operation of unRaid. The solution is to use v6.4 and giving the pihole docker its own IP address.
  15. Yep diginc docker update is broken :-( https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/issues/208 Change the repository to diginc/pi-hole:debian_v3.1.4 for a temporary fix until the request above is fixed.
  16. I have just updated it - thanks for the heads-up!
  17. Are you starting this from docker manager tab is ServerIP = the ip of the new ip for the docker that you have given it?
  18. Ben wrote this Node - would be best to ask him: https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2013/10/02/node-red-delay-node-formally-pause-node/. BTW, You can find all sorts of flows and nodes here: https://flows.nodered.org/ You might want to look at BigTimer by Pete Scargill for controlling lights - It is what I use.
  19. yes - all in docker images. Influx/grafana is great for timeseries data. NodeRed (with NodeRed dashboard) makes integrating this very easy. Can create switches etc. the BigTimer node can be use to scheduler things (including offsets to dawn/dusk) Lots of nice videos on youtube if you are not sure how to use it.
  20. I just use voice (via Alexa) to control things. I have used Imperihome (android/ios) and NodeRed dashboard in the past
  21. I use: device -> mqtt -> node red -> influxdb -> grafana (dashboard) alexa -> node red -> (custom skills) I havent used Dashing for a while.... Data is still being sent to CouchDB but I may switch that off as I'm not really using it. Tony
  22. It seems that 6.4 unraid supports ipv6, pihole supports ipv6 but even when you choose (in the template) ipv6 = True, the options are greyed out....not sure... You could try changing the repository to point to one of the other builds https://hub.docker.com/r/diginc/pi-hole/tags/ - but I couldnt get the latest debian_dev to work. The template uses "alpine" although alpine_dev also works
  23. Nothing to do with the template as it just deploys the (semi)official docker image, thats all..... Here are the docs for it: https://github.com/apache/couchdb-docker . Can you see if this helps?
  24. @Mlatx I have just changed the couchdb v2 template so it should be picked up soon. If you cant wait, click edit on the icon and change the Repository to apache/couchdb
  25. I will take a look at this for you. I use 2.0.0 and have a _users db. I see that the registry moved hence the upgrade to 2.1.1 didnt happen. My template just fronts the dockers built by klaemo. It may take a day or two as I am travelling at the moment. Tony
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