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  1. If you use docker compose to call your containers than you should use service's names instead of container's names from the docker-compose.yml file. In your case: docker compose -f '/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/paperless-ngx/docker-compose.yml' exec -T webserver document_exporter /mnt/user/backup/paperless-ng or simple use docker directly with the name of your container: docker exec -it paperless_ngx-webserver-1 document_exporter /mnt/user/backup/paperless-ng
  2. Hi. Can you fix something from the issues which are addressed in the topic [6.12.4] 'DOCKER' TAB SHOWS INCORRECT\UNREADABLE INFORMATION ?
  3. Is the 'Docker' page supposed to correctly display containers\stacks created by a Docker Compose file? I've encountered several issues in this case. They appear as shown in the screenshot below: The required custom Docker networks were created using the code: docker network create revers-proxy docker network create homeassistant Below are some basic network settings that might be helpful: Settings -> Network Settings -> Enable bridging: No Settings -> Docker -> Preserve user defined networks: Yes Settings -> Docker -> Host access to custom networks: Enabled For my test, I created a simple 'docker-compose.yml' file: I'd like to address the following issues visible in the screenshot above: 1) Long network IDs are displayed instead of names. 2) In case of the nginx-proxy-manager container, only a single network is displayed, even though the container is attached to two different networks in the Compose file. 3) The nginx-proxy-manager container has several port mappings ('80:80', '443:443', '81:81') in the Compose file, but these mappings are not displayed in the corresponding column on the user interface. 4) Incorrect port mappings are displayed for the zigbee2mqtt container. Although it has no mappings in the Compose file, the UI shows port mapping 8123, which is actually a port of the Home Assistant container attached to the HOST network. 5) A minor user interface improvement can be made for long container names. For example, it would be better if the zigbee2mqtt container's name is positioned on the right next to the icon and not shifted down. Again, these issues are related to running containers using a Docker Compose file. When I tested this configuration by creating apps from the CA store, everything appeared to be correct:
  4. It would be pleased! As for me the only unintuitive result in the current version is that my ZFS disks in the Array spin up unexpectedly. Thank you for your work!
  5. I thought that the feature with "Manual refresh" or "No refresh" could have been implemented in a slightly different way. For example, if I select 'No refresh' in the options, then the plugin shouldn't load any ZFS-related information when visiting the Main page, not even the Pools list. I believe that most people in that topic were thinking the same way when they asked for this feature to be implemented.
  6. Does it mean that every time I visit the Main page the plugin requests at least basic information about existing Pools (even if Lazy loading is enabled) and spins up ZFS disks?
  7. Hi. Can we have an option in the plugin settings to query any ZFS related information(pools, snapshots, etc.) only by clicking that "Reload" button on the plugin section? It would be good to have such an option to not spin up disks on visiting the Main page every time.