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  1. I created a VM awhile back and just getting around to working with it. For some reason I can't find the vdisk for it and believe I had done something with Unassigned Devices, just can't figure it out. If I go to the VM it shows the disk is /dev/nvme2n1p2 but when i goto the unassigned devices I found the nvme2n1 device. But the one partition it is pointing to doesn't seem to be mounted, which kinda makes sense cause it looks like the VM is using it. Trying to find out what I did so I can make some notes on it.
  2. I was able to get this up and running, however, I am seeing lines (at times) on videos being transcoded. Trying to figure out what is going on with the hardware transcoding.
  3. I ended up figuring it out I believe. I had been commenting out the user/pass section in plateminder for mqtt, however, I believe it was needing it. Being that the setting was in there I thought it was optional. After configuring the user/pass on mqtt and in plateminder for it, it is now functioning. Going to see if I can get the Home Assistant portion going and then will see how it goes.
  4. Having an issue getting Plateminder to install properly. I have installed both dockers below: open-alpr-http-wrapper platminder I have a separate vlan that is created on the unRaid server: Both of these containers have static IPs assigned to them. I did notice that when i initally created the plateminder docker the config.yaml was created as a directory instead of a file. Also, there were no permissions on the docker so I added to keys for the PUID and PGID to be 99/100. I am a little confused on the plateminder config below is what I currently have: ############### sources: # Have an RTSP stream? - type: rtsp name: frLPR url: 'rtsp://plateminder:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0' # How often an image should be captured. # Increments are in seconds. Fractional values (i.e. "0.5") can be used for # sub-second capturing. captureInterval: 1 # By default, plate-minder will restart a source if it ends with an error # code. Setting alwaysRestart to true will restart a source whether it ends # with an error code or not. alwaysRestart: false # Globally applied filters # Filter jpeg frames. Currently 'motion' and 'mask' filters are available. # Filters are processed in the order they are defined filters: # Masks out a portion of the frame. Note that any pixels within the mask # cannot be used for detection. - type: mask # Optional. Outputs an image to the './data' path # debug: true shapes: # Shapes are a series of x/y coordinates - 1267,0,1920,0,1920,100,1267,100 # Timestamp, top right # Crops the frame down to the largest area of motion detection - type: motion # Optional. Outputs an image to the './data' path # debug: true openALPR: # Path to ALPRToHTTP server url: # OpenALPR supports the following country codes: # "au" => Australia # "auwide" => Australia Wide # "br" => Brazil # "br2" => Brazil Two Line # "eu" => Europe # "fr" => France # "gb" => United Kingdom # "in" => India # "kr" => South Korea # "kr2" => South Korea Two Line # "mx" => Mexico # "sg" => Singapore # "us" => United States # "vn2" => Vietnam Two Line country_code: 'us' # Attempts to match the plate number against a plate pattern # (e.g. md for Maryland, ca for California) # OpenALPR supports the following pattern codes based on the selected country # See: https://github.com/openalpr/openalpr/tree/master/runtime_data/postprocess pattern: 'us' # optional # Record detected license plate information recorders: # Output to a SQLite database - type: sqlite # Output to an MQTT host - type: mqtt url: <mqtt address> # Optional - Default base topic is 'plate-minder' baseTopic: plate-minder # Optional - Home Assistant Auto Discovery support. hassDiscovery: enable: true discoveryPrefix: homeassistant # Connection options can be found here: # https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#client #mqttOptions: username: username password: mypassword # Output files to a folder - type: file # Naming pattern of files to store. # Tokens ({{DATE}}, {{TIME}}, {{SOURCE}}, and {{PLATE}}) are replaced with # dynamic values. pattern: './data/images/{{DATE}}/{{SOURCE}}/{{TIME}}_{{PLATE}}.jpeg' # Files older than retainDays will be removed. retainDays: 30 ############### I set the openalpr address and port but not sure which mqtt server address to use. If I take the record section out of the config, it seems to start up. I would like to have this integrated into Home Assistant but there isn't much documentation for it. Would also like to have the web portion of plateminder too but don't see that in unraid.
  5. So I was looking to possibly get rid of a Raspberry Pi which does a Slideshow for us on our TVs throughout the church. I attempted to look for a docker that would give me the same functionality but couldn't find anything. Looking at the above progress, I am guessing I need to see about going another route.
  6. ## Duplicacy Docker ## I noticed the version that is running looks to be 3.1.0, any idea on plans to updating to the latest version. Looks like Sharepoint support was added in 3.2.2 or 3.2.3. When can we expect the CLI version to be updated from 3.1.0?
  7. Unable to get email working in the snipe-it docker. Has anyone else got this working? ### EmailSend Test Mail could not be sent. Error: undefined This will attempt to send a test mail to ${MAIL_ENV_FROM_ADDR}. ###
  8. I am trying to sync a "Sharepoint" location. I have read the link for the project but it isn't clear how to incorporate that into the docker setup. I was able to get my Sharepoint ID just trying to see how to allow that to sync with the docker and pull in my Sharepoint.
  9. I will take a look. I had a Quadro P600 sitting around so I swapped it for the 2000 and it is being seen in the server. I started another post due to some other issues I am seeing. Thanks for the assist.
  10. I am on a new install, Dell R730XD, and have been running into some issues. At boot periodically having issues with what seems like the usb drive not being found. Reboot once or twice and it comes up. When it comes up, sometimes it comes up with a "Tower: " prompt and no IP address on the system. I attempt to login with the root user/pass that I setup and it doesn't work. I end up rebooting and eventually I get the system up and running. Once I get the system up and running, I see long wait times on docker and vm manager starting up. Causing real slow web browsing. Eventually, they do load but still have some slow or sluggishness on the system. Below is the hardware that I am running: Dell R730XD - Dual 2698v4 processors with 128GiB of memory - Sabrent - Quad Drive NVMe to PCIe 4.0x card - In Slot 6, an x16 slot, with Slot Bifurcation turned on 4x4x4x4 - Pools - Cache Pool - nvme0n1 and nvme1n1 - configured in Cache Pool (configured for redundancy) - SSD Cache Pool - 2 SAS SSD 1.9TB drives (no protection using all 4TB) - Unassigned Devices - nvme2n1 (only 2 partitions created so far) - vm-storage-pool - 700GB - using for Virtual Machines - pdwvcadc01 - 2 cpus (cpu21/61) and 8GB of Ram (2019 AD Domain Controller) - OS Drive - /mnt/disks/vm-storage-pool/domains/pdwvcadc01/vdisk1.qcow2 - VMDK converted to qcow2 - pdwvcadc02 - 2 cpus (cpu21/61) and 8GB of Ram (2019 AD Domain Controller) - OS Drive - /mnt/disks/vm-storage-pool/domains/pdwvcadc02/vdisk1.qcow2 - VMDK converted to qcow2 - pdlvcapp02 - 4 cpus (12/52 and 13/53) 8GB of Ram (newly installed VM, nothing really running on it yet) - OS Drive - /mnt/disks/vm-storage-poo/domains/pdlvcapp02/vdisk1.img - Built with Unraid VM Manager - BlueIris - 4 cpus (22/62 and 23/63) 16GB of Ram (newly installed VM on Blue Iris running yet but will be) - OS Drive - /mnt/disks/nvme2n1p2 - Built with Unraid VM Manager - Blue Iris - 100GB - OS drive for Blue Iris VM - nvme3n1 - Not using currently but has a partition on it - Quadro P600 card in one of the half height riser slots - 2 SAS SSD 1.9TB drives (rear of box) - 2 10TB Parity Drives - 4 10TB Data Drives Docker Manager docker vDisk location - /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img Default appdata storage location: - /mnt/cache/appdata VM Manager Libvirt storage location: - /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img Default VM Storage Path: - /mnt/disks/vm-storage-pool/domains Default ISO storage path: - /mnt/ssd-cache/isos Networking - I currently have my 2 1gig interfaces in 802.3ad and have the switch configured for it as well. - Default network is - with being the gateway - BlueIris and pdlvcapp02 running of this one. - Vlan added to interface - VLAN 10 - being the gateway - pdavcadc01 and 02 are running off this vlan Let me know if there are any questions. I may have some items to clean up because I had started doing things one way on this rebuild and realized I wanted to go a different route. pdlvcunraid01-diagnostics-20231101-1658.zip
  11. What would be something equivalent that I could go with in order to be able to use it for Plex Transcoding? This server is setup in our church and I got rid of all DVD players like 2-3 years ago. Been running a vmWare stack for the last couple years and looking to kill that expense and go down to something a little less power hungry and more of an all in one.
  12. Ya I realize the card isn't being recognized. The fan comes on and all it's just like it's not there. That is why I was curious if other users with a dell r730xd had the 750w or the 1100w power supply. Reading the Dell Manual it states that for GPUs you need the 1100w power supply. So, not sure if they just don't allow it to be enabled if you don't use the higher end PSU. Not sure how they would regulate that and all. I will see if I can put it into another system and then see what it does. I did end up ordering the 1100w power supplies, should be here Tuesday.
  13. here is a Diagnostics dump. pdlvcunraid01-diagnostics-20231029-0610.zip I only have 2 750w power supplies in my 730xd so not sure if that could be my prob or not. I read in the manual with the GPUs you needed 1100w. Just wondering if others who have a r730xd with a quadro card working are using the higher wattage power supply.
  14. I have a new install on a Dell R730XD server and I am looking to install a Quadro P2000 on it. I have Unraid installed and working with the Nvidia Driver installed, however, it is not seeing my card. I know there are people that are using the same card on a r730xd and wondering what was done to allow it to work? I am using dual 750w power supplies, do I need to upgrade to the 1100watt ones? Let me know what info you may need.
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