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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You can also look for the the 6 port Asmedia ASM1166, but make sure it's that chip, there are some 6 port models that use the 2 port ASM1161 and a SATA port multiplier, and those are no good.
  2. This would be better asked in the preclear support thread, but looks like it aborted due to low memory.
  3. Start a transfer to the array with turbo write enable and grab the diagnostics after the transfer slows down.
  4. Do this: With the array stopped, if Docker/VM services are using the cache pool disable them, unassign all cache devices, start array to make Unraid "forget" current cache config, stop array, reassign all cache devices (there can't be an "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" warning for any cache device), re-enable Docker/VMs if needed, start array.
  5. You can boot using GUI mode to reconfigure the LAN, if that's not possible delete network.cfg and network-rules.cfg on /boot/config and reboot.
  6. This an Unraid issue, not btrfs, corrected on v6.9, though if you have an odd number of devices using raid1 it will still be wrong, and that is a btrfs issue.
  7. The ebay link doesn't mention the backplane model, nor can I see by the photos, but most likely it's an expander backplane, so you need an HBA.
  8. Try this and then post the log. P.S. cache fs is corrupt, likely because of all the crashing.
  9. How many drives on the chassis? If more than 8 it has an expander backplane, so you'd need a SAS HBA to connect it.
  10. That rules out the expander, do you have cables to connect some of the drives to the onboard SATA controller, to rule out the HBA?
  11. They will all work, just need the correct cables.
  12. Of the drives you currently have these are SMR: ST5000DM000 and ST8000DM004
  13. Parity and Parity2 are SMR, you could replace them with the the WDs and then try the same transfer to another WD (or other non SMR drive).
  14. You posted: Didn't even notice it is the full diags, that is enough.
  15. And it throttled to the same 24MB/s?
  16. Please post the full diagnostics instead, grabbed during a transfer.
  17. Unlikely to be a disk problem, could be power, controller, expander, etc, I would first try not using the expander, you won't be able to use all the drives but do it for testing.
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