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Everything posted by SidebandSamurai

  1. Hi, Your Recycle bin will not help you because it is for your locally installed hard drives, not any network attached drives. I understand this is urgent. Please read this thread on the forum and see if anything there can help you. This should be the answer you are looking for. Not sarcastic again ... but this took me 5 minutes to find. Take the time to do the research! That is why the forums are here. Please post back and let us know if you need additional help. --Sideband Samurai
  2. Hi, Well, the official unraid wiki states this: Even though the title does say "Remove one or more data disks" looks like everyone missed this one, because that statement looks like its a troubleshooting step, even thought its under " Disk configuration changes" Lets see .... Oh look, the FAQ has something to say: I really don't mean to be sarcastic, but a little research work, and you would have found your answer. This took me 15 minutes. Sideband Samurai.
  3. Hi, Not a dumb question at all. The source drive is connected directly to the system board via SATA cable. Its an internally mounted 160GB drive I use to temporarily store my DVD and Blueray rips. Once the drive gets full, then I do a bulk copy using teracopy. This was when I noticed that it appeared that I was a little speed challenged. Each file (mostly DVD's at this point) are around 4GB-8GB in size. You bring up a good point though, and I have already addressed this. This temp drive was reporting a SMART problem. Examine the smart table it showed repeated sector errors. The drive failed HP's DPS test. I have since replaced it with another 160GB drive that has no problems. I will see how this is working and post back -- also I am in the process of upgrading to 5 RC2 (or 3 what ever is the latest). so I have disabled all plug-ins and went with the stock go script in preparation for the upgrade. I will be purchasing a license and a couple of 3TB drives soon which is why I need to upgrade. I might just re-enable unmenu to perform the IPperf test. Thanks for your help. Sideband Samurai
  4. Hi, I know this has been asked of you already but make sure you check your DNS AGAIN. Even though you are accessing it directly by IP, the DNS server will attempt to look up the IP address using the reverse look up method. The pausing you are experiencing is because the DNS server is timing out looking for the Unraid server and your computer then reverts to WINS to figure out what IP your unraid system is actually at. If you are not using DNS, then add it to your hosts file. The hosts file is located under c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. The file is called hosts. It will be much easier to add the DNS entry to your router DNS service, then restest again. Sometimes windows will have a default file already there called hosts.sam. Rename hosts.sam to hosts and add your unraid server to it. Read the comments in the file and follow the example contained in the file. There should be no need to reboot. You can then test your configuration by opening up a command prompt and typing: nslookup <name of your unraid server> Here is an example of how I tested my network: BTW bluemaumau is my routers host name, davyjones is the host name of my unraid server. and it is at IP address C:\Users\SidebandSamurai>nslookup Default Server: bluemaumau Address: > davyjones Server: bluemaumau Address: Name: davyjones.shipwreckcove.net Address: > It should immediately respond with the ip address of the name of the unraid server and its ip address. If there is a delay, or it looks like the error below, then either you do not have the hosts file in the correct format, or in some rare cases you will need to reboot, or you might need to restart your router. An Error would look something like this: > davy Server: bluemaumau Address: *** bluemaumau can't find davy: Non-existent domain > The fact that it works some times and does not work other times is because there is a certain amount of time DNS entries are cached in memory. After the cache expires, that is where you experience the delay, the DNS server times out looking for your unraid server and WINS takes over. WINS will automatically update DNS cache when it finds your machine. Hence the delays. Oh yea, I am a big Pirates of the Caribbean fan so my whole network is named after places, ships or locations mentioned in those movies. Good Luck Sideband Samurai
  5. I am actually thinking about upgrading to the version 5 RC. but I will give iperf a try.
  6. Hi, Sorry, am I missing something here. Why 777. That's a big security hole. This means the file is Executable, Readable and Writable by the World, Group and Owner on that system. Please let me explain. In file security on a Linux system, when you say 777 the first 7 tells you how the 'World' access that file. With a 7 in that position you are saying that EVERYONE properly authenticated to your network weather on your server physically, or authenticated through LDAP, will have Read, Write and Execute privileges to that file. Next is Group access, With a 7 set for group access, anyone assigned to that group will have full (Read, Write and Execute) privileges. Lastly the last 7 is Owner access, which tells me that the Owner has full privileges also. Remember that Text files can be executed as programs. You should NEVER set the execute bit unless that text file is a script (Pearl, Python shell script) of some kind. Remember the Acronym WGO (World, Group, Owner) when trying to understand how this works. so WGO 777 Essentially EVERYONE that has access to that server would be able to do something with that file. Really, why do you need 777? Why does it only work on 777. You should be asking yourself these questions. Only grant access to files with enough security to do the job. NOTHING MORE. Get into the habit of setting up the security correctly to begin with, and understanding what file security means in a Linux/Unix world. Granted if this is for home, then there is really no issue, but in an enterprise environment, this is a huge no no. CentOS 6 had a major upgrade to Samba. You will need to read the docs and examine your config file to make sure you have the options set correctly to make sure the share is setting the file permissions correctly when writing the file. --Sideband Samurai
  7. @dgaschk thank you. Here is what you asked for: 1. ifconfig: root@DavyJones:~# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:17:a4:17:c9:4f inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:47268135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:56522497 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:329428784 (314.1 MiB) TX bytes:4172448545 (3.8 GiB) Interrupt:17 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:560 (560.0 B) TX bytes:560 (560.0 B) root@DavyJones:~# 2. ethtool eth0: root@DavyJones:~# ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Speed: 1000Mb/s Duplex: Full Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 1 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: on Supports Wake-on: g Wake-on: g Current message level: 0x000000ff (255) Link detected: yes root@DavyJones:~# 3. hdparm: root@DavyJones:~# hdparm -tT /dev/[hs]d? /dev/sda: Timing cached reads: 2212 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1106.20 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 350 MB in 3.02 seconds = 116.07 MB/sec /dev/sdb: Timing cached reads: 2740 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1370.86 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 326 MB in 3.01 seconds = 108.39 MB/sec /dev/sdc: Timing cached reads: 2766 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1383.45 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 336 MB in 3.02 seconds = 111.36 MB/sec /dev/sdd: Timing cached reads: 2784 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1392.44 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 76 MB in 3.06 seconds = 24.80 MB/sec root@DavyJones:~# Attached is the syslog. This system is a HP xw4300 with 512MB ram and 3 Western digital Elements 2 TB drives. The Model number is:WDBAAU0020HBK-NESN I got these drives at the height of the Hard Drive shortage and only paid 120 a piece for them, when the going price was over $280 each. I removed the hard drives from their case and used these as the beginnings of my media server. This system comes with 6 SATA ports on the mother board. You can see the actual model at this link here: http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/12260_na/12260_na.HTML The system contains a Intel Pentium 4 processor 630 supporting Hyper-Threading Technology (3.00 GHz/2 MB, 800 FSB, Single Core) This system is only temporary, as the wife has ordered me to install additional drives so that we can put our whole library of DVDS on the system, so that will also mean new system entirely. Meanwhile, as I have started moving all her horror films over (in preparation for Halloween), this is when i noticed the system was not transferring files as fast as I thought it should. With the change in flow control, I was able to achieve an improvement of 50%. That is, normally tera copy would hover between 8mb/s to 15 mb/s. Now I am seeing about 15mb/s to 25mb/s with it usually sitting between 18mb/s and 22mb/s IMHO, this is why I am thinking that my cable connections are not at fault. If they had been, I might not have seen such an improvement. Of course now thinking about it, it is possible I have slow hard drives that are causing this problem. After all the Elements drives are not known to be speed daemons. A little bit about me: I have been in computers since 1980 (were there computers way back then? Oh yes, TRS-80 Model I) and while in the NAVY I was operating a Keypro 10 running cp/m with DBASE II installed to maintain maintenance records of our ship. These records were routinely reviewed by the captain to help him determine the battle readiness of his ship. It was the first PC system aboard a Navy ship to accomplish this. Today, I just completed a project with the Orange County Airport (California) upgrading their computers and servers to bring them into the 21st century. I am open to any suggestions and will try anything if it seems reasonable enough. If I think something does not seem right, or I don't understand the request, then i will question it. Thanks again for all your help. This Forum has been excellent. --Sideband Samurai syslog-2012-08-21.txt
  8. ... and i was able to confirm from the Broadcom site that my Ethernet adapter does not support jumbo frames. hmmm. Any other suggestions would be welcome at this point. Sincerely, Sideband Samurai
  9. All; if I enter the command ifconfig eth0 mtu 9014 i receive an Invalid Option error if I enter the command ifconfig eth0 mtu 1412 I receive no error and the MTU is set to 1412 if I enter the command ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500 I receive no error and the MTU is set to 1500. The built in Ethernet card I have is a Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet. it seems to me that there is not an option on these cards to set the MTU. As I look on my windows 7 machine (I have two HP xw4300) I don't see an option to set the MTU here either. Hmmm looks like I will have to get an Intel Gigabit Ethernet Card unless I find out how to set the MTU on these cards. --Sideband Samurai
  10. @Lainie I will check the connections but they are the locking type. Even if the cables are bad, I am unable to replace them at this time. I changed the flow control and saw an improvement. I am now copying files between 15MB a sec and 19MB a sec. It is no longer dropping to the single digits when copying now. What about the MTA. What should that be set to? On the Windows machine, I also saw a setting for Jumbo frames. Can that improve anything? Thanks for the suggestions they are working. Sincerley, Sideband Samurai
  11. all; from the workstation to the switch Windows 7 shows a 1GB connection. unraid shows the following: root@DavyJones:~# dmesg | grep -i eth0 eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95752) rev 6001] (PCI Express) MAC address 00:17:a4:17:c9:4f eth0: attached PHY is 5752 (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) (WireSpeed[1]) eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] TSOcap[1] eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] dma_mask[64-bit] tg3: eth0: Link is up at 1000 Mbps, full duplex. tg3: eth0: Flow control is on for TX and on for RX. root@DavyJones:~# @Joe L. No I am not transferring small files, I am transferring LARGE files 4 to 8 GB in size. @ Seanant: All cables are brand new. What MTU should it be set at. Everything is a default install. With both the Windows 7 machine and the Unraid server. The version of the server is 4.7 right now, and its running unmenu. I do see that flow control is NOT enabled on the Windows 7 machine. I will enable flow control on windows 7 and report back. Thanks for the help. Sideband Samurai
  12. All, Do I have something wrong? I am only getting 13 to 20MB/s when transferring files from my workstation to the server. A lot of times it will be between 8 and 10 mb. I have 512MB on the server. I am using a HP XW4300 and the unregistered community edition. I am connected to a Gig switch, I have verified that all systems are connected and have a Gig link. Thanks for your help. Sideband Samurai
  13. Because it was requested, here are some Pics, and thanks for asking. Its an '82 Honda Goldwing I have had it since 1998, and I have put over 100,000 miles on it myself and I bought it with 30,000. I just recently rebuilt the top end, and has been out of service for 4 years. Here is a picture of the motorcycle when the fuel tank was removed. I needed to remove it and have the tank lined to prevent rust from forming in the future. When removed it sounded like it was full of sand, but actually it was the rust coming loose. It kind of shows what I went through just to remove the gas tank for maintenance. And here is the finished Product. These pictures were taken at work.: I still have to re-do the carbs. This morning it ate 3/4 a tank of gas to only go 60 miles. I did discover when I got to work that one of the plugs was fouled due to flooding (stuck float again). Dirt is coming loose in the carb as I use the bike, (because I did not clean it correctly) and sometimes gets stuck between the seat and the float valve, causing the float to sick open. I carry a plastic hammer just for this purpose, so I knocked on the carb with the suck float to loosen it and get it to close, then cleaned up the plug. Hopefully I won't go broke putting gas in this while going home. Good luck with that upgrade. I am certain it will go just fine. BTW Disk1 and Disk2 are the default shares created when you built the server. These shares are direct access to each individual physical hard drive. Between the two shares, this contains all the files you have placed in your user share. Your user share (the one you created) as well as DISK1 and DISK2 are one in the same. So don't delete files on Disk1 or Disk2 because you think they are duplicates. They are not. I believe you should also have a "Flash" share. This is the share that is also your USB drive. you could make copies from this share with out shutting down your server, but I would recommend a shutdown then a complete copy of the usb drive as a backup, then begin your upgrade. -- Sideband Samurai
  14. Please don't take any shortcuts. I learned the lesson the hard way with my motorcycle. (little off topic) I rebuilt the carbs but because I needed the bike running right away, I made many shortcuts. The result is a really crappy running bike. (Sticking Float valves and the like). That's because I did not take the time to properly clean the carbs. Now I have to take the carbs out again and re-do the job the right way, properly. And let me tell you, getting the carbs out of the bike is a pain in the A**. Follow the instructions above. Also make note all drive manufacturer and drive models with Firmware revisions. I believe the WEB interface shows this info. Make sure these drives are up to date on the firmware, as some versions of firmware may cause issues with unraid. Take your time, read the upgrade documentation, and you will come out of this just fine. Personally, I have not bothered to upgrade yet to 5 (on 4.7) because I don't have the need for 3TB support. As the release date gets closer (as it appears to be right now) I will make the upgrade to RC. Good luck, there are many people here that will help you out if you have questions or get into trouble. Make sure you back up your flash drives before proceeding with the upgrade. -- Sideband Samurai
  15. Well I agree with all the comments. I don't think Tom is responsible for the broken driver though. He is waiting on Linux development to fix the issue. And getting this issue addressed by the proper developers is like steering the Titanic away from the ice burg ... its real slow. In light of the problem, wouldn't replacing the NIC with one that is stable and works solve your problem? Its not an elegant solution, but gets you working in a more stable environment. It it were me, and I had the slot available, that's where I would go. With out even thinking about it. Then I would continue to monitor the situation until its resolved. That way you don't have to loose what remaining hair you might have trying to get the kernel to compile properly. Whats really nice about this solution, is you don't have to worry about upgrades, taking out your nicely compiled driver and just simply ruining your day. Instead you would be out riding your motorcycle enjoying your weekend! Just my 2 cents -- Sideband Samurai
  16. Why not replace the Realteck NIC with an Intel one and solve all the problems. ... just a thought
  17. There should be no FEATURE REQUESTS made in this forum, when you are in Release Candidate phase. Please don't post these requests here. Only bug reports on existing features should be reported here so that they can get the product released. Sincerely, Sideband Samurai
  18. Well I need to get my server built so I ordered 3. Its better than paying 129 for them. Or worse 149 which is what I am seeing off the shelf pricing at Frys. Sideband Samurai
  19. Yea, that was the same one I had asked about also. So for SoCal anyway they are sold out.
  20. for the Hitichi's only available in Woodland Hills. I just ordred mine. Sideband Samurai
  21. Just checked availability in Southern CA: -- in short Not available. Fountain Valley, CA 10800 Kalama River Ave Map 0.00 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available Anaheim, CA 3370 East La Palma Ave Map 10.03 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available City of Industry, CA 13401 Crossroads Parkway North Map 23.37 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available Manhattan Beach, CA 3600 Sepulveda Blvd Map 28.44 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available Burbank, CA 2311 N. Hollywood Way Map 39.31 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available Woodland Hills, CA 6100 Canoga Ave Map 49.83 item unavailable 6618974 SEAGATE BARRACUDA GREEN 2TB SERIAL ATA/600 5900RPM 64MB BUFFER HARD DRIVE - ST2000DL003 Not Available
  22. Found This deal at Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136471&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL030612&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL030612-_-EMC-030612-Index-_-ExternalHardDrives-_-22136471-L08A Use promo Code EMCNGND36 for $70.00 off of price. Total out the door $109.00 You can order more than one at a time. Though $109 still pretty high, at least its the cheapest I have seen in a while. The $99 dollar one at Frys are sold out except for one store. and thats too far for me to drive. Sideband Samurai
  23. Yup you are correct. My mistake for keeping old flyers around the house. I thought this was the new one. Prices good 10/17 thru 10/30/2011 hmmm little stale if you ask me. Ok in the trash it goes. Sorry about that.
  24. Hi everyone, Found this in the weekly flyer from MicroCenter: Cavier Green 2TB SATA 3GB/s: ITEM# 610857 -> $79.99 Looks like hard drives are starting to fall back into place after the flooding. I am thinking by February the prices will be a lot more normal than they have been. I have seen a 35% to 40% drop in pricess. Last October I saw prices around $230 for 2GB and now in December I am seeing them on NewEgg for around $159 Sideband Samurai
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