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Everything posted by dboonthego

  1. Does the Unraid OS update notification compete with unassigned devices notification in the banner? Meaning if both are available, do they cycle over each other front to back, back to front or show as separate notifications? I can't recall specifically. I swear I clicked to update unassigned devices, but apparently I clicked the OS upgrade link and I guess it just proceeds without any confirmation :-/ I wasn't prepared to do that, but hopefully all is good.
  2. Yes, all is good now. I almost want to revert to 6.9 for curiosity sake and see if simply setting SSL from 'Auto' to 'Yes' would have done it. I never tried it. I thought it would lock me out of the GUI.
  3. I'm not using an unraid.net cert; just the self-signed [server].local cert. The irony is I went down this HTTPS rabbit trail while preparing to upgrade the OS. I successfully upgraded to 6.11.5 and set SSL=Yes and it works. The options are different now (No, Yes, Auto) vs. (No, Yes Strict). Pre-upgrade with SSL=Auto, I saw nothing listening on 443. Not sure why that was, but it's the reason for the [RST, ACK] reset packets. Maybe I just needed to set SSL=Yes instead of Auto? Or maybe the upgrade resolved it? Or maybe I'll never know? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. When I navigate to the Unraid Web GUI using HTTPS 443, the browser returns "This site can't be reached. [server] refused to connect" ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Wireshark capture shows the Unraid server is receiving a [SYN] packet and immediately replies with [RST,ACK]. Unraid acknowledged the connection but doesn't like something and closed it. I've always used the GUI over HTTP 80 and to be honest I don't know if 443 has ever worked, but Settings=>Management Access has SSL/TLS set to Auto and HTTPS port is set to 443. Unraid version is 6.9.1. I'm not trying to connect from internet, just trying to connect from within local network with self-signed cert. Any ideas?
  5. #1 - An 8TB needs to be the parity (has to be equal or larger than other data disks). It sounds like you have existing data on them. You can assign parity, data, cache disks, but keep in mind they will be formatted. It is also recommended to pre-clear them first with unassigned devices pre-clear plugin. #2 - You can define file distribution on a per share basis and also choose to include or exclude specific disks. Fill up, span evenly, most available space. etc. #3 - It's not recommended to expose your server to the internet. Most routers have VPN option. You can use that with openvpn software/mobile app to connect. #4 - Cache disk is not required, but definitely recommended for performance; especially if you plan to run dockers/VMs. If you set your share(s) to use cache, files are copied faster to cache and moved slower to parity protected array off hours via scheduled job. Data while on single cache disk is susceptible to loss due to failure, but a 2nd cache in a pool buys you fault tolerance. #5 - You can store a VM on any disk, but this is typically your cache disk. There is a plug-in called Unassigned Devices which allows the ability to mount a disk and use it outside of parity protection. You can control the location of the virtual disks from VM setup settings. Unraid places them by default in a domains share on cache. I don't think unraid supports direct disk VMs. I haven't used unraid for VMs much. Hope this helps you.
  6. I'm looking to purchase one or more controller(s) to maximize my SATA ports while maintaining Unraid stability. Right now, I'm using all six onboard SATA 6Gb/s connections for 2 SSD cache, 1 HDD parity, and 3 HDD data. Slots available: (2) PCIe x1, (2) PCIe x16, (1) M.2 32Gb/s I was considering purchasing these cards having JMicron JMB582 Chipset on the recommended list. Any input?? IO CREST 2 Port SATA III PCI-e 3.0 x1 IO CREST Internal 5 Port Non-RAID SATA III 6GB/s M.2 B+M
  7. See 4 posts up. The work-around is to use previous version v1.24.2. Edit the docker settings and change the repository value to jlesage/handbrake:v1.24.2
  8. I pulled down version 1.24.2 by editing the docker repository value. from: jlesage/handbrake to: jlesage/handbrake:v1.24.2 The automatic conversion immediately kicked off without permission issue.
  9. Is nobody else experiencing permission issues? I'm at a loss. If anyone has any ideas, please share. I've tried: Re-installing the docker, using defaults Created new public handbrake share with watch and output folders. Verified permissions unraid watch folder permissions: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 51 Aug 1 18:10 watch/ unraid output folder permissions: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 6 Aug 1 18:04 output/ container watch folder permisions: drwxrwxrwx 1 app users 51 Aug 1 18:10 watch container output folder permissions: drwxrwxrwx 1 app users 6 Aug 1 18:04 output Set "Use cache pool" in share settings to 'No' (also tried 'Yes' with #5 below) Tried all 3 read/write access modes (read/write ..slave.. shared) ID if the user the application runs as: 99 ID of the group the applicaion runs as: 100 I struggle to understand if this is on unRAID or Handbrake side. This seems to be the code where the error come from. # Skip video if it is not readable. if [ ! -r "$video" ]; then log "Skipping '$video': not readable, check permissions." return fi
  10. Error: [autovideoconverter] Skipping '/watch/TEST_MOVIE': not readable, check permissions. Unraid: 6.9.1 Handbrake 1.5.1 I'm new to using this HandBrake docker and am also having trouble with auto video conversion /watch. A manual conversion of the same folder is successful so the path(s) are read/writeable. Any ideas? Shares: /watch : /mnt/user/movies/TEST/ : (public) /output : /mnt/user/mkv/ : (public) Watch folder permissions: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 32 Jul 26 21:22 TEST_MOVIE/
  11. Okay, thanks for the link. So it seems one and two way sync are future enhancements. That compounds my confusion about the sync option though.
  12. It's set to keep the file in the original location, but auto upload is working well. Taping the folder's three dot menu from the Android Nextcloud app shows "Add to Favorites, Details, Rename, Move, Copy, Sync, Delete" as available options. It's Sync that I don't understand. What does this do? I haven't been able to determine; it doesn't seem to do anything. My goal is to keep the auto upload folder in sync with the device. I have auto upload configured on the phone's camera folder. New photos are uploaded to server as expected. When photos are deleted from the phone, I'd like them to be deleted from the server.
  13. I'm using Nextcloud v20 with Android 3.16.0 app. Can anyone explain how sync works? Is it one way sync? Two way? Server to device or device to server? Etc.. I created a test folder and setup auto upload. New files are uploaded as expected. If I delete files in the test folder on the server, they are not deleted from the device. If I delete test files from the device, they are not deleted from the server. If I manually exec a sync, the files receive a green checkmark in the app, but it's not obvious what that means and I see no evidence of a sync.
  14. Thanks, I kind of figured that to be the resolution, but I suppose I don't completely understand why I need to choose a value which is equal or greater than the biggest file copied to the share.
  15. My array uses 3 data disks on unRAID 6.7.0. I have a share using the fill-up method having Minimum free space = 0KB; Split level =Automaticly split any; Included disk(s) = All; Excluded disk(s) = Disk 2; Use cache disk = No. The share should be using Disk1 and Disk3. Disk 1 is full with 515MB free. Disk 3 has 1.74TB free. The share reports 1.74TB free. I tried to copy a folder containing 40GB to the share (a VM consisting of some small 512KB files and larger 4GB files). It takes an extremely long time (350 KB/s) and eventually dies reporting there is not enough disk space. I don't understand why the system is not using disk 3 for the copy.
  16. It's mysterious. I asked the very same question awhile back.
  17. As has already been said, the user scripts plugin is the easiest method, but here is a manual alternative for those who don't like to take the easy way. Export desired crontab settings to a file on your flash stick: crontab -l > /boot/config/cron.txt Add the following line to your go script at /boot/config/go crontab /boot/config/cron.txt
  18. Old habits I guess. Since they're loaded, I use them.
  19. You make it sound like it's wrong to add a container from the docker menu. I do use CA, but if I also have repository URLs, is there a difference? Other than this display bug? Thanks. Understandable. Good to know it wasn't intentional.
  20. Once upon a time selecting a docker template was organized by repository. You could scroll down the list, locate the repository, and select the application. Now they're sorted alphabetically by application name. In cases where multiple repositories house the same application, the list shows duplicate applications without knowing which repository it's pulling from. I hope that makes sense. (See attachment). I don't recall the version where this was changed, but it was about a year ago. I find it to be a bit confusing. It seems like it would be an easy fix to an overall minor annoyance. Does anyone know why it's like this? Likelihood of a fix?
  21. I have two 250GB HDD used as a cache pool and wish to replace them both with 256GB SSD. This procedure look specific to a cache single disk. https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/Replace_A_Cache_Drive Considering I have a pool in a RAID 1 config, can I simply remove Cache1, replace it, let it re-build, remove Cache2, replace it, let it re-rebuild?
  22. Is there a right way to restart a docker container every 24 hours and have it persist after a reboot? This is my solution. It works, but just wondering how others might do it. Create shell script to restart the docker container and save to flash stick. Edit crontab; adding a line to execute the above shell script at desired interval. Export crontab; saving output to a file on the flash stick. Edit GO script to import crontab at boot using the exported file.
  23. It appears like the checkbox does not correctly indicate if DLNA is enabled or disabled, but the setting does save for me. 10.2.1 did not work this way. This behavior must be new to 10.3.1. If you get it working, I'd be curious to know how long your server stays functional with it enabled. I've been dealing with a 24-48 max uptime before Airsonic becomes unresponsive.
  24. Any chance you want to enable it again, verify it's working properly, then wait and see what happens after a few days to weeks?
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