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Everything posted by dboonthego

  1. Thanks. Do you happen to know if @Joe L.'s script is still available somewhere? The link in that thread is broken and I'm interested his too.
  2. @itimpi - Is unRAIDFindDuplicate_v1.5.zip the most recent version of your script? I was reading this thread the other day and this post reminded me I need to go back and download it.
  3. You might have better response if you post in the support thread. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/111725-support-diamondprecisioncomputing-all-images-and-files
  4. I'll admit I'm not the best at interpretation of the logs. If you formatted (which it looks like you did) hopefully you have a backup. I wouldn't do anything further without advice from someone more experienced. This does not look good. Sep 17 22:00:56 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (95378): /sbin/wipefs -a /dev/md2
  5. A good backup is always a good plan. Swap the hardware and fire it up. I think you'll be fine.
  6. Yes it does. And to your original question, I have wondered the same. It seems reasonable to think a parity check only needs to go as far as the largest data drive. There must be a sound reason. Can a rogue parity bit mysteriously flip from 0 to 1? 🤷‍♂️
  7. You can't. The contents are emulated from parity. You need to resolve the issue to bring it back. More commonly its a connection problem. You can try re-seating power and data cables and/or re-arrange them. If the problem follows to new disk, replace the cable. Post a diagnostics zip to your next post.
  8. Other than configuring SMTP and allowing time to build an inbox of alerts your system generates, I don't think there's a way. It sounds like a list isn't available or published. The balloon or smtp notification was all I found; nothing in syslog. In my case, I was performing disk2disk copy so I knew why it was triggered.
  9. Just for kicks, what happens if you try your rsync test again without the archive (-a) flag?
  10. I'm seeing these errors for the first time (or noticing for first time) on two different servers running 6.12.3 and 6.12.4. I haven't noticed any negative impact though, but I do have GUI tabs and browser terminal sessions open to both servers. Is the thought that leaving the terminal session open is what causes this error? Or a tab to the Unraid GUI? Or both?
  11. Destination host unreachable means there is no route to the destination which is different from a timeout where the route is there, but nothing responded. Probably a dumb question, but have you rebooted the Win10 machine? Something is awry with that device or your networking equipment. Not being able to ping the Win10 machine isn't totally alarming as anti-virus / firewall could block incoming icmp packets. Disable any anti-virus / firewall too.
  12. That works too. I suppose the diskpart route is native to Windows if someone wanted to avoid use of 3rd party tools.
  13. In Windows, they call this the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). That's basically what the MCE is. Your system has a hardware problem. Have you tried clearing the CPU fan/heatsink of dust? It could be caused by poor cooling. Maybe open the case and point a fan in there? It sounds like you're on the right track of elimination. If you're positive your PSU and RAM are good and you've disconnected non-essentials, then I'd start suspecting the CPU or main board. Does the system fail at this point every boot? I believe MCE errors that are correctable are written to /var/log/mcelog; otherwise the system halts and reboots. With Unraid, that log is probably empty regardless because the OS runs in RAM and logs aren't retained between reboots.
  14. A flash stick that is greater than 32GB can be partitioned down to 32GB (or less) and used with Unraid. You forfeit the additional storage capacity, but you weren't going to use it anyway... Hopefully this helps someone in the future. From Windows, open cmd.exe As Administrator. This will wipe the contents of the flash drive and create a 32GB partition. diskpart list disk select disk x (where x equals the flash device # from list disk output) clean create partition primary size 32768 format fs=fat32 label=UNRAID active exit Copy the Unraid .zip contents to the flash and execute make_bootable.bat and you're golden.
  15. In addition to Frank's comments, what does "ipconfig /all" show for both windows 10/11 machines? This sounds like a network routing issue and less of Unraid itself. Have you power cycled your equipment?Turn everything off and bring up modem, router, switches in that order and wait 3-5 minutes between each power up.
  16. No, don't guess! Do you have a recent diagnostics .zip? You can assign all of your drives as data drives without assigning a parity. The one showing unformatted is the parity disk. After identifying the parity disk, do a new config and assign the parity slot.
  17. No. You'd need an 8TB to support 2nd parity. You can still add the 4TB disks without having 2nd parity. You can't add 2nd parity with anything less than 8TB because you have a data disk that is 8TB. You can turn one of your 8TB data disks into the 2nd parity and add the 2 4TB to the array. You will still end up with 16TB capacity.
  18. Explains why I'm on 27 now. Good to know. Thanks.
  19. That's cool. Since when? It wasn't that long ago I was manually updating.
  20. Selecting "apply update" next to the docker you wish to update is all that is necessary for most dockers. For Nextcloud specifically, updating the docker container does not update the Nextcloud app version. You need to login as Admin and select Administration Settings-->Overview and update from there. In my experience, each update required manual tweaks to complete and wasn't seamless. Here's the Nextcloud upgrade reference material.
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