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Everything posted by dboonthego

  1. Sounds like you have a download folder on a disk somewhere. Posting the diagnostics as requested will help. This happens because your windows user doesn't have permission to the share. Usually because root/root is defined instead of nobody/users.
  2. The smart reports look fine. If you have room for them in your backup system, why not use them?
  3. Unraid only supports one admin (root) user for administration of the system. For shares, you would do it for better security. It's recommended to use read-only shares where you can and create separate users having different access levels. If any of your devices are compromised, your SMB shares are exposed and not having full rights everywhere can reduce the damage from the attack.
  4. Hmm, I read the original question as wanting to add the old parity as an additional data disk. My mistake. If replacing an existing data disk, then yes, don't format.
  5. You're correct. After the 10TB parity sync is complete, simply assign the old 8TB parity to a data slot. Unraid will prompt you to clear and format it.
  6. Something to consider if you re-arrange the disk order is your include/exclude disks in your share settings. Like, if you specifically included disk7 and now that disk has been moved to position 6, you'd want to reflect that in your share settings.
  7. Was disk1 in a USB enclosure? When you get a replacement disk, you can simply install it and assign to slot1 to rebuild it from parity. In the meantime, you're effectively already using the parity as an emulated data disk. If your question is literally how to turn your parity disk into the data disk then you would Tools-->New config and assign the parity disk to disk1. This works in your scenario because you only have 1 data and 1 parity in raid1. There is no reason to do this unless you plan to use a replacement disk that is larger than your existing parity or if you just don't plan to replace the disk at all.
  8. In your case, the parity disk is a mirror of the data disk. So depending on the nature of failure, your data may be secure on parity. Of course post the diagnostics and don't format anything!
  9. #1. Absolutely if your data is important to you. Parity will protect you from disk failure, but it won't help with filesystem corruption, theft, accidental deletes, etc. #2. Dual parity certainly provides more fault tolerance and in your case would probably have saved you, but may not be the most economical for smaller systems. If you have budget and capacity, go for it, but I would put priority to backups before dual parity. #3. Yes you can have a mix, but if you have REISERFS in your system, you should think about converting to XFS soon. It's obsolete and likely not to be supported soon. You may still be able to recover data on disk5. Try mounting with Unassigned Devices. You may get lucky and can copy contents to disks 1-4.
  10. My Nextcloud share uses primary cache and secondary array storage with mover going from cache-->array, but I only use it for auto-upload of photos and not much else. There's nothing wrong with using a cache only if you have the space. You'll be protected by mirror and remote backups.
  11. Party2 is showing invaild by the way. There are read errors with Disk4 and it has has a bunch of re-allocated sectors and failed the S.M.A.R.T. test. You won't get a successful parity sync until that disk is corrected.
  12. With parity1 and disk1 disabled, you need parity2 to read without error to rebuild disk1. You can build parity to new disk(s) without disk1 by performing a new config; retaining all disk assignments while setting your new parity slot(s) and omitting disk1. Then you can attempt to recover data from disk1 if it can be mounted outside the array. Do you have backups?
  13. I wouldn't. Just replace and rebuild the disk. If you choose to also copy, toss it in a subfolder on disk2 that way when you rebuild disk1, you won't have duplicate files in the same path across multiple disks. This will do it. rsync -avhPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk2/disk1copy/
  14. A seek error happens when heads are unable to locate the data. Could be mechanical or misalignment, but being the drive is new, I would warranty replace it. No, a disk rebuild to a new disk will work. An advantage of also copying data is redundancy incase something goes wrong during rebuild.
  15. If you change the disk configuration it is normal to undergo a rebuild. False sense. Parity is calculated against all your data disks and requires 0 read errors to be valid. Sounds like you have single parity with multiple disk failures. If the errors are due to bad sata/power connections, then you can probably correct them by reseating or replacing the cables (eliminate splitters if possible). If read errors are due to cables, you can do a new config and retain all disk assignments to rebuild parity. Don't rebuild the data disk on-top of itself because your parity as of now is no good. You can also try mounting the disk with Unassigned Devices plug-in and copy the contents elsewhere.
  16. You can't rebuild onto existing data disk if that's what you're asking. If the disk isn't already part of the array, you can rebuild to it, but any pre-existing data will be overwritten. Also, if the problem is within the file system, a disk rebuild from parity will result in having same problem.
  17. So parity was rebuilt onto a new disk and you added an additional data disk, then decided to pre-clear them afterwards? Did you clear one or both? If you cleared both at the same time, you'd have no choice but to new config. If one at a time, then each would go through a sync/rebuild. Is your question about how to rebuild or the GUI? A missing GUI isn't normal.
  18. I would highly recommend using a SSD cache disk especially if you use dockers.
  19. Try updating the unassigned devices plug-in to current version and see if that resolves it.
  20. I'm assuming the account in question is chase? Are you logged into the Windows machine as chase? Have you set chase's Unraid user password to match chase's Windows password?
  21. Any exported disk shares will also be removed. I think the key takeaway is all disk settings are reset to defaults. I had similar experience recently realizing it did more than reset drive assignments.
  22. Those are the same switches I use, except for 'h' which is for human readable output. The command is more of a delta copy though. If the intent is to match destination with source, adding --delete will remove files that exist on the destination, but don't exist on the source.
  23. Check out Nextcloud. The Android app can monitor the Camera folder among others and do exactly what you want. Auto-upload works great. It may be a feature now, but keeping in sync wasnt available. Ex. Once uploaded, file stays on server even after deleted from phone. You're an Unraid user, you can figure it out.
  24. Can you elaborate on what you really mean by start over? Do you really want to start over from ground zero and keep nothing? You mention not caring about tv/movies, but are there any precious cat pics dear to your heart? The easy answer is format everything and rebuild your flash. I doubt you want to do that though.
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