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Everything posted by dboonthego

  1. Yes. Some apps such as Nextcloud may also require additional steps to upgrade the app version.
  2. If someone has a flash larger than 32GB, it can be partitioned to 32GB or less and additional space discarded, correct?
  3. Agree with Frank. I use the Fractal-Design Define R5 and I couldn't be happier. Extremely well engineered. Quiet. Excellent cable management. Holds (2) 2.5hdd on backside of mobo. (8) easily removable bays (not hot swap) for 3.5hdd. (2) 5.25 bays for cdrom or other HDD with conversion kit. Dust management is awesome. Has removable screens that act like a typical dryer lint screen. Inside of my case stays relatively clean. Worth every penny.
  4. Yes! It can be done now, but it's not baked into the OS. It took me 10 years to reach this point so not likely very common, but would be nice for those needing to shrink.
  5. Built-in option to permanently remove a data disk and maintain parity. Reduce physical disk count.
  6. This looks like it reached the end of the disk. Is "no space left on device" normal output? root@Tower:~# dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/md2p1 status=progress 2000357949440 bytes (2.0 TB, 1.8 TiB) copied, 23160 s, 86.4 MB/s dd: error writing '/dev/md2p1': No space left on device 1907730+0 records in 1907729+0 records out 2000398901248 bytes (2.0 TB, 1.8 TiB) copied, 23160.8 s, 86.4 MB/s root@Tower:~#
  7. I had rebooted before posting. I agree it doesn't make sense. I might have unassigned/reassigned disk 2 in the same slot before changing the FS, but most definitely disk 2 started a clear which was unexpected.
  8. I emptied Disk 2. I replaced parity with a larger disk and allowed parity sync to complete. I converted Disk 2 to XFS Encrypted. When the array started, it began to clear Disk 2, but I cancelled it. I formatted and started array and everything looked normal. I stopped the array and assigned the old parity to Disk 6. Started array and the clear process began on 6. I let that finish. Do I need to do something with Disk 2? Or re-run parity sync?
  9. Yeah, also normal. I tend to focus on the main tab vs dashboard. Main vs. Dashboard. I guess the dashboard has more room to scare you. 😊
  10. Navigate to https://unraid.net/download and click "Manual Install method." These two links return 404 error due to extra "changing-the-flash-device/" in the path. They work fine if navigating from the https://docs.unraid.net menu tree. Alternatively, if you are using a Linux system or if the USB Flash Creator tool is not working for some reason, please use the legacy method. Prepare a new flash device using the procedure documented in the Getting Started guide.
  11. Parity invalid is normal for a new drive assignment until parity sync has completed. I think you're fine.
  12. The cert needs to be signed by a CA the browser trusts. Your options (to avoid seeing warning) are to turn off SSL or you can apply for a free myunraid.net Let's Encrypt certificate. In your present configuration, the connection is still encrypted, just not trusted.
  13. You shut down two independent servers and now they both have the same problem when powered up? You situation isn't clear, to me at least. You have console access, but not GUI? Are you attempting GUI remotely or locally? Follow this to get diagnostics: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/troubleshooting/#System_Diagnostics
  14. Aim for bigger and fewer, but consider your needs. If you've been getting by just fine with 3 2TB disks, does it make sense to replace with 3 20TB disks plus potentially retaining the 3x 2TB? Probably not. I personally haven't seen a significant price difference between 2 smaller vs 1 bigger capacity of same brand.
  15. Potential feature enhancement or is it fundamentally never possible? I bought a 2 cycle preclear and have buyer's remorse. After 8 hours, 1st cycle is on step 1 of 5 and 60% progress. Just ride the wave?
  16. Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure it's what I'm after though. I'm in process of disk to disk copies and received a balloon alert that the destination disk is reaching capacity, but I could not find the event in the syslog. Should it be there? I was hoping to find a list of built-in notifications Unraid is capable of sending (if it exists) so I can pick out only those I desire to get my attention quickly. I already have a pseudo on-call paging setup so if I know the subject or content in advance, I can filter and allow it in. Essentially, I want to be "paged" for some, but not all alerts. Things like if a disk is hot, fails, parity check has errors, etc. I've been casually reading them thus far.
  17. I'd like to setup custom alerting on specific event notifications that reach my mailbox to better get my attention. Is there a documented list of possible events? Primarily interested in errors or warnings that affect the health of the array. Stuff like this: unRAID Status: Warning [%server%] - Disk %var% is hot (%var%) unRAID Status: Notice [%server%] - array health report [%var%]
  18. A good back up (preferably stored in another location) will save you from theft, natural disaster, or doing something stupid like writing a script to move all your files and forget the trailing slash/ in the destination.
  19. At 2:30 he says "To be using encrypted disks we have to be using https." Does he mean you need https to use unBalance?
  20. It's funny, I watched the video after replying and was surprised mine was selected for review. Then when he talks about 5 year warranty on inexpensive items and says all of them are getting trashed I got scared. I was relieved it ranked #2 😀 I didn't mean to get your hopes up, but I mainly just included link for visual reference. Good luck. Odds are you'll be fine with whatever you go with.
  21. This thread discusses the SanDisk stuff. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/119052-psa-on-sandisk-usbs
  22. Check out the manual. This is about replacing the flash stick, but contains recommendations. There is a note about SanDisk and counterfeit GUIDs. Maybe that's why you mention shipped by SanDisk? I would also say make sure the drive isn't one of those encrypted containers. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/changing-the-flash-device I've used the 2.0 version of this for the last 7 years with no issues. I already owned it, but choose it because of it's smaller physical size (never heard of a big stick for cooling). It's 16 GB and I'm not even using 1 GB. I just took advantage of the 15% discounted basic license and coincidentally happen to have another 32 GB which I'll use for the new license. https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital-DataTraveler-DTSE9G2-16GB/dp/B00SOL9ZSA
  23. Will you be replacing the disk? Or reducing your data disk count? Assuming you're reducing. To convert your 14tb to parity, the exsiting data needs to go somewhere else. I'm sure Unbalance makes this task easy, but to do it manually, target some disks with the most free space and copy some source directories that will fit on destination. You might have to create the destination subfolder first. Same command with subs included should work and you should consider your share settings to make sure the dest disk is included in your configuration. You'll have to repeat until you find a new home for all the files. Once data is copied, you can unassign and assign to parity. rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/subfolder/ /mnt/disk2/subfolder/
  24. I haven't used unbalance and it's been several years since I've copied a disk, but I did it manually from console making sure to specify disks, not shares. Assuming destination disk2 has enough free space. Like this: rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk2/
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