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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. There is no limit on the number of disks. The disk shows in UD but won't mount? Please post yout diagnostics zip.
  2. I don't see a disk in your arrangement that is a UD disk. I see: flash drive. 3 data disks. 1 parity disk. 1 cache disk. Can you post a screen shot of the UD screen showing the UD disk you are trying to use?
  3. This isn't an issue for two reasons: UD won't unmount it because it was not mounted by UD at /mnt/disks. A recent update to UD wil recognize the label is 'UNRAID' and will mark the mount button as 'Array' and disable the button.
  4. The way we try to address security issues is get Unraid releases out in a timely manner. Unfortunately, that hasn't been happening quickly enough lately. It is being delt with behind the scenes and discusssed internally. It's much better all around to release a new version of Unraid with all the latest security fixes, rather than going back and applying patches. Unraid was not designed to apply patches. For the moment there are several ways to alleviate your comcerns: Disable mac OS interoperability. Upgrade to one of the 6.10 rc's. They are using a later version of samba. I'm working with the beta rc3 and the samba is at version 4.15.3.
  5. Please post the contents of the file '/var/state/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.ini'. Please don't cut and paste it, its too laege for that. Zip it and post it as an attachmennt, or you can PM ti to me.
  6. You could try to click the check mark and see if there is a chance the drive could be made mountable by doing a file check, but I doubt it.
  7. You'll probably have to take it to a WIndows machine and get it straightened out there.
  8. Be sure you are on the latest version of UD. Post diagnostics if an update doesn't make any difference. It looks like the device was mounted and then disconnected and reconnected without unmounting, but the 'Dev X' designation is duplicated. This should not happen if the 'sdX' designations are different.
  9. It's a recent change I made that broke it. Will be fixed in the next release.
  10. Correct. I don't know what changed that affected the default mount point, but commiting a mount point (whether it's the default or your own) will prevent this issue.
  11. I'm going to post this as a feature enhancement to Limetech and see if it is something we want to add to UD.
  12. You have let the mount point default and the default is now different. Click on the mount point and set it to the value it was originally and save it. UD will then always use the value you set. If you want to keep the default after installing a new disk, click on the mount point to change it and then just click 'Change' to commit it.
  13. Those are php program errors. I've implemented logging of php errors so I can track them down. It's a programming issue and nothing you've done. They shouldn't affect you. I will have these fixed in the next release.
  14. Post your diagnostics zip and someone like @JorgeB may be able to help,.
  15. Doesn't look like Linux recognizes the disks. Unraid is not showing any unassigned disks for UD.
  16. That disk has a problem and Linux is picking it up as different devices when it goes offline and back online. Is it connected usb or sata?
  17. Be sure you are updated to the latest UD - 2022.02.09. If that doesn't help, post your diagnostics zip file.
  18. Click the double arrows in the upper right on the UD page.
  19. Update to today's release. There were some updates to the webUI that could have an affect your situation.
  20. Click on the 'transport data' text. The icon with the arrow indicates that the 'transport data' can be browsed. When the disk is not mounted a pencil shows indicating that the mount point (also the share name) 'transport data' can be changed.
  21. When a disk is mounted, you'll see a browse icon next to the mount point meaning you can click on the mount point name and browse the disk.
  22. 2022.02.09 release of UD. The biggest changes are: The handling of the display tables in UD has been changed. The tables are initially created and then filled after an update. You'll probably see the Unraid spinner at times instead of a blank screen as previously. The help works properly now. Clicking on the disk devices table header will toggle the help. This also fixes the situation where the UD help will show in the non-tabbed view when toggling the help on other device table headers. Udev actions are cleaned up even more. No udevadm triggers are initiated any more. Php errors are logged to help in tracking down php issues. Please update as there are several issues that have been addressed in this latest version: Same device shows in UD and historical devices. Device information not being updated in UD after a change in the mountpoint name. This causes the old device label to be shown. udev being triggered causing btrfs duplicate uuid messages in log when the array is rebooted. Before asking for support, update UD first and see if the issue is addressed. If it's not we need the diagnostics from the latest version to offer support.
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