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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Because of security, the credentials file is shredded as soon as it is no longer needed. It contains unencrypted credentials. Credentials are stored encrypted and then unencrypted for a mount. What exactly is the issue? Credentials aren't used for a disk unless it is encrypted.
  2. Unzip and copy the attached file to: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php. Let me know if that works and UD shows the disks. lib.zip
  3. I have an idea of what's going on, but I need to confirm it. I recently made a change so duplicate disks don't show up in UD. It creates a lot of problems when UD tries to work with duplicate disks. I'm doing some testing and may ask you to install a replacement module for testing.
  4. Please don't do this. It will cause you more problems that you are trying to solve.
  5. Uninstall the UD plugin and give me a screen shot of the array disks and UD disks.
  6. Tips and Tweaks applies the saved tweaks in the tips.and.tweaks.cfg on reboot so it does persist when using Tips and Tweaks.
  7. Any changes to sysctl.conf will not persist on reboot. What Tips and Tweaks does is to issue a sysctl command to apply the 'inotify.max_user_watches' value. When you change the value in the UI, the value is changed as you've seen. When the system is rebooted, the value saved in the config file is re-applied. I've run several tests and it appears to be working fine, even on a reboot. Confirm you see this line in your log: Nov 30 11:12:37 BackupServer tips.and.tweaks: Tweaks Applied That means that the Tips and Tweaks has been applied. If you don't see that in the log, post your diagnostics and I'll see if there is an issue with Tips and Tweaks on reboot.
  8. UD sets up share configuration files and Unraid manages the enabling of the share in Samba. Because of the way Unraid works, it can take up to a minute or so for the share to actually show up after UD mounts the disk. What you are trying to do works fine. Just be a little patient and the share will show up.
  9. Not sure what's going on, but it works for me. I just map my music library to LMS and it plays the wma files fine. Are your wma files lossless?
  10. LMS plays wma files natively. You don't need the plugin.
  11. Just upgraded two Windows 10 VMs to Windows 11. Was a piece of cake. No issues whatsoever. Nice job LT!
  12. Ok, I see the problem. It's from a recent change I made. I'll release a fix today.
  13. Preclear is not necessary any longer, but if you feel you absolutely have to have it, there is a preclear Docker container.
  14. It's not rebuilding itself. It is updating the OS for security and other fixes. It is operating correctly.
  15. Your UD page is not showing anything? Post a screen shot.
  16. Correct, you have to specify the credentials to mount the remote share. It's not a problem or a bug. UD was designed this way. Access is controlled using the Unraid users. It's not a change I will make.
  17. The Unraid mount requires credentials for the remote share in order to mount it. The share access is then controlled with the UD SMB Settings. UD does not mount devices with guest access on the cifs mount. The reason this is done is to use Unraids user system to control access.
  18. New release of UD. There is a change that might cause some issues with external drive bays. I've added code to remove duplicate disk serial numbers because UD cannot handle duplicate serial number disks cleanly. UD thinks all the disks with the same serial number are the same disk (even though the device numbers are different) and things like mounting a disk would mount all of them. Mounting multiple disks at the same mount point can cause corruption. This is not a bug, it is the way UD was designed. UD has to have a unique serial number for each disk it manages. The reason for this is to support hot plug events, and changes in device designations on reboot and hot plug. If you have an external drive bay and now the disks aren't all showing up, you probably have duplicate serial numbers being presented by your external drive bay.
  19. The way it works is you set the permissions in the UD Settings: for the access you want to grant to users. Set guest to r/w, r/o, or no access. This will then apply to all UD devices. You still have to set the credentials when setting up the remote share so it will mount. Then UD puts the appropriate entries in the SMB share config file for the access you have designated. The SMB config file looks like this: [XXXXXXXX_Work] path = /mnt/remotes/XXXXXXXX_Work browseable = yes valid users = admin, home, guest write list = admin, guest read list = home case sensitive = auto preserve case = yes short preserve case = yes You'll see that the valid users are specified and the read and write users specified. I set guest to r/w before I captured this file.
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