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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Read here for instructions on using an external database:
  2. Using the string "mdcmd" will act like mdcmd*. Any line that begins with mdcmd will be ignored.
  3. I haven't messed with it in a while, but I seem to remember there are other possibilities.
  4. I think the log messages you are seeing are more of Samba complaining, and not a real problem. Here is another thing you can try. Disable NetBIOS and enable WSD in the SMB settings. This will disable SMB1 and force either SMB2 or SMB3 depending on the server hosting the remote share.
  5. That's why I am comfortable with you filtering out the log messages. I don't want the Syslog Filter to be used to just discard messages people might not like that are important for troubleshooting.
  6. I'm still working on it. I have a few ideas related to user and group permissions. The best I can tell is that the Mac is not totally respecting the mount credentials. This could be the Mac or Samba. You should also set the the Mac to work with SMB3. It is more secure than SMB2 and might be part of the issue with credentials.
  7. I am not sure that would work. Its a function of rsyslog filtering. Have you tried?
  8. I have added Syslog filtering capability. There are times when the Syslog is filled with debug log entries of other non-critical log entries that are clogging up the logs, but don't add any value when debugging. The Syslog Filter lets you add log entries that you want dropped by rsyslog. Read the original post on how to use this feature.
  9. What are your current SMB settings? I suggest you turn off NetBIOS and enable WSD. This turns off SMB1 though, so any older devices might not work.
  10. It's not a UD issue. UD mounts the device, but the permissions are controlled by the application. In your case the resilio-sync docker. You could try running resilio-sync privileged.
  11. I have a work around. I cannot reproduce your issue, so I cannot help with the solution, but I have added a 'Syslog Filter' to the enhanced log plugin. I'm not a fan of covering up a problem rather than fixing it, but in this case you should be good if everything is working correctly. Install the enhanced log plugin from CA. Go to Settings->Enhanced Log and click on 'Syslog Filter'. Remove the example test line and then paste in this: "CIFS VFS: SMB signature verification returned error" Click 'Apply' and see if the log messages stop.
  12. Try: - Remove the preclear plugin. - Remove the UD plugin and then give me a screen shot of the Unassigned Devices tab. You have a disk that is showing up without a serial number. What disk is missing from UD that you expect to see?
  13. lib.zip I want you to run a test for me. Unzip the attached file and the copy it in a terminal session. cp lib.php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/ Then unmount and re-mount the remote share and see if the logging continues. I've added uid and gid to the mount. Let's see if that helps. lib.zip
  14. The recycle bin only works on smb shares. I can't change that.
  15. You have the age days set to 1 and you purge daily. The files deleted that day will be removed from the recycle bin the next day.
  16. It can take up to several minutes for a deleted file to show in the recycle bin. The refresh runs in the background to keep the gui responsive. You can browse to the recycle bin directly to check for the file. \\Tower\share\.Recycle.Bin
  17. UD only manages the mounting and unmounting of remote shares. The rest is handled by Samba. I have a Windows share that I mounted (requires credentials) and couldn't reproduce the problem. I suspect something about the implementation on the Mac.
  18. I don't think it's the disk. What enclosure are you using? I assume the disk is in a USB enclosure.
  19. You have a null device: Dec 13 13:48:13 Unraid unassigned.devices: Disk with serial '', mountpoint '' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted... It looks like it might be your TREKSTOR device: smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-4.19.88-Unraid] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org /dev/sda: Unknown USB bridge [0x1e68:0x1087 (0x100)] Please specify device type with the -d option. Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary I'll make a change so the php error won't show, but this device won't mount.
  20. You have a null device: Dec 13 13:48:13 Unraid unassigned.devices: Disk with serial '', mountpoint '' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted... It looks like it might be your TREKSTOR device: smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-4.19.88-Unraid] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org /dev/sda: Unknown USB bridge [0x1e68:0x1087 (0x100)] Please specify device type with the -d option. Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary I'll make a change so the php error won't show, but this device won't mount.
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