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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Diagnostics is a zip file created at Tools->Diagnostics. Whenever you ask for help, post this diagnostic file. It contains information that can be used to help you determine the issues. I tested this on a UD mounted disk and it worked fine. I think your SSD is on a controller that does not support trim.
  2. Your server shut down pretty fast. Take a look at this and see if it helps.
  3. UD disks are mounted at /mnt/disks/.
  4. Before doing any writing to a UD mounted device you should check that it is mounted first. You can do this in several ways. MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/disks/DailyBackup if [ -d $MOUNTPOINT ]; then ... do stuff fi or better MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/disks/DailyBackup if mountpoint -q $MOUNTPOINT; then ... do stuff fi
  5. UD has been updated to solve this issue.
  6. The powerdown -r command is deprecated. Use reboot to reboot and shutdown to shutdown the server.
  7. Delete the file /flash/config/plugins/tips.and.tweaks.plg and reboot. The plugin will not install. Another way to do it is to boot in safe mode. No plugins will be installed.
  8. Remove the plugin and reboot. Things will go back to the default settings.
  9. @gfjardim I've been working on the UD "hangs" and have found that when a mounted remote CIFS share goes offline, the 'lsof' command hangs, regardless of the mount point being checked. You may need to do some timeouts on the lsof commands in preclear if you use them.
  10. You have to be careful of using special characters in the user and password. Maybe that was it.
  11. Post diagnostics. Try booting in safe mode and see if your server will reboot. Safe mode doesn't load plugins, so this will tell you if there is a problem with a plugin.
  12. I don't think you will now. You will notice a few things happen though you didn't see before. If the remote server does not respond to a ping the 'Unmount' button will be greyed out. You can't unmount a remote share if the server is offline. If the server responds to a ping, but is not running, you should be able to unmount the remote share. If the remote server goes offline when a remote share is mounted, none of the other mounts will show open files. The biggest issue with hangs was with the lsof command that is used to check for open files.
  13. You got a clean shutdown - i.e. the server shutdown properly and did not do a parity check when started back up. Check your bios settings. At the point it stopped, is when the bios takes over. Try booting is safe mode and see if you get a complete reboot. If you do then there is a plugin causing a problem.
  14. The samba commands to find SMB servers is not working in 6.8. This is a Linux issue. Entering a server name or ip address and then searching for shares is working. Make sure the ip address you are using is reachable.
  15. That's way past UD unmounting devices. I don't think this is a UD thing. Did you have an unclean shutdown? Doesn't look like it.
  16. I'm not sure what you are asking. You want to create multiple partitions on one disk?
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