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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Enable the destructive mode in UD and clear the disk or remove the partitions. It will then show up in preclear.
  2. The ntfs disk is mounted read only: Nov 9 19:23:55 NeilsonNAS unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t 'ntfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sdg2' '/mnt/disks/06.00TB' Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS ntfs-3g[5860]: Version 2022.5.17 integrated FUSE 27 Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS ntfs-3g[5860]: Mounted /dev/sdg2 (Read-Only, label "06.00TB", NTFS 3.1) Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS ntfs-3g[5860]: Cmdline options: rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS ntfs-3g[5860]: Mount options: nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,allow_other,nonempty,noatime,ro,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sdg2,blkdev,blksize=4096 Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS ntfs-3g[5860]: Global ownership and permissions enforced, configuration type 1 Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'sdg2' on '/mnt/disks/06.00TB'. Nov 9 19:23:56 NeilsonNAS unassigned.devices: Mount warning: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) Could not mount read-write, trying read-only . Read the last line on how to fix this.
  3. Not everyone is having this issue. Many people don't have a problem. That's why it's so hard to find.
  4. @JorgeB and I are here. When it comes to samba issues, I am one of the lead LT guys. What more are you wanting to hear? We are on it and can effect a quick fix once we have a handle on what is wrong. We have to find it first. If we cannot reproduce an issue in our beta and rc tests, we cannot fix it. We are not Microsoft with a test lab with thousands of computers to test on, so some things unfortunately will get by us. Take your car to a mechanic and tell the tech it's not running right. If the tech cannot reproduce the problem, how can he fix it? Same here with software. I did some research on this problem because others have reported it also, but don't understand at this point how the soft file limit is getting set so low for samba. Let's end this discussion with the commitment from me (I am part of the LT team) that I will do everything I can to shoot this probelm down and get it fixed, but we need your help by providing the information that was asked for.
  5. You are completely off base. @JorgeB and I are here trying to help you. We are both involved with LT and are doing the best we can to help you. Instead of complaining, please provide the information asked of you.
  6. That's not true - it's not a bandaid. The setting in the Unraid smb.conf file is: logging = syslog@0 which sets the syslog logging level to zero. There seems to be some issues with that setting and the logging = 0 overcomes that, The logging = 0 is not the way to set the syslog logging level in the new samba version, but it seems to and the syslog@0 command is supposed to set the lsyslog logging level to zero which it doesn't seem to do. While I can appreciate your frustration over this issue, LT is not involved in the samba development and we just have to respond to the changes that are coming up on each new version. It is an untennable task to check samba under every combination of hardware and software the Unraid community is using.
  7. Next things to try: Update all your plugins. Some are out of date. Fix Common Problems is reporting problems: Nov 9 10:34:00 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems Version 2022.10.17 Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Share media set to not use the cache, but files / folders exist on the cache drive Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application DiskSpeed has an update available for it Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application EmbyServer has an update available for it Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application Jellyfin has an update available for it Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application sonarr has an update available for it Nov 9 10:34:01 Futurama root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Share FetchTV is set for both included (disk4) and excluded (disk1,disk2,disk3,disk5) disks Fix those issues. If the issue peresists, boot in safe mode and try your transfers. If that works, add plugins one at a time and see if one of them causes the problem. If everything works with plugins installed, enable Docker containers one at a time and see if the problem occurs again.
  8. Try putting this command in the go file: ulimit -Sn 40960 and reboot. One user was able to solve their issues with this command in the go file.
  9. A protection is built in now to prevent preclearing any disk that has partitions. Go to UD and click the red 'X' next to the serial number and the disk will be cleared. You will need to have the destructive mode turned on before the red 'X' will show.
  10. Are you writing your downloads to an encrypted disk? Array or UD?
  11. Update UD to remove the UD entry (it will happen automatically) and put the following in the smb-extra.conf file: logging = 0
  12. Your log shows: Nov 8 08:47:35 Futurama smbd[26576]: Too many open files, unable to open more! smbd's max open files = 16424 Something is resettig the soft file limit. Log entry shows 16424. Stop these log messages: Nov 8 08:47:35 Futurama smbd[26576]: [2022/11/08 08:47:35.393719, 0] ../../source3/smbd/files.c:1199(synthetic_pathref) Nov 8 08:47:35 Futurama smbd[26576]: synthetic_pathref: opening [events] failed by entering this: logging = 0 in your smb-extra.conf file and reboot. Your log might be filling up with these messages causing problems. If you continue have issues, post the complete diagnostics, not just log snippets.
  13. We've had several reports of the soft file limit changing to 16424 causing the issue you are seeing. The soft limit of 40960 is correct. Something changed or corrupted the value in your case. If you see it again, post your diagnostis.
  14. I've responded in your other post. Please keep the discussion there.
  15. Post the output of this command: ulimit -Sn I think you're running into the soft file limit, not the hard file limit.
  16. In reviewing your diagnostics again I see: May 30 00:23:22 NASDiego kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 9 TIMES] ### May 30 00:24:24 NASDiego kernel: nfs: server OK ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 9 TIMES] ### What is at IP address Post new diagnostics.
  17. 'Passed Through' is used to indicate a disk being used outside UD by a Docker Container or a VM. That tells UD not to do anything with the disk, and to disable any user actions. UD mounting a disk or clearing a disk used by a Container or VM will cause corruption or lost data,
  18. This is an Linux issue affecting Unraid and UD. 6.11.3 will be released shortly with a fix.
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