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Everything posted by tr0910

  1. Well you guys are way ahead of me now. I finally got some images made, so next time I hose something, its not fatal. Clonezilla sure doesn't like cloning btrfs partitions -> network destinations. (finally had to send them to a usb external) Now I get kernel panics and after passing through one of the 1015's and restarting the vm, I go to pixie land.... Eventually it boots to the same kernel panic. This is on a Supermicro x9 scm and a xeon1220 that was running esxi just fine. Should I recheck my bios settings?
  2. I tried to use a liveCD and wasn't successful in sending either via NFS or via SMB. Both ways failed in connecting to the unRaid server. I connected via IP and provided Clonezilla with root login credentials. Is this the way you did it? Any other tricks?
  3. So I used Wondershare Data recovery, and was able to get the script files that I needed off it. Now I want to make sure that my USB key is backed up daily too like the rest of the server. These usb keys don't last forever.
  4. This problem was first posted when I was using an AMD system. I finally was able to shut the production unraid down and test on Intel Xeon on Supermicro X9 SCM hardware. The exact same problem on both. So this may be required on AMD too....
  5. My unRaid key has been working fine for over a year, when suddenly it shows up as unformatted and of course it will not boot. I have a full backup of the key from Sept, so its not a disaster, but there are some scripts that have changed in the meantime. I also have a 2nd USB key so I can move to it, but first I would like to see if I can recover those scripts from this suddenly unformatted 4gb Kingston USB flash drive. What tools would you try on it?
  6. I hate being the first person on Google to try something. Oh well that Gigabyte GA880 UD3H successfully installed an XP and a Win7 VM before I completely hosed it down.... Just won't passthough a sata port to unRaid.
  7. This system was never used with Xen or Esxi. The fact that the usb was so easy to pass through suggests that the sata ports should work too, shouldn't they?? Can I run unRaid without sata hardware passthrough? Reinstalling suse now. Once I get it to a stable state I need to clone the boot drive so its easier to recover from. Will clonezilla live cd do a good job on a btrfs boot disk -> USB drive, or network?
  8. I've got the USB passed through and it was recognized. Got into unRaid OK, and was able to connect via separate pc to the unRaid webgui, so we are making progress. Still no joy on passing through the pci sata ports. Either a separate 2 port controller or a Supermicro PCI-X SAT2-MV8. As soon as I try to pass it through I get errors like: However in mucking around pci passthrough I seem to have killed my network connection. Likely caused by having to powerdown while the system was unresponsive. Now bitrfs, is unable to recover a previous snapshot for me and take my system back to a prior good state. What is the best way to do a btrfs file system check? I've tried the following without joy.... # snapper undochange 54..57 mkdir failed path errno 2 (no such file or directory) failed to modify /.readahead # btrfs check /dev/sda2 Check tree block failed, want=20975616, have=2334390125295050853 ... and a bunch more of these errors read block filed chec_tree_block Couldn't read tree root Critical roots corrupted, unable to fsck the FS
  9. If I am not successful doing pci sata passthrough, can I run it without doing that? I'm guessing it will just be a lot slower....
  10. Install opensuse with bitrfs if you want to be able to revert your system changes easily. My pci passthrough is a failure so far, and once I totally hosed the system. It would boot, but go into a totally unresponsive state. Couldn't even bring up the system file manager. After many failed attempts to fix it and many reboots later, I was finally able to get an active terminal window. # snapper list - gave me this list of snapshots that the system had automatically taken and provided me with a backup point. Type | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata -------+----+-------+---------------------------------+------+----------+----------------------------+--------- single | 0 | | | root | | current | single | 1 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 06:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | pre | 2 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 06:48:28 AM MST | root | number | zypp(packagekitd) | post | 3 | 2 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:10:19 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 4 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:15:50 AM MST | root | number | yast services-manager | post | 5 | 4 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:16:25 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 6 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:16:32 AM MST | root | number | yast lan | post | 7 | 6 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:19:33 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 8 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:19:36 AM MST | root | number | yast host | post | 9 | 8 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:20:15 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 10 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:20:25 AM MST | root | number | yast firewall | post | 11 | 10 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:20:51 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 12 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:21:02 AM MST | root | number | yast sudo | post | 13 | 12 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:22:52 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 14 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:23:26 AM MST | root | number | yast users | post | 15 | 14 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:24:59 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 16 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:25:11 AM MST | root | number | yast xen | post | 17 | 16 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:25:27 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 18 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:26:28 AM MST | root | number | yast sw_single | pre | 19 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:26:33 AM MST | root | number | zypp(y2base) | post | 20 | 19 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:26:41 AM MST | root | number | | post | 21 | 18 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:26:42 AM MST | root | number | | pre | 22 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:41:14 AM MST | root | number | yast /usr/bin/virt-manager | post | 23 | 22 | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:41:16 AM MST | root | number | | single | 24 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 07:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 25 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 08:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 26 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 09:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 27 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 10:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 28 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 11:45:01 AM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 29 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 01:15:01 PM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 30 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 02:15:01 PM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 31 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 03:15:01 PM MST | root | timeline | timeline | single | 32 | | Fri 20 Dec 2013 04:15:01 PM MST | root | timeline | timeline | # snapper undochange 26..32 takes me back in time by 4 snapshots and reverts the system to as it was 4 hours ago....
  11. My preference would be for Tom to keep control of the solid production release. Then have a "way out front" effort lead by the brightest and the best that keeps pushing the envelope. These best and brightest need to have the freedom to innovate without limitation.
  12. I raised that idea tongue in cheek. A foundation is for people with lots of money who want to give it away and change the world. Think Rockerfeller, Ford, Gates foundations. A non-profit established for charitable, educational or scientific purposes. After incorporation, and many lawyers later, step 8 is to apply to the IRS. Its a big hammer. It might be a few steps away from where we are at today. Still we need a way to make the project proceed without financial constraints. Thankfully the internet enables most collaboration without additional cost. If the original PC was the oven for the half baked idea, forums like these are much more powerful....
  13. We have PayPal as a base. This should work once Ironic gives us his paypal address. Giving directly to one person is easy. More challenging, how is the money held and who controls it in a collaborative project like this? Do we set up an unRaid Foundation?
  14. Who knows, it might even progress through all of those steps as an evolution. In the mean time, the real question is determining if there is a market regardless of who is doing it and who gets paid. My 2-cents There definitely is a market. unRaid sits in a very narrow slice of the market where people are comfortable building their own, and have reasonable upper limits to their expectations. Ironic's effort pushes unRaid upstream into the more power hungry crowd. This is good. A much bigger market is the NAS for dummies crowd presently filled by Drobo etc. unRaid would have to get iSimple in order to move into that space. These customers expect something cute with blinking lights that they don't have to think very deeply about. They definitely won't be building it themselves.
  15. In this thread, huge issues are being debated, and very bright minds are volunteering their time, that take unRaid into the future. 64 Bit unRAID running natively on Arch Linux with full hypervisor support http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=30777.0 How do we support them? Here is the place to discuss ways to support them financially. I'm ready to donate, to the cause but everything will work better if we need to create an agreed upon way.
  16. Been watching this with huge interest, but haven't even voted yet. Brighter minds than me can decide those details. I'll create a lounge topic where we can discuss Kickstarter, funding, donations, and other off topic stuff. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=30823.msg277164#msg277164
  17. Shows how the elastic the economic demand curve is for hard drives. Out Of Stock almost immediately and never available here in Canada. This was the first year that Moore's law was broken for Black Friday. This law says, each year newer, and better, and cheaper will replace last years offerings. But not this year, we just got a lump of coal dumped in our stockings. (just give them 3tb for $89 again like last year) (me, I'm waiting for better pricing on 4tb drives....)
  18. Will this be the only year that we accept higher prices than last year for a drive?? I don't know how they got away without $69 or $79 for 3tb this year. (was there some flooding that we aren't aware of <grin>) I wonder if we play chicken long enough and just say no, that they will suddenly find a better price.
  19. Unless there is a last minute addition, it looks like $139 will be the lowest for USA, and $149 for Canada. Here is the Amazon 4tb external for Canada. (free shipping) http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00829THLE
  20. I have had far more failures caused by cabling and backplanes than ever by drive failures. Unless there is real difference in performance or energy use, I don't buy into the WD and Seagate revenue maximization scheme called NAS. Me thinks it's mostly just a different colored sticker.
  21. I have 14 2tb drives that need to be replaced with 7 4tb drives. Would like to not buy anymore 3tb drives. Sent from my mobile
  22. I haven't seen anything remotely interesting, not even external 4tb. Are we out of luck?
  23. Mine is simply an rsync tower1/disk1 to tower2/disk1 This requires both servers to be set up exactly the same. Sent from my mobile
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