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Posts posted by CHBMB

  1. 4 hours ago, Seruschl said:

    Hi Max.


    as far as i know needs the kuboo app that opsd / opsd folder is enable on the ubooquity server to find the data.


    That is where my question is starting :) Hi i am really new to unraid and docker and i also installed the ubooquity app to get access to my comics. It finds all the comics but i am not able to access the admin page via port 2203 to configure it.


    Or is this not possible in the docker version?

    Docker run command please

  2. 1 hour ago, li60240 said:

    i got am error when i used vaapi;

    [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55dd430f2480] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error).
    Device creation failed: -5.
    Failed to set value '/dev/dri/renderD128' for option 'vaapi_device': Input/output error
    Error parsing global options: Input/output error


    Docker run command please

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jimmy90 said:

    It's the Generic build for LIbreElec6.7.1rc2

    1) LibreElec6.71rc1 is working fine per first screenshot

    2) Installing rc2 per second screenshot

    3) Docker failing per third-fourth screenshot










    As an explanation, The last two screenshots aren't useful.  The second shows it downloaded fine, which isn't the issue, and Plex logs offer nothing as if there's a problem with the DVB drivers, I wouldn't expect Plex LiveTV to work.  The pertinent information is all on the DVB plugin screen.  So just to confirm, can you post a screenshot of rc2.  Also, again, what is your DVB card?

  4. 6 hours ago, Jimmy90 said:

    Dear CHBMB,

    LibreElec_v6.7.1rc2 is failing to locate /dev/dvb/ on reboot.

    We had the same issue with 6.7.0rc8 a while back and you fixed it by recompiling if i recall correctly.

    Thanks again for you kind support "in the blind" :)

    @Jimmy Nowhere near enough info for me to go on.  Are we talking about generic DVB build here or the Nvidia/DVB build above?

    Post a screenshot of your working install.  /dev/dvb/ is just your DVB card, same for everyone, but without knowing what your card is, I'm in the dark.



    People have asked if I'll produce a combined Nvidia/DVB build.  Here's the thing, I have no intention of producing separate and combined builds, the workload is just too much for something I have no need of.  It would need 8 builds on top of the Nvidia build to do so.  I will however produce a combined build, depending on two conditions.


    1.  People don't mind an increased download size.

    2.  It works reliably.


    However I no longer have any DVB hardware so I can't test.  So I've produced some combination builds for people to try out.  I am only doing this for v6.7.1rc2, so if nobody tests each build then it's not going to happen.  So if you want it, YOU need to test it.



    1.  Download the Nvidia build of v6.7.1rc2 (Important - Do not use any other version)

    2.  Once the build has downloaded and the window indicating the copying to flash has happened and before you reboot, download one of the attached zip files depending on which DVB build you use, unpack it and copy across the bzmodules and bzfirmware files to your flash disk.

    3.  Reboot


    I know that the Nvidia Plugin will not report the correct version number, that's an easy fix in the future if this works.  Once you've rebooted I need to know two things for each build.


    1.  Does the Nvidia hardware encoding work with Plex/Emby/Jellyfin?

    2.  Does the DVB hardware work?


    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, thebruce87m said:

    Thanks for your answer. I can’t seem to see any unraid specific documentation in those places. Things like bridge mode vs host settings. Am I missing it?

    Bridge vs host settings are available on Unraid there's a switch in each template.  Unraids docker implementation is nothing special.  Documentation applies regardless.

  7. Here's how to uncompress/compress bzroot


     ##Extract microcode
    dd if=$D/unraid/bzroot bs=512 count=$(cpio -ivt -H newc < $D/unraid/bzroot 2>&1 > /dev/null | awk '{print $1}') of=$D/unraid/bzmicrocode
    dd if=$D/unraid/bzroot bs=512 skip=$(cpio -ivt -H newc < $D/unraid/bzroot 2>&1 > /dev/null | awk '{print $1}') | xzcat | cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames
    ##Prepend microcode and Compress
    cp $D/unraid/bzmicrocode $D/$VERSION/nvidia/bzroot
    find . | cpio -o -H newc | xz --format=lzma >> $D/$VERSION/nvidia/bzroot 


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  8. 25 minutes ago, jkluch said:

    Hey @CHBMB Does the code that use to live here still exist somewhere as reference?  I see that this code is gone and now there are linuxserver unraid plugins that exists with prebuilt archives.  This is nice/convenient for a lot of unraid users but removing the source used to create the archives and making users trust the prebuilt archives is kind of a shame.  It was useful to refer to those scripts when I was making changes of my own (I wouldn't have been able to figure out how to unpackage & modify these bz files on my own).  Is there a reason the source scripts for these aren't included along with the plugin or perhaps elsewhere? (I'm specifically referring to these two projects Unraid-DVB-Plugin and Unraid-Nvidia-Plugin)

    The DVB source scripts are here.  https://github.com/linuxserver/Unraid-DVB


    The Nvidia source scripts we deliberately are keeping closed as we're a tiny bit scared of Nvidia and the possibility of people using them to circumvent certain Nvidia restrictions.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Ryonez said:

    As mention in the section you quoted:


    Gone, as in, I had like 5-6 places I was getting instructions from. Something that's normally used as a description field ended up being glossed over, especially as it didn't look like instructions among all the instructions being looked at.

    I had already identified that I missed it, and why and how it could've been prevented by adding it to the dockerhub instructions. Telling me it's in the template again doesn't help if I'm to be frank.

    Look, lets just leave this conversation.  It's going nowhere.  The info was there, you missed it.  We can't spoon feed every bit of information.  It's on the diskover site here. https://github.com/shirosaidev/diskover#requirements and it's on our template.  If you miss the information, that's on you, there's a limit to how much we can do.


    I had never used this before either, but I managed to set it up without any issues based on the documentation that was available, as I hadn't been involved in the dev of either diskover or the container.


    We're not installing Windows .exe files here, we do our best to lower the bar, but by definition, you're running a server, some applications are more complex to use than others and more complicated to install than others, the only place we get this sort of complaint from is the Unraid forums which, ironically, is the place where installing stuff is the easiest.


    The problem really boiled down to the piece of info you missed, and you incorrectly assumed that it was an issue with the container being at fault.  Whether you choose to install this again or not, I don't much care, but at least take some responsibility for your own error rather than moaning that we didn't make it easy enough for you.

  10. Just now, CorneliousJD said:

    Thanks, I put in linuxserver/deluge:5b398f77-ls22 


    I honestly picked 146 at first because I wasn't completely following which arch I should pick on the newer releases, didn't realize that 5b398f77-ls22  would have automatically picked the proper one for me. I see my mistake now. I was just looking to go back to the release numbers I had recognized the last time I had a small issue, (back then I went to 135) -- that's why I ended up trying to go back to 135 again this time, just familiarity.


    I'm on 5b398f77-ls22 now though, restored from backup from last night before the update happened, all back up and good to go! All torrents back and appear to be where they should be now!


    Appreciate the assist @CHBMB! :)

    The arch is easy on Unraid it's always going to be amd64

    arm32v7 and arm64v8 are for 32 bit and 64 bit ARM systems, which Unraid doesn't run.  Think SBCs like Raspberry Pi, Odroid etc..... ;)


    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Ryonez said:

    I'm aware of that, I followed the instructions on dockerhub.

    Redis and Elasticsearch were set up, but there's no errors other than redis saying it's not going to have high performance on unraid.

    It gets here:
    Once running the URL will be http://host-ip/ initial application spinup will take some time so please reload if you get an empty response.
    There's a response that I mentioned above that, but otherwise nothing happens. no info, nothing saying it's processing, nada.

    If it's failing because of this:
    If you simply want the application to work you can mount these to folders with 0777 permissions, otherwise you will need to create these users host level and set the folder ownership properly.
    Then the documentation needs the instructions for unraid added. It's not in the template info. Also again, it should error on perm issues, which it isn't.

    It looks like this is probably due to Elasticsearch then.  As an aside, it's a good illustration of what info we need to help. 

    Docker is immutable, the container I run is the same as the container you run.  The ONLY way we have of testing that is if you provide your docker run command (and logs can be helpful).  Anything else is mostly noise.


    This is why I have Docker Run command link in my signature.




  12. Yup noticed this very quickly, and it's something not mention in the documentation.

    I'm done with this. It shouldn't be hard, everything is there. Yet it just spits out `No diskover indices found in Elasticsearch. Please run a crawl and come back.`
    There's no indications of anything actually doing anything, no guides as to what to expect at the start. It just doesn't work, for no obvious reason. In my opinion right now, this needs to either be updated with better docs on dealing with issues and how to find out what's actually going wrong, or looked at for removal. 
    And I'm not saying that lightly. I'm a firm support of linuxserver's work for the community, but this thing is just a mess.
    I cannot replicate any of the behaviour your describing so completely at a loss of what to tell you. It doesn't need removing. Working as far as I can tell.

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  13. Ok, so it seems I spoke too soon! Just clicking start on the Windows 10 VM crashed the Unraid GUI!!! Really getting beyond fed up with this!! System wouldn't shutdown cleanly and had to do a hard reset! I really hate having to do that and almost never had to when it was running Ubuntu as server!
    Were you running a Windows 10 VM on your Ubuntu server?

    Quick scroll through the thread and it all seems to be indicating an issue with virtualisation of a Windows 10 install to me.

    Have you tried all the things people have suggested above? Specifically reducing the amount of RAM allocated to VMs?

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  14. Very very new to unraid and next cloud.. Not sure if this is the correct spot on the forums either to ask this question.
    I have nextcloud setup so far. I am trying to set up it that I can access my unraid files from nextcloud. Files such as documents, music. I would also want to be able to read and write these files as well.
    External Devices plugin

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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