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Everything posted by CHBMB

  1. One other thing, if you look at the first post of the mariadb support thread there's some links I think to try and recover the databases if you haven't already. Backup the mariadb appdata before you start messing with the files though. Read the whole thread as I seem to remember someone else posted some more info on possible fixes too.
  2. You're probably going to have to reinstall Nextcloud, backup the contents of /data and when you've finished reinstalling you can copy the data back to your newly created user. Once you've done that you can rescan the files into the database again via the terminal, I've posted the command somewhere in this thread already, but once you've done the above post here and I can always dig it out again. Guess I don't need to tell you the importance of backups at this point do I?
  3. I don't support the subfolder method I'm afraid.
  4. It'll get rebuilt when the Jackett team push a new release.
  5. If you read the post above you could have answered your own question......
  6. Digital Ocean which hosts our files has an issue at the moment.... Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  7. The magic smoke escaped..... Seriously, completely unable to help with the info provided.
  8. I think Thanks should be directed at all those members that have been dealing with the mess the last few months. @dlandon and @Squid have been working behind the scenes to try and clean up, and obviously @Frank1940 has put a great deal of work in here. There are many others too. The unsung heroes imho.... This has highlighted how fragile things are, and those of us that maintain plugins/containers have to maintain these things and I feel we owe a responsibility to do so, or at least state that life has taken over as PhAzE did when he wound things down.
  9. Your initial logs showed no certificate was generated. Seems that has been resolved. It's working fine now, out the box, nginx isn't configured to respond on port 80 (http) A lot of this could have been avoided by looking at the logs. Would have helped remove a lot of guesswork, but at least you got it working.
  10. Turn off the Asuscomm domain functionality. Not sure what thread you're talking about to be honest?
  11. Do you have any form of dynamicDNS on your router? I know some Asus routers have that functionality.
  12. Failed authorization procedure. *****nextcloud.duckdns.org (http-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Fetching http://*****nextcloud.duckdns.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/pBh4tVjEdh2LbJ1O-PTVjE5gCs14g91uSp5JocABmm8: Timeout IMPORTANT NOTES: - The following errors were reported by the server: Domain: *****nextcloud.duckdns.org Type: connection Detail: Fetching http://*****nextcloud.duckdns.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/pBh4tVjEdh2LbJ1O-PTVjE5gCs14g91uSp5JocABmm8: Timeout To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the client. If you're using the webroot plugin, you should also verify that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided. ERROR: Cert does not exist! Please see the validation error above. The issue may be due to incorrect dns or port forwarding settings. Please fix your settings and recreate the container That's why it's not working. Sure your router ports are setup correctly?
  13. No, my guide and preferred method (more secure & less issues) is nextcloud.server.com So have you fixed it then? Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  14. One thing that springs to mind is be wary, or at least look into the license for GoodSync. It may not be legal to "repackage" and distribute it (aka upload it to docker hub)
  15. You running as https://nextcloud.server.com or https://server.com/nextcloud ?
  16. htaccess isn't relevant as this container is using nginx not apache. Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  17. I've just spun up my copy and it's working fine on v6.5.0 Things to try..... 1. Different browser / browser cache clear 2. Fresh appdata Might be worth posting your docker run command as well. (Link in my sig)
  18. I have override activated though. Still doesn't explain my issue as far as I can see.
  19. If you decide to upgrade and genuinely think you've found an issue that is with the container, by all means lodge an issue on github with the relevant information. But I think what we're trying to say is we're confident the issues we've experienced are neither due to PEBCAK errors or problems with the container itself, and we're satisfied that the root cause was the Unifi software. And running bleeding edge Unifi software is fine for some, notably those that can get themselves out of a mess if they need to, but we're absolving ourselves of any responsibility with this, which I'm sure you'll agree is an understandable standpoint as many many users on here and on other platforms are not as tech savvy as you and I. We're all volunteers with lives, families and jobs to do, so helping Unifi support and debug their beta releases isn't something we feel we want to do with our spare time. If you wish to take the mantle of helping anyone with the beta Unifi software here, then be our guest.
  20. Exact same issue doesn't necessarily equal the exact same cause. It may do, but it may not. And whilst I understand the limitations of docker bridge networking in affecting the issue, I don't follow how a factory reset and then using SSH to tell the access point where the controller is (as in it's IP address) shouldn't work.....
  21. This was the thread. https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/issues-with-5-7-20/td-p/2280208
  22. The assumption you've made there though is that the ONLY people who have had problems have been using a container or as you stated earlier PEBKAC errors on Reddit.
  23. I knew it was either you or me, I know you pushed the branch and I know you updated to 5.7.20 as well, but you're normally pretty reserved about upgrading stuff, so I thought I may have beat you to it.
  24. The issue with the software is upstream, nothing changes in the underlying dockerfile and associated code. Help Unifi, tell them. The only change in the container between unstable and stable is this line afaik
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