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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. I have OpenVPN server installed on my router and I am just starting to use unRAID.  Is there any advantage to installing OpenVPN server on my unRAID box instead?


    Nope, better off on your router as then if your Unraid OpenVPN goes down you would still be able to log in.

    On the flip side, most home routers don't have nearly enough CPU to provide full bandwidth VPN throughput. So, if you are using the VPN to manage machines, then router is best, if you are trying to stream content or share files over the VPN, server based is better.


    For most people, router is best, as streaming is handled by plex or emby over https.

  2. I cannot get the WebUI for sab to launch. I've tried changing ports for the WebUI and that won't work, either.



    Disable the VPN in the docker settings and try again. If it works, it means the VPN is not successfully connecting. It's designed that way to keep you from thinking you have a working VPN connection when you really don't.
  3. Hey guys


    Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can get Emby to work with my reverse proxy that has htaccess set up. I can't figure out a way to put in a username and password (I tried username:password@url).


    Any suggestions?

    Not sure what you mean. htaccess is going to use its own user and password list, not related to emby in any way. Have you set up your htaccess password file?


  4. What you wish to accomplish with that?

    Check for a sticky bit? A bit stuck at 0 would pass the current preclear, but fail a write / verify 1's pass.

    If you really want to get thorough, you could do a 1's pass, Hex AA pass, Hex 55 pass, then finish with a 0's pass. That would force any marginal sectors to definitely either pass or puke. Plus, it would almost satisfy DOD erasure standards.
  5. Enhancement Request:


    Option to alternate between writing 0's and 1's. If I choose an odd number of passes then start with 0's and if even start with 1's. The last pass should always zero.


    Thanks for all the hard work.

    What you wish to accomplish with that?

    Check for a sticky bit? A bit stuck at 0 would pass the current preclear, but fail a write / verify 1's pass.
  6. Looks like it even slightly sped up my parity check speed as well.

    Not possible that changing filesystems would affect parity check speed since parity has no concept of filesystems, just bits.

    Taken as an isolated system, very true. However... if there are writes to the array during the parity check, then parity check speed is a product of the ideal maximum for the hardware plus overhead for any reads or writes that occurred during the check.


    trurl's point stands, file system doesn't effect parity check speed.


    File system type very definitely can effect read and write speed to the array. Given that very few people shut down all file activity during a parity check, I can see where there could be an observed difference, but it's only due to file access, not the actual parity check.


    Couchpotato Mapping:

    /downloads -- /mnt/user/Downloads/complete/

    /movies -- /mnt/user/Movies/

    /config -- /mnt/user/appdata/CouchPotato


    Transmission Mapping

    /downloads  --/mnt/user/Downloads/

    /watch -- /mnt/user/Downloads/

    /config  --/mnt/user/appdata/transmission

    Change the /downloads mapping to match, both /mnt/user/Downloads/. Specify the complete folder in the CP GUI Renamer settings as /downloads/complete/
  8. Since I don't use mac I'm not sure if I'm barking up the wrong tree, but possibly you might have better results using putty as the ssh client instead of the native mac app?


    Does mc work predictably if you use it at the local console instead of from one of your workstations?

  9. That seems backwards to me? Say yes on cache and it moves it to the array? I had it set to no and it wouldn't move.

    The yes and no refer to new data sent to the share. A new file written to a share set to cache yes will initially be written to the cache drive and moved on schedule. A new file written to a share set to cache no will be written directly to the array, not to the cache.
  10. I understand what you are saying.  I didn't realize that OSX wasn't supported.  Based on that you are right, your work should stay here and does not really apply to Windows or Linux.  As I said, I'm not an OSX guy.

    It's not that OSX isn't supported on unraid, but the only legal way to run it is on Apple hardware. So, as long as you are running unraid on a Mac, you are fine. Limetech has decided not to put effort into supporting the minuscule market share of people who are interested in running unraid on a Mac, but if you are, there is nothing in unraid preventing you from setting up an OSX VM on said unraid Mac. Running OSX on any OTHER hardware besides Apple branded equipment is clearly against the OSX license agreement.


    I. Other Use Restrictions. The grants set forth in this License do not permit you to, and you agree not to, install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-branded computer, or to enable others to do so. Except as otherwise permitted by the terms of this License or otherwise licensed by Apple: (i) only one user may use the Apple Software at a time, and (ii) you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be run or used by multiple computers at the same time. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Apple Software.
  11. What you are trying to do is not recommended at all. If windows takes a notion to change any bits on the unraid drive for any reason, you will lose the ability to accurately reconstruct a failed drive in the unraid array until you successfully complete a correcting parity check.


    Unraid expects to be the only boot OS on the machine. Any other configuration is unsupported.

  12. Hi, I'm having an issue where a torrent I'm downloading will stop and the docker will give me a "No space left on device" error even though there is plenty of space left on the drive I'm downloading to. This happens on different torrents and when I get about a gig or so downloaded the down speed will go to zero and the log starts repeating this error

    exceptions.OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

    There are about 130 GB free on the cache drive and this is reflected in the bottom right of the deluge WebUI. If I delete the part of the torrent that has been downloaded up until that point the error stops and I can download again. Here http://pastebin.com/RS4crZb4 is the log. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    What format is your cache drive? If it's a BTRFS pool with multiple devices, the free space reported may be wrong.
  13. The path is "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" is that not a valid path anymore in unraid 6?

    It's a valid path in unraid, but not INSIDE the docker. Dockers map folders according to the parameters passed to them. So, if you passed "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" to the docker as your /data location, you would select /data as the path in SAB, and it would save in "/mnt/user/Movies/HD Movies" in unraid.


    I advise reading Binhex's (and the general unraid) FAQ on dockers before you get in too deep.

  14. I don't understand what is happening. I'm desperate, and I think I'm going to format my unraid key and start a fresh install.

    Do you think it's agood idea ?



    No, it's not a good idea. You will continue to have the same problem until you understand what is going on. Post a new screenshot of the details to a torrent you are trying to download. Pay attention to the path. MAKE SURE it says /data/ instead of /mnt/user/Torrent/.



  15. Also you are configuring deluge app to write to /data right?

    OK, change data path to /mnt/user/Home Cinema/Torrent/ and tried to /mnt/user/Torrent

    Your picture shows the torrent is trying to download to /mnt/user/Torrent, but that path does not exist inside the docker. Leave the docker config the way it is, and tell deluge to save the file to /data, like binhex told you.
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