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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. Assuming one's system is functioning normally is there really any compelling reason to migrate to XFS at the moment?  I realize that RFS is no longer being developed, but I was thinking until I'm ready to replace a drive I'm not really feeling any sense of urgency.  I currently have 3 2TB data drives, and 2 2TB parity drives.  I do not have any free SATA ports on my motherboard, and I don't have an expansion card.  So it is not physically possible to connect another drive at present.  So I'm thinking until I need more storage, and want to invest in new hardware it seems best to just leave well enough alone.  Your thoughts?

    Until you experience issues, leave it be. Many people experience performance issues with Reiser, ranging from slow writes to complete lockups. If your system is running well, no need to switch.
  2. hey guys,


    i've got a problem ... suprise suprise :)

    Installed the docker.

    When i select vpn enable "no" I'm able to access sabnzbd.

    When I enable the vpn I'm not able to reach the webinterface from my windows pc within the same LAN.


    Pretty sure its my own stupidity but I need help :)

    Usually that means you have something filled out wrong in the VPN section of the docker config page, like wrong user or password or something. Who is your VPN provider?


    These VPN enabled containers won't run unless the VPN is working correctly if you set it to use the VPN, that's a safety feature to keep you from thinking it's working when it's not, and leaking info.


    Have you read the general support thread for binhex's dockers? http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45811.0

  3. I was basically upgrading from a 1g to a 2g drive and trying to change filesystem from reiser to XFS at the same time.  Guess I was trying to be too clever.


    So is there now no way to read the data on the disk formatted as XFS through the UD plugin?

    Yep, no way to change file systems and rebuild to a new drive at the same time, you have to copy the data. At this point, it's probably going to be quicker to go ahead and add the new 2TB to the array, format it as XFS, and copy the data back over again from the 1TB Reiser disk. If you recreate the partition the way UD set it up, the original data will probably show up intact, but you still will have to repartition and format it to add it to the array. I can't think of a way to get around that and still add the drive to the parity protected array.
  4. Uh Oh, what have I done wrong here???  :-X


    I thought I would use this plugin to be able to move items off an array disk to a new disk formatted as XFS, mounted with this plugin.  That all went fine and the data was copied across.


    My plan was then to remove the old array disk and put in the new disk which was already formatted as XFS with my data on it and then do a new config and rebuild parity.


    HOWEVER, the new disk is showing as not formatted.


    Even when I try re-mounting it now with unassigned devices the mount button is greyed out and just the format button is available!


    Where have I gone wrong here?  Can I save the data on the disk that I used in unassigned devices??


    You can't format a disk with the plugin and then use it on the array, it will appear as unmountable.

    You can, however, assign the target drive as a single slot cache device, select XFS as the file system, and format it that way. It can then be moved to another system, and / or mounted using UD. Or just copy the files across while it's in the cache slot.


    What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish? Your post is not fully fleshed out as to why you couldn't just rebuild the new drive in the old drive's slot, which would populate the old drive's data on the new drive.

  5. While receiving this email was mildly irksome on the 2 home machines... the use of TOR, which is STRICTLY prohibited on any work network, set off a bunch of red flags at work as my business revolves around government/bank/broker/customer confidential information... and I was called in EARLY to investigate who was attempting to breach NDAs to leak restricted information and have been in meetings with the parent company and our customers over what happened for the last 3 hours.   

    How on earth did an unsecure machine get outbound internet access in a secure facility? Was the firewall breached somehow? Unraid should never have been allowed on the network in the first place, it's pretty much a security breach waiting to happen.
  6. I'm able to make use of TOR to anonymize the IP address. Is that ok for you, guys?
    Could you change the google form type to log the IP address, so that we can see that what is logged is not our own IP?


    On that same note, are you planning to allow us to peruse the data that you collect on the google form? If you say no, I understand, and don't necessarily object, but it would be nice if you would add a link to the form data on the submission confirmation after you send data.

  7. It's why I cringe every time I see someone specify to just use or for DNS.


    OFT!!!  I have done this because, unfortunately, it is one pair of DNS servers that are available almost everywhere.  Do you know of another set of DNS servers which is universally available with all of the baggage?

    No clue how honest these people are, but at least they claim to do no evil with your data. https://freedns.zone/en/
  8. I'd like to see google mentioned, since they are the entity that is actually receiving the data on your behalf. That way if I'm watching the bits flow through my router, I'll know with reasonable certainty that a connection from unraid to google is a result of the dialog I just clicked.


    The "anonymous" wording may be the end result to YOU, but it certainly isn't anonymous to google.


    Any way to anonymize the IP address?

    Not that I'm aware of if you continue to use google. One reason google is "free" is because they collect every bit of data they can on every user and computer they can. Cross referencing all the little tidbits allows them to sell user profiles as a "product" to advertisers. They can't do that if they can't correlate info somehow.


    As long as you disclose that google is the one receiving and holding the form data, I see no issue with it. The data really is anonymous to you, and anyone else accessing the forms from outside. It's only google's internal workings that do the correlation and data mining.

  9. Will this work?



    I'd like to see google mentioned, since they are the entity that is actually receiving the data on your behalf. That way if I'm watching the bits flow through my router, I'll know with reasonable certainty that a connection from unraid to google is a result of the dialog I just clicked.


    The "anonymous" wording may be the end result to YOU, but it certainly isn't anonymous to google.

  10. Absolutely!  I assume that this popup choice will be presented upon the completion of each preclear process.


    I was thinking about presenting it on first open of Preclear/Unassigned Devices, and let users change it on the Help Section of Preclear Plugin page.


    Why do you think it should be done after each preclear session?


    Why not?  That way if something did not seems right or there was a problem (or even a recently introduced size or disk model), the user could decide that in this case, he might want to upload the data.  If you are going to provide an check-box type option, you might provide an "Ask me each Time" as a third choice to hard 'Yes' or 'No' choice.  You are providing this software free to the user base and you do (in my opinion) have the right to be insistent in requesting an upload of the results.

    Absolutely. I accept as a user of your software that you ask certain things in return to help you. I just ask that you be open and transparent when you make those requests.


    I would be perfectly fine with a mandatory nag at the end of each preclear that asks "Will you help me improve this software by providing me with the statistical results and / or errors of this preclear?"


    What I will not stand for is the silent transmission of my information with no explicit permission.

  11. Since all data is anonymous (no serial exposed, for example), is there a real need for an opt-out setting?

    Yes. And not just for the obvious reason of distrust of data collection. Adding a data upload means internet connectivity is expected, and data will be traveling. I prefer to be able to isolate a system if necessary without sacrificing functionality that has no need of internet. A purely local function that breaks because of lack of internet is broken, period. Internet activity and data collection needs to be opt in, not opt out. I understand that forces you to beg people and ask for them to please allow you to collect data, but that's the way it should be. You need to justify to the end user WHY the data you are asking them to send on their dime benefits them as well as you.
  12. I've just had a really bad failure with this plugin. I pressed the restore button (not fully intending to do one) and it prompts to continue or not, good. However I selected no (or cancel, I can't recall the exact working), but I made sure to select to not proceed. It went ahead anyway and started deleting appdata files, after few retries, the abort finally worked. But now it's fucked most of my dockers.

    Pretty sure that you hit OK instead of cancel.

    I haven't looked, but is it possible the dialog is a little ambiguous? If I hit NO on a proceed, followed by an OK on a dialog to stop the process, I expect the OK to confirm my previous NO. Wording and placement of confirmation second chance dialogs is tricky.
  13. Does your VPN service have incoming ports enabled? I know with PIA, only certain endpoints have open ports for incoming connections. Even some pay VPN's don't allow incoming.


    I am using PIA, specifically the NY node.  I'll have to see if it allows incoming.


    Are there any PIA endpoints with incoming connections in the US... or at least reasonably close?  I tried the PIA network speedtest on Germany and Netherlands and it was super slow compared to my primary connection nodes.

    No USA based PIA endpoints allow incoming. I'm talking out of my rear at this point, but I assumed that was for legal reasons, specifically RIAA MPAA etc.
  14. I'm having an issue with getting any peers to connect.  I can connect to WebUI fine and Tracker connections seem fine.

    The checkMyTorrentIp test torrent works fine as well showing a different IP than my ISP.


    But any torrent with known seeders is always showing 0 peers.  Same torrents on my old non VPN Linuxserver.io based transmission container (not active at the same time of course) shows peer connections and downloads.


    I know with the vpn connection I don't have to worry about the port I forward for the other transmission container, but I tried setting it anyway.  Still same 0 peers.

    Since the checkMyTorrentIp connects with an expected IP response and the Tracker connections seem fine, I'm assuming the VPN connection is working.


    Any ideas?

    Does your VPN service have incoming ports enabled? I know with PIA, only certain endpoints have open ports for incoming connections. Even some pay VPN's don't allow incoming.
  15. aptalca:weneedatokenyank

    ;D ;D ;D

    I'm dyin' here!

    ;D ;D ;D


    Serious question, which I'm sure the internet knows but I'm too lazy to ask, what happens if you have 2 identical user names with different hashes? Do they both work? Neither? Only 1st listed? Only last?

  16. lol And get back into the whole "calling home" debate.


    But regardless, as a purely opt-in feature, it would be extremely helpful in determining what works and what doesn't.

    How about a button to push next to the diagnostics button? Something along the lines of "Preview upload system profile to internet", which generates the detected output to a page, along with optional ratings and short comment fields, and has a button at the bottom, "Upload Now".


    Maybe generate a unique hash of the USB GUID in the submission so the results can be linked to your online profile if you wish, or kept anonymous if you don't tell anyone your hash. Don't allow editing of the hardware profile or hash, just display and submit as is. If you don't want the info sent, don't upload it.


    Limetech would have a record of which public IP uploaded the profile, but if it's totally voluntary and disclosed, I don't see how anyone would have a serious issue with it.

  17. But for the next little while most coding of mine is going to go at a snail's pace while I've got a cast on my hand

    You know you are supposed to take your hand OUT of the door jamb before you shut the door, right?  :'(

    Actually went to scoot my wheeled chair forward a bit and my bum lost traction and I wound up on the floor.  (After all these many years I've still got a baby smooth bum  ;D  )

    Nekkid coding? That explains a lot!  ::)
  18. Is there a way to check for HPA w/o directly mounting the drive into my UnRaid (ie cracking the case)?
    Check the reported size in bytes and see if it matches the normal 8TB size. If it's smaller, it could be either HPA, or the USB interface doing some funky translation, or it's simply a totally different model. Either way, if it's smaller, the only penalty is to make sure you never try to use it as a parity drive. The small size difference won't hurt anything if it's a data drive.
  19. I sense a little resistance, it must be personal when there are so many request from the user base.

    Very seriously doubt it's personal, just business. The amount of effort to develop and properly support it doesn't look to be worth it compared to the added benefits given the use cases presented right now. The number of people showing interest really is pretty small compared to the people wanting better VM and docker support.


    Features in unraid tend to be worked on based on perceived need, so if more people want a feature, that's where the limited development and support tend to go. Give it time, and maybe iSCSI's time will come.


    We lobbied for years to get UPS support, external notifications, dual parity, etc added. Now we have all that plus VM's and dockers.

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