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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. Then whenever the pi starts it could ping the server to see if it is up, and if there is no response it turns on the server via the relay or maybe power it on from wake on LAN but I guess wake on lan only works from sleep .

    WOL works best from power off. Waking a server from sleep is dicey at best, servers are not designed for sleep. Many high end consumer routers include WOL, so if you have VPN into your router, you can just WOL your server from the router. If you have a server board with IPMI, then just log in and wake it from there.


    There are several routes to get to your end destination, it all depends on what hardware and software you already have, and possibly need to set up to connect the dots.

  2. . I have it all working now. Set my slave to shut down after 90 seconds and have the master to shut down on 10% battery. Power outs seem to be about 30 mins here. The ups will power my main server for about 40 mins but not both for 30.

    You may want to increase that 10% power figure, depending on how often it happens and how frequently you wish to replace batteries. Pulling SLA batteries that low will have a very negative effect on their lifetime, I suspect you may only get 2 or 3 cycles down that low before you start noticing a drop in capacity. Personally I don't like to get below 50%.


    Also consider recharge times from that depth of discharge, it may take many hours to recover from a discharge event, so if you happen to have multiple outages, you may already be too low to properly shut down from the second event.

  3. Oh, forgot to mention, I personally use a really cheap APC ups to trigger the apcupsd signalling, my servers are actually running on 2KVA online UPS's that don't talk to apcupsd. It works out well, when the building's power goes down, the apcupsd master sends the signal to all the machines, desktops and servers alike, and they each have their own settings on how long to stay running. Downside is I don't get any realtime feedback on battery levels, but I typically match loads so that in a pinch I have about 30 minutes runtime, and shutdown routines trigger in a small fraction of that. Infrastructure like routers, switches and access points typically stay up for an hour before I kill them.


    Be VERY sure that any slaves on apcupsd will still have a valid path to the master when the power is out. It would suck to forget that your little 5 port pocket hub under the desk isn't connected to a UPS.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hi is there an easy way I can get my first server to send a signal to my second server when UPS is low so it shutsdown cleanly. main server is plugged into UPS by USB

    Yes, if you are using the unraid stock ups software (apcupsd). On the slave server set the cable type to Ether, the ups type to Net, and the device to <master_server_name_or_ip>:3551


    Make SURE that the conditions to shutdown are set to keep the master on long enough to allow the slave server to shutdown first.


    Personally, I have the master machine set to shut down after 300 seconds on battery, and the slave after 270 seconds. If the power around here is off more than a minute, it's going to be out a while.


    BTW, this also works for VM's. I have apcupsd set up in all my VM's to initiate shutdown after 60 seconds of no power, so they have plenty of time to finish up what they are doing and shutdown cleanly before unraid pulls the rug out from under them.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4
  5. My VPN provider is usenetserver.

    Even if you get this docker running with usenetserver, you will not be able to seed or get decent speeds. usenetserver's VPN doesn't offer open incoming ports, it's all NAT'ed.


    PIA would be the best choice for a torrent friendly VPN.

  6. thanks for the good explanation dmacias.

    i think now it really makes sense to buy the ultra cheap small ssd, like 120 GB, and pass them entirely :)

    Depends on how close you are to your server limits. Since Unraid counts all attached devices for the license, you could find yourself needing to upgrade either hardware or software to add more drives, where if you have one large SSD, it only takes one SATA port to host multiple VM's.
  7. /mnt/cache/app/emby



    /mnt/user/Tv Shows/

    Probably not relevant to the freezing issue, but you need to fix your mapping. You have /mnt listed along with /mnt/user paths. I suggest you read the docker FAQ's on path mapping. A good start would probably be to remove the /mnt that is by itself.


    You neglected to post what the host paths were mapped to inside the container, so it's not possible to tell what other issues the duplicate host mapping may be causing.

  8. I'm talking about the client, to push all traffic through a PIA VPN :) As opposed to hosting a VPN server to connect back into my home network

    Yeah, I understand what you want, it's just a bad idea unless you know exactly what you are doing. The VPN service does not firewall the endpoint connection, so theoretically connecting to them allows other vpn users on the same network node free access to your system totally bypassing your router, since unraid doesn't have a built in firewall.


    I personally would never risk it. Binhex's dockers go to great lengths to ensure isolation and security, to make sure VPN traffic doesn't leak out of the docker, or vice versa.


    Network security is hard. Too many ways for things to go wrong, and not many ways to do it right.


    Is it possible to use the OpenVPN client plugin to connect only specific things, i.e. I need all of my dockers going through a VPN except for Plex, which doesn't work remotely when going through a VPN :(

    So is there a way to bypass / exclude a single docker container from using the VPN / TUN interface? :)


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Normally this specific plugin is used to provide a private tunnel for you to connect back to your server from outside securely. Connecting to a VPN service is better served by Binhex's VPN enabled torrent and nzb dockers.
  10. Sparklyballs has pushed an update to this. May or may not fix the issues.

    traps: forked-daapd[11809] general protection ip:2b09d4a9521a sp:2b09d4b05740 error:0 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2b09d4a51000+88000]

    Still shows up in unraid log when I try to play anything. Been doing this since the docker was rebased.

  11. I've not been able to reproduce it so I can't think of any other way to troubleshoot unless you can link it to an event.

    Possibly the same issue that started happening for me when the daapd docker was rebased several months ago. I think ld-musl-x86_64.so.1has an issue sometimes running under alpine.


    To reproduce it, you have to have an existing file that it doesn't like. It seems to run fine with only a few mp3 files to scan, as soon as you point it to a full library, it has issues. I haven't figured out what triggers it exactly, but I suspect it's either the total number of files or a specific file type like an album cover image or archive or something.

  12. ...

    I could be wrong, I'm talking out of my rear at the moment, but can you select something to move in the "Which folders do you want to move?" section? I don't think the Home tab populates until you do. Bad UI if so.


    Well, the plugin was born out of my own requirements, which it has suited just fine for me.


    It has evolved during this time and perhaps the common usage scenarios are different, but I wouldn't go as far as to give it a "Bad UI" rating.


    If you don't like it, I do welcome suggestions and have implemented almost all (I think) of what I've received in the forums.

    On a fresh install, the initial instinct is to click on the "Home" tab. There is nothing on the settings page telling you "hey dummy, add a folder to move" so the home tab link will do something. Perhaps you could move the "which folders do you want to move" section to the home tab, so at least you see some action when you initially click on home.


    Also, I think the common usage is now to completely clean off a specific disk, for whatever reason, with all the folders included. Maybe populating the home tab with a share level deep drive list with check boxes for drives or individual shares as source, and valid destinations with checkboxes as well. For example, I could check just the movies on disk1 and have the destination be disk2,3,4 or I could check the entire disk1 and send it across all the rest of the drives.


    It seems a little off to want to empty a specific disk, but step 1 is to pick which folders I want to move. Since unraid's share system by default doesn't force specific disks for a share, it's conceivable that a user may have no clue which shares are on a drive when he opens unBALANCE, he just wants the drive empty, and expects to be shown a list of drives that can be emptied and a list of possible destinations.


    Thank you for your work on this, it's truly the go to plugin for novice friendly disk level data management, it's a function that should IMHO be Limetech's responsibility, but hey, that's what the community is for, to fill the holes in basic functionality.

  13. Not sure if this belongs here, but have you guys encountered a situation where you're unable to access pages from within your LAN?

    My nginx config routes all http traffic to https. When some machine in the LAN tries to access the server via mydomain.com, then the protocol can be seen to change to https (meaning server is reached), but then request times out.


    Everything is OK from outside the LAN and target service is reached.

    Checked router config - NAT loopback is enabled.

    What gives?

    I've seen that issue with loopback. Some routers don't like to play nice, do you have any loopback options you can play with? Try disabling loopback and see what happens.
  14. I just installed this plugin using Community Applications.


    I don't seem to be able to change the disk I'm trying to empty.  It says "you choose the source disk in the main page" but i can only get to the settings and log tabs.  clicking the Home tab does nothing.  I've not been able to find "the main page" to specify which disk.

    I could be wrong, I'm talking out of my rear at the moment, but can you select something to move in the "Which folders do you want to move?" section? I don't think the Home tab populates until you do. Bad UI if so.
  15. /downloads should be the same folder in both containers, change the Sonarr one to match NZBget.  Otherwise it's like this:


    NZBGet:  I put that file in /downloads/somefolder/ for you:  (/mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/somefolder/)

    Sonarr:  Thanks I'll take a look in /downloads/somefolder/: (Looking in /mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/completed/Series/somefolder/)

    Sonarr:  I can't see it in /downloads/somefolder/

    NZBGet:  You fricking blind or something?!  It's right there!


    You get my drift?


    And remember Linux is case sensitive, so I always recommend keeping folders lowercase, makes for less confusion in the long run.

    This is GOLD, my friend, PURE GOLD.


    You need to put this in the docker FAQ, it perfectly sums up the what, how, and why on docker mapping issues. I realize it's already explained there, but the comedy really highlights what's going on.

  16. Briefly looking at the docker xml template scheme for 6.2 I have issues with the current proposal.


    the new scheme as it is at the moment doesn't work in pre 6.2 versions.


    if docker authors want to be fully 6.2 compliant, and not leave those wishing to stay on 6.1 behind, we will end up having to write two sets of tags for every path, variable, device or port mapping.


    it's my experience that when you increase the complexity, you exponentialy increase the chances of mistakes. miss out one mapping, or make a mistake on either set of tags, you end up with a container that will only work properly on either post or pre 6.2, but not both.

    If you use dockerMan to create templates, then there is no problem as its generated files are both v1 and v2 compliant.  Manually creating the xml is a recipe for disaster.  Going forward however this really isn't going to be a big deal as less and less users use 6.1.x / 6.0

    You were trolled by a bot  ;Dhttps://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47482.0
  17. As a side note, a windows 10 VM with no scheduled downtime? Really? You are aware that MS is going to be constantly fighting you for control of updates, and attempting to restart the machine at what will end up being the most inconvenient times. There have already been several automatic update bypasses that MS has disabled, it's going to be an ongoing battle to maintain control.


    Disabling the windows update service has always been reliable. They have never circumvented that approach to stopping autoupdates.

  18. Hello,


    I'm using sabnzbd and deluge.

    How to be sure that the both softwares are covering by the vpn?



    Using this plugin? Dunno, I'm doing it the easy way, using Binhex's excellent VPN enabled dockers. He builds them with failsafes against accidental IP leakage, and as a bonus has privoxy baked in so you can use the same VPN tunnel to browse through if you want.


    I wouldn't use this plugin to connect to a VPN service, it's meant for you to create a private tunnel to allow secure remote access for your own devices when you are away from home.

  19. How does this container relate to the official Plex Docker container going forwards?


    Starting from a fresh unRAID install, should I pick this or the official Plex image?


    Choose the one you feel fits most for you.

    Plex based their container on ours, but they are still to completely separated containers.


    For every day use, you shouldn't see any difference with any of the two.

    I think the better question to ask is who will support you better, and who will stay current better. I honestly don't know the answer, as I've never dealt with plex official support, if there is such a beast.


    (disclaimer, I don't use plex, I use emby)

  20. Can this script be use to backup a Running Windows 10 VM (without shutting it down) ?  My VM can't go down at all.

    Not reliably. I suggest you look into something like acronis or similar software that will run inside the VM, so that it can be aware of pending file system changes and use shadow copies to make a successful backup.


    As a side note, a windows 10 VM with no scheduled downtime? Really? You are aware that MS is going to be constantly fighting you for control of updates, and attempting to restart the machine at what will end up being the most inconvenient times. There have already been several automatic update bypasses that MS has disabled, it's going to be an ongoing battle to maintain control.

  21. You are absolutely right! :)

    VPN, SAB + Proxy running.

    BUT ... i cant access the privoxy webinterface from my windows machine ? Is that "normal" ? "Invalid header received from client."

    Yes, that's normal. Enter the privoxy info in the proxy settings for the browser, then visit a page like https://www.whatismyip.com/ and see what external IP is reported compared to visiting the same page without the proxy.


    BTW, if you are really concerned about privacy and making sure you are not leaking info, you should not continue to use the same browser through the VPN. Tracking cookies and the like will continue to work, and can seamlessly link your VPN and normal profiles.


    Real privacy is hard, and a subject not well suited for this forum.

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