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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. However, the connection to the server through OpenVPN was capped at 2Mbps, resulting in a choppy playback of any video, even ones that were only a few hundred megabytes.


    My server has a Gigabit NIC, and my connection to the outside world is 100Mbps. Below is a diagram


    Server <----1000Mbps Gigabit NIC ----> Home Router <---- 100Mbps --> Internet <--- 25Mbps ----> Nexus 5X LTE connection


    However, OpenVPN speed is capped at 2Mbps.

    Do you have symmetric 100Mbps at your home? Most US internet connections are asymmetric, and offer much lower transmit than receive speeds. Try running a speed benchmark (speedtest.net) behind your home router to check what speed you are actually able to transmit.
  2. I believe when I did that it did not prompt me to format the drive, it just said "unmountable"

    Did you look at the whole screen? I believe there is a checkbox near the start button that enables formatting of all unmountable disks.


    There sure was... thanks!


    This isn't the first time unRaid has made me feel particularly illiterate

    It's not entirely your fault. The main GUI layout has never to my knowledge been redone from the ground up. It's had bits and pieces added, moved around, improved, modified, etc, but never been totally reworked from scratch. There are many elements there that are recognizable from the first iterations that I used, almost 9 years ago.


    Arguably, it works, so why mess with it, but then you get head scratchers like this for people who haven't been around it as long. If it really bothers you, it probably bothers others. If you have a constructive way to make it work better, PLEASE submit a feature request. Little details make a good product really great.

  3. Perhaps a stupid question: What is the benefit of S3 sleep compare to powerdown the system. A few seconds less wake up/boot time? Or is there something i don´t see?

    With sleep, another computer can power up the server when it needs it

    I use WOL from fully shut down on a regular basis.
  4.   I only use the front fan, leaving the top fan hole open.

    Do you cover the opening with something to prevent air from leaking? If not, then you could probably drop several degrees on your hard drives by forcing all the air to flow over the drives instead of bypassing them.


    Typically you want all fans on one side of the drives to exhaust, and all fans on the other side to intake, and no air leakage bypassing them if you can help it. Some people even set up cardboard baffles to force the air to flow directly over the drives.

  5. oh and just to confirm squid is exactly right, there is no auto update on reboot for any of my dockers, several reasons for this which i wont bore you with.

    And I would like to thank you immensely for this. For several reasons.  ;D


    I really wish you would parallel more of lsio's containers, I would love to be able to start my server with no internet and not have to work without some of my containers.

  6. Hi there and thanks for the docker!

    Got it up and running after fiddling about for a while.


    Since the VPN is up, can it be utilized by other dockers/services on the same box? As a fixed connection for a docker or as a proxy for a virtual machine?

    Enable privoxy in this docker, then point your other apps to it.
  7. How is parity maintained when you format a disk in the array to a new file system?


    I'm thinking of migrating my 10 RFS disks to XFS and I have a handle on how to move the data off individual disks so that I can convert them but this is the part I want to be 100% sure of...


    After the format is complete the array resumes operation with my 10 disks as before?  At any time (e.g. during the format process) is the array unprotected?

    Parity has no concept of files or file systems. As long as you only operate on the /mnt/disk or md devices, parity is maintained. If at any point you mess with sd? devices, you will corrupt parity.


  8. Does anybody have this running behind the lsio apache docker with ssl reverse proxy? I'm poking around trying to at least get the webroot overwrite working inside my network, but I can't even get that far.


    This shows my config.

    Got it, thanks! The pieces that were missing was the SSL redirect stuff. I ASSumed since all my other proxied websites were fine, that I didn't need the other SSL lines.


    In hindsight, I probably wouldn't need them if I had inserted my SSL stuff into the nextcloud config instead of leaving the self signed lsio certificates in place.


    I'm still learning. When I quit learning, I hope it's because I'm dead.  ;D

  9. If the redirect string stays constant like I think it should, then you can try adding it to your hosts file, which may allow it to work.


    Add a line something like          5a2ef303db9f

    to your hosts file and see what happens.

  10. forced it to build an image with official 1.3.12 release for now, so if you "force update" you should now get the non dev version.

    The latest update has the .dev0 for the build. Is there anyway to stay on the latest stable build?


    Are you saying it happened again? Try going to advanced view on the dockers page and force update.

  11. Wow, that site is from the 1990s...


    I'll experiment with that and see if it works.


    Thanks jonathan

    I shouldn't have jumped so quick. Apparently it will give you a generic key that will allow you to reinstall, but activating said install is still at the whims of MS as to whether or not too much hardware has changed compared to the fingerprint linked to your MS account.


    More googling. http://www.howtogeek.com/226510/how-to-use-your-free-windows-10-license-after-changing-your-pc%E2%80%99s-hardware/


    Have I said how much I detest MS's W10 free upgrade campaign? Ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

  12. Now I've migrated my Desktop to Ubuntu from Windows 7, it's occurred to me I could install this on my Unraid machine and upgrade to Windows 10.


    I've installed Windows 7 on Unraid several times in the past, so no worries regarding that bit, but I'm curious about one thing.  If I lose my VDisk with Windows 10 on it for whatever reason, how does the licensing work if I need to reinstall?


    Is it best to just keep a copy of the Vdisk somewhere just in case as unlike Windows 7 I won't have a license key....

    Use this http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html to retrieve your converted key after you upgrade to 10. Theoretically you can then use that key to reinstall 10 clean if necessary.


    (I have not personally tried this. The intarwebs seem to think it will work though.)

  13. LOL...that did it!  Since I was using the defaults in both dockers maybe it's a good idea to change them in the templates to not be the same?  Anyway, thanks for all of the help!

    More of a dockerMan issue than binhex's.  Never really noticed, but 6.2 may stop you from duplicating ports (it at least shows you which host ports are already in use).  Regardless of which version you're running, the docker run command would have pointed out the same error through the GUI at the bottom when adding / reinstalling / editing.

    I hope that duplicate ports would be allowed, but noted as an error condition when you try to start a second instance if the first is already running. I have a couple dockers running individually that use the same port, and sharing other resources. I only ever want to run one at a time for obvious reasons, but I don't want to have to change the port settings to shuffle them around to use the same host port for each.
  14. Limetech already has the infrastructure to offer optional array start denial. The V6 beta already requires connection to the mothership to verify key eligibility before the array will start, so if there was a market for it, I'm sure they would be willing to implement an optional feature that would use the same system to blacklist stolen keys. They say the phone home will be removed in the released version, and I have no reason to doubt that, but it's possible they could turn it into a marketable feature. It shouldn't be too hard to leave the "feature" enabled by request for specific license keys.


    At least that way a thief wouldn't have a ready to use box.


    It's not in any way a substitution for encryption, but I can see a business use case.

  15. Windows doesn't automatically install drivers for devices it doesn't have.


    Windows won't boot from a storage device that it doesn't have the drivers installed.


    Those two statements sum up your (and everyone else's) issue with moving an existing windows installation to a foreign hard drive controller type.


    You can solve this several ways. The wiki outlines one way, which is to temporarily set the boot drive to a slow compatible controller, and add a secondary volume using the fast virtio controller. Windows boots from the normal drive, sees the new hardware, and installs the drivers. Now that the drivers are installed, you can change the boot drive to virtio, and remove the temporary 2nd volume, as the necessary drivers are now installed in windows.


    Another way is to add the drivers manually into the windows install on the physical pc before you image it, or you can manually install them after booting the vm using the compatible controller. Adding the drivers manually is faster if you know how to do it, instead of futzing around with a second image.

    • Thanks 2
  16. I had a momentary show stopper caused by unraid's failure to update the template when the author submits changes. My template did not contain the VPN_PROTOCOL variable, which is now required.


    Easily fixed, but I thought it would be good to document it here for the next poor soul who can't figure out why following a simple set of instructions that works for everyone else doesn't work for them.

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