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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. IMHO, it's much better to totally fill disks with folders of content that will be mostly static, and allow your most free drives to receive all new content. That way as disks fill up, you aren't juggling files around from disk to disk. Logically separate your archival stuff from your changing and new content.

  2. How do I associate my torrents once moved by Mover?


    I move files from /mnt/cache/media/downloads to /mnt/user/media/downloads.


    I'm no longer able to seed since torrents are looking for what I just moved. I tried using a Move Storage after the fact but I believe it doesn't work that way...


    How do I associate them again?

    Post your docker mappings. Does the docker have access to /mnt/user/media/downloads?


    I gather you got the IPT stuff figured out?

  3. Morning or Afternoon all,


    First time using the docker here.


    This may seem like a silly question but im going to ask it in any case.


    When setting up DelugeVPN it ask for 2 things. 1 is config host path, this is a no brainer. The second thing it ask's for is the data host path.


    Its this second setting I am questioning. What data does it store in this location?


    Because from what I understand or should I say from reading between the lines so to speak the docker needs a pathway from unraid to the docker itself (Being Deluge).

    Not sure if you meant first time using docker in general, or this container, but given the tone of the question, I think this is a good place for you to start.


    By default it doesn't store anything there, you tell the app inside the docker to save to the path you set in the container volume side, and it appears in unraid in the path specified on the host side.

    If you don't tell the app specifically where to put things and let it use its defaults, you very well may end up downloading stuff inside the docker image itself, and causing yourself headaches. Best to read the docker FAQ's I linked and ask questions if you aren't getting it.


    BTW, this is a common question, not silly at all, and a little tough to wrap your head around if you've never dealt with something like this before. Better to ask before you make a mess of things. Once you get it, it's simple. Before the lightbulb moment, it's tough.

  4. I have a new interesting development, it appears public site torrents are uploading. IPT has strict rules on client and VERSION of client you can use. Deluge/Transmission both fall out of their specs, which can lead to blocks/banning and misrepresented stats. Only way I can test IPT functionality using this knowledge is to fire up a VM, use the specific client, add the .torrents and try again to see if I can seed.

    Deluge 1.3.12 is what IPT shows as user agent on the peers page, successfully seeding through PIA currently. Do you have peer exchange and DHT disabled as required by IPT? (and all private trackers)

    Correct. Are you using the DelugeVPN container or the actual client for an OS?

    This delugevpn container.
  5. I have a new interesting development, it appears public site torrents are uploading. IPT has strict rules on client and VERSION of client you can use. Deluge/Transmission both fall out of their specs, which can lead to blocks/banning and misrepresented stats. Only way I can test IPT functionality using this knowledge is to fire up a VM, use the specific client, add the .torrents and try again to see if I can seed.

    Deluge 1.3.12 is what IPT shows as user agent on the peers page, successfully seeding through PIA currently. Do you have peer exchange and DHT disabled as required by IPT? (and all private trackers)
  6. Here are some screens to show you what I'm talking about.
    The torrents that you show seeding in deluge, how long have they been that way continuously? The IPT status isn't immediate, sometimes it can take a couple hours or more to update. I'd leave it alone, and check back with the IPT status later. Also, I'd have the torrent from this link https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php in your client, that way you can get an an easy update on what IP you are using.
  7. Do hard links work with this? How can I verify if they do or not? I don't want it to be copying and taking up twice the space because I seed everything.

    Keep in mind anything using /mnt/user paths will not work with links, you must use /mnt/diskX or /mnt/cache paths to use links.
  8. Switched to PIA, updated UN/PW, confirmed tunneling, still not seeding...
    What is your peers status on IPT? Does it show any of the files in your client currently listed either under seeders or leechers status? As long as the file is listed in the seeders section, you are fine, doesn't really matter whether or not someone is actively pulling data from you.
  9. Any reason why DelugeVPN would not upload seeding files? I'm not getting IPT credit for my seeding time and they're claiming it's the container. Any thoughts or settings I should be double checking?

    Which VPN provider and endpoint are you using?


    I'm using CyberGhost - OpenVPN settings (Netherlands)

    Per their FAQ, allowing P2P and opening ports are 2 different things. The premium service allows P2P, but they don't open ports for you. Since you do not have an open port to allow unsolicited incoming connections, you are not available for uploading to IPT. The only connections your client is making is to download, and if the peer you are downloading from also needs parts that you have, you will upload to them while you have that connection open, but as soon as the torrent client closes that connection you can no longer seed to them.


    TLDR, get another VPN provider that allows incoming ports. PIA is the easiest to set up, as all the configuration is done for you in the container.

  10. So torrents are finally downloading but I'm getting this strange thing where once I start it I'm getting max speed and on max torrents, then after 1 minute the speeds die down and eventually stop. Restarting Deluge is the only thing that fixes it, any clue what it could be? Bad server? I have plenty of connections and peers out there...strange.
    How does your VPN provider handle forwarded ports? This container is set up to handle PIA forwarded ports automatically, if you are using another provider you have to figure out what port number is open and forwarded to you, and manually set the incoming port in the deluge settings. If you don't have it set correctly, that could cause speed (and connectivity) issues.
  11. Keep in mind that the longer the processor runs, the more power is used as well, so going full throttle for the entire duration of a short task may well be more efficient overall than running at 10% for 10x the duration. Total power consumed for a specific amount of work done is a very complex thing, especially when you consider the rest of the rig may also be consuming more power waiting for the cpu to finish.


    I'd rather see the cpu snap to full throttle, get the job done, and go back to idle instead of stepping up and down trying to play catch up.

  12. I've had a good dozen drives fail within the first few hours of a preclear (~25% DOA from Newegg until I stopped buying from them).


    Any idea why one merchandiser would have higher failure rates than another with the same hard drive manufacturer ?

    Shipping and handling. I've seen more drives die from mishandling than any other cause, other than plain old age.
  13. I get a connection refused error.  ???

    Try setting the VPN_ENABLED variable to no and see what you get.

    That's worked. What do you think the problem is? The VPN settings?


    Many thanks for you help jonathanm

    Yep, your VPN settings are wrong. For "safety" reasons, this plugin will not start if you enable the VPN and don't have it configured correctly. It would be bad if you thought everything was working properly but your connection wasn't actually using the VPN, thus exposing your ip and all your traffic to your ISP.
  14. Check page 1. First post. Q7.


    So it was something obvious!! Thanks mr-hexen.


    When I type in the url (with CIDR), its asks me for a username & password. Looking at the support docs etc, there is only a password "deluge", any idea what the username would be? I've just various combinations including my UnRaid username/password but no luck.


    Many thanks for your help!


    Thought adding a screenshot might help. Any ideas as to why this appears?

    Remove the /24 from that url and see what happens.
  15. Back to the drawing board.


    After restart... cron jobs deleted, so looks like the command:

    export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e

    And adding entry's are NOT persistent, anybody some thoughts about this?


    After restart I have to copy (via the ssh-copy-id command) the ssh key to autohorty file on OMV as well, any thoughts on this?


    Thanks again for any  help..

    Unraid is extracted from the archive on the USB drive into RAM every time it is booted. Any file locations not in /boot (flash drive) or /mnt/disk??(plus some other /mnt paths)  are in RAM, and changes are lost on reboot. The /mnt location is only fully populated when the array starts, so best practice is to use the /boot locations to store modifications that you wish to make persistent, and script all changes needed so they can be called at boot time. Prior best practice was to use the go file on the usb drive to call those scripts, I'm not sure what the current recommendation is, but limetech is trying to discourage go file modifications, as they can interfere with automatic upgrades. I'd use the go file method for now, but keep in mind you may have to redo things in the future.
  16. I need some help with RDP-Calibre


    I installed and it loads fine, I have a large library that I want  stored outside of the container. I added the new path and added the variable like the instructions said but as soon as I do it shows up as an orphaned image.


    Can someone please take a look and tell me what I did wrong?

    Shot in the dark, but try it without a space in the folder name.

    Same issue as what I posted, but updating the webUI is a better solution than changing the folder name

    Ahh, so the same issue exists on either host or container paths? I just figured trying to pass and use spaces in the container was going to cause other issues, since we don't know how the path variable is being handled inside the container. In this case, the host paths did NOT contain spaces, just the container path, and associated variable to point to said path.
  17. I need some help with RDP-Calibre


    I installed and it loads fine, I have a large library that I want  stored outside of the container. I added the new path and added the variable like the instructions said but as soon as I do it shows up as an orphaned image.


    Can someone please take a look and tell me what I did wrong?

    Shot in the dark, but try it without a space in the folder name.
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