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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. I decided to do this by hand now over:


    rsync -avPX  /mnt/disk10/ /mnt/disk11/


    After all is copied, i remove the files from the "old reiserfs disk" by hand

    Why take the time to remove the files on a drive you are about to format?
  2. Random observation and question. I have 2 servers running this container, both on the same network. The IP address assigned by PIA to both containers is the same, but the incoming port is different. I've seen some interesting seeding behaviour, where only one of the servers seems to be fully connectible, and I can't help but wonder if that might explain some of the speed differences people are seeing.


    Is there an easy way to verify the incoming port connectibility inside the container? Is the forwarded port accessible to the privoxy? I haven't tested one way or another, just wondering.


    Anyone else observed something similar with PIA?

  3. I need some clarification from those of you that are experiencing disk formatting problems.  I'm hearing that you have pre-cleared the disks but I don't see the 'precleared' file system (FS) in any of the screen shots provided.  That designation will show when UD finds the pre-clear signature on a disk that is not formatted.  I am testing with a 250 GB disk and see the signature as I expect and I can format the disk.  I will test a 2TB disk next to see if maybe UD is having trouble with the larger disks.  Have you been using the Joe L. script to pre-clear the disks?  Do you see the 'precleared' file system (FS) designation when the disk is pre-cleared?

    On the server that works, it shows precleared in the FS spot. In the other server, the FS spot is a dash. 2TB WD drives in both cases. Precleared using the Joe L. script with plugin wrapper on the one that works, and using the new beta plugin on the one that doesn't. That may or may not be a red herring.
  4. I think I may have a clue as to what is (isn't) happening. On the server where it's working (almost) properly, unassigned.devices.cfg contains sections for each detected drive. On the server that doesn't work, that same file only contains

    common_cmd = ""
    destructive_mode = "enabled"
    automount_usb = "no"

    with no mention of the drive that is listed in the UD section.


    Should pressing the "Rescan disks" button populate the .cfg file?


    To create the .cfg file entry, you need to make a change that applies to the drive in question.  Such as click on the serial number and change the mount point, or turn on and off the auto mount switch.

    Since this is a precleared drive, the only available option is the auto mount switch.

    common_cmd = ""
    destructive_mode = "enabled"
    automount_usb = "no"
    automount = "yes"

    This is the result, no serial number identifier is present like there is on the server that works.

  5. I think I may have a clue as to what is (isn't) happening. On the server where it's working (almost) properly, unassigned.devices.cfg contains sections for each detected drive. On the server that doesn't work, that same file only contains

    common_cmd = ""
    destructive_mode = "enabled"
    automount_usb = "no"

    with no mention of the drive that is listed in the UD section.


    Should pressing the "Rescan disks" button populate the .cfg file?

  6. 1. You can get a smart report by clicking on the sdd text on the left side of the line for the drive.  Again, hover your mouse over the active area and it will display a tool tip of what that active area does.  It should display 'Disk Attributes on sdd'.  If it does not, the smart report is not available.

    The sdd text is not active. There is a tooltip available for the two elements under identification, but neither the grey dot or the sdd text are interactive.


    2. I cannot reproduce the format error but I am testing on a spinner.  I suspect you are trying to format an SSD drive.  Is the drive an SSD?

    Nope, 2TB WD



  7. UD version 2016.04.09


    Precleared drive connected and detected.


    1. Should there be some way of getting smart data with the GUI?


    2. Format button accepts input, but no matter what is entered after entering Yes and clicking format, the button turns inactive and states Format failed... then after a few moments switches back to the Format button.


    Apr 11 12:05:18 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 12:05:18 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 12:05:18 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 12:05:18 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 12:05:18 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 12:05:18 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:02 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:03 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:03 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:03 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:03 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'btrfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 15:16:03 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'ntfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 15:16:26 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 15:16:41 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 15:18:45 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem.
    Apr 11 15:22:59 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.


    Entire content of log button results, shows multiple attempts to format with various FS types, but no real results. Is there a way to enable more extensive logging?


  8. AirVPN even allows you to define this yourself so you have a dedicated port you can always use for the lifetime of your account.
    Which could be good or bad, depending on your viewpoint. Better for ease of use, worse for privacy. I'd rather have a (pseudo) random port assigned to me out of a pool. Maybe too much paranoia, but there it is. The more random the usage, the better.
  9. Hi!


    Im using delugeVPN Docker with PureVPN. I have been figuring out why my download speeds are so low. When using DelugeVPN im getting average 300kt/s speeds, but when i try to use same server with Windows using openVPN i get 5000kt/s. I have tried many servers and same thing happens every time.


    I dont know that much about VPN, so im asking if anyone of you could tell me where the problem might be?


    EDIT :


    I have 100/100 fibre connection if that matters..


    are you manually setting the incoming port for deluge?, if you dont do this you will see low speeds.





    Port 80 seems weird? But the .ovpn file says port 80 too :/

  10. Since the primary purpose for the preclear function has been made obsolete, (FINALLY!) I would like to propose a few changes to this project. Firstly, I can't see a need for the abbreviated write zeros and signature function any more, so efforts imho should be focused on testing and rehabilitation of new and possibly marginal older drives. To that end, I would like to see more efforts on a possibly non- destructive badblocks run option, plus the ability to mix and match the current read write dd routine with the more aggressive badblocks options. Having the ability to zero and prepare the drive for unraid inclusion can be an optional last step.


    Comments? Additions? Modifications?

  11. Perfect--thank you very much!! 


    For my volume mappings does it matter if it's /mnt/cache/appdata vs /mnt/user/appdata if /appdata is forced to reside on cache only?  Or one in the same?

    The files presented are the same, however since /mnt/user is a FUSE filesystem, some apps may not work properly if they need symlinks. Better to use /mnt/cache for program settings and system folders.
  12. Can I not map a disk outside of the array?

    I'm using the Unassigned Devices plugin, the disc has files and folders on it, but when I try to pass the drive through to the docker it shows up empty in the docker. When I pass a share on the array it shows up fine.

    Restart the docker service after connecting the drive using UD. Not just the docker container, the entire docker service.
  13. New to UnRAID, just started installing dockers for all applications (CP, SR, plex, etc). I installed SABnzbd fine and works correctly, but when I try to install SABnzbdVPN, nothing ever downloads, just a blank screen trying to add a container. Yet, a refresh shows the container available on the Dashboard, but clicking on the webGUI locks up the whole OS.


    Thoughts? Is it the VPN timing out trying to connect? The container won't download?


    Help please. Thanks!

    Which VPN provider are you using? Are you sure you entered your username and password correctly in the docker setup advanced view?
  14. be VERY VERY sure of the path, as this will be a recursive delete, if you specify the wrong folder you can delete a lot of stuff very quickly!!!
    The time it takes to accidentally delete data is inversely proportional to the importance of said data. If it takes 10 minutes to delete, you probably didn't need it anyway. If the command returns immediately, you probably just blew away something that will take ages to recreate.  ;D ;D
  15. Suggestion for Previous Apps button....


    Allow to auto install ALL previous apps with current template settings one right after the other?




    Dunno how useful that's going to be. I would want the ability to check or uncheck specific apps, there are some apps I tried and didn't like.


    How about the ability to add or remove apps to an installation que? You could go through and pick what you wanted (add to cart) and when you are done choosing, start the bulk installation (checkout). Apps installed this way should be set not to immediately start on install, so you can go through and edit settings, or if a local template exists, preload it.

  16. Since I can't get authorization of Joe L. to distribute the preclear script, I'm writing a new script for it. Right now I have all the basic functionality working, aka preclear and test preclear. Since support all legacy functions takes time, I want to know if anyone is preclearing disks with partition starting on block 63, and if anyone have converted from block 64 to block 63 or vice versa in the last year.


    He won't give you the authorisation or you can't get hold of him!?

    Last impression I got, Joe was not real thrilled with others modifying his work. I think he was trying to force limetech to write a preclear function into unraid, instead of relying on the community for a core function.



  17. While you are in the docker authoring mood, would you mind taking a look at rolling an apache docker that could run http://www.directorypass.com/? I've been trying to get that software running on linuxserver's version, but no luck. I can add the cgi-bin support easily enough myself, but the perl script doesn't seem to be able to create files, it fails with a permissions problem.


    If this doesn't sound like something you want to play with, no worries, I'm just trying to get out of doing the work myself.  :D

  18. Is it possible the size being compared is the actual size on disk? If so, a sparse file will be incorrectly reported as failing the size comparison, when the content of the file if read out or checksummed is identical.

    Possible.  The size is being obtained using a command of the form

    du -s filename

    so you could see if they are reported the same on your system?  If that is the case then an alternative command could be used.

    du -sb filename

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