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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. However, I do note that my logs are full of:


    Sep 2 21:08:44 BigBang kernel: net_ratelimit: 7426 callbacks suppressed

    Sep 2 21:08:44 BigBang kernel: br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address

    Sep 2 21:08:44 BigBang kernel: br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address

    Sep 2 21:08:44 BigBang kernel: br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address



    And I do mean, like, thousands of entries.

    Keep an eye on the free space where the logs are kept, you could easily fill it up and end up not logging anything after it's full. Unless you modify it, I'm pretty sure the log volume is still only 128MB. Run df at the console and see what your used and available are in tmpfs mounted to /var/log
  2. What is the accepted way of editing the xml so that changes stick if you later change something via the vm manager webgui? I must be doing something wrong, because it seems like my changes get wiped out if I use the gui.


    The accepted way is to not edit using the webGui once you've committed custom XML edits, or else they will be lost ;-).  We need to add a warning.  If you edit XML, then later edit the normal webGui way, your XML edits will be lost.  Making those persist is a bit of a nightmare.  Instead, we want to just bake support for these use cases into the UI editor directly.  The XML editor is only for advanced users / use cases right now.

    So, is there a running list of UI editor options to be added?


    Would you consider making a lockable UI editor option that automatically toggled when you manually edited the XML to inhibit further UI editor changes without unsetting the toggle so that forgetful types like me don't accidently undo changes we've made and wonder what happened?


    How about the ability to revert to a previous XML version, where every time a change is made, the old version is backed up, like Joe's unmenu config/system file editor? Keeping a copy of the last 5 revisions would probably be more than plenty.

  3. You can add <sound model='ich6'/> right before </devices>.  You can try other things for "model" than ich6:  'es1370', 'sb16', 'ac97', 'ich6' and 'usb'.


    Depending on the guest you're using, some may work better than others.

    Cool! I'll play around with that.


    What is the accepted way of editing the xml so that changes stick if you later change something via the vm manager webgui? I must be doing something wrong, because it seems like my changes get wiped out if I use the gui.

  4. Has anybody done this? Having a virtual sound card is useful on a headless system. I've been using virtualbox and the sound works great over RDP, but I haven't been able to figure what all I need to do to get the same type system up and working on KVM. Would it be easier just to plug in a cheap usb sound card and pass it through? Seems like a waste since I wouldn't be plugging anything into it.

  5. How about replacing it with a new feature related to shares rather than hardware ports? IOW, if you check this setting on a share, then as soon as a file in the share is accessed, all drives that participate in that share are immediately spun up as well?


    You can already do that somewhat by assigning your own spin-up group(s) and having your media isolated by type.

    Yep, and if spin up groups as they are defined now are removed, then having the OPTION to turn on a user share group spin up would replace that function.


    I never suggested that spinning up all drives in a share would be a default setting.

  6. How about replacing it with a new feature related to shares rather than hardware ports? IOW, if you check this setting on a share, then as soon as a file in the share is accessed, all drives that participate in that share are immediately spun up as well? That setting combined with spin down timers could cover almost any scenario I can think of.

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe I am being a little ridiculous here, but I think the better question is why ANYONE is still using virtualbox.  I am seeing much better performance out of the unraid 6 built in platform and had very little trouble moving my VM over

    When you stop the array, does the VM save state and then resume when the array is restarted automatically?
  8. might be kinda OT, not related to this plugin but is SNMP only for LAN elements? i tried to install snmp on my vps that i rent but i was unable to connect.

    Can you connect if you open a VPN tunnel to the remote site?
  9. Even when done via a windows PC over the LAN?  Is that a special feature of linux?  If I do this (a cut/paste from a remote PC to another drive on that remote pc) on a windows directory from a remote PC, all the files get copied from the first PC to the second (temp in memory I think), then again over the net to the destination drive.  Effectively copying the file twice...


    I just did this move with a cut/paste over the weekend and it was instant. No copying of any files across my Windows PC or the network. Not sure of the "behind the scenes" details of how it works, but it does.

    If the source and destination are on the same physical drive, the move will be nearly instantaneous, as only the directory listing has changed, the data has not moved. If you are intending to vacate a drive by copying the data to a different drive, it will not be quick, it will move at whatever speed your network connection and drives can handle. Most peoples parity protected unraid systems are drive speed limited instead of network limited, so there is very little difference between doing a drive to drive copy over the network or locally.
  10. Understood, Limetech has also stated they want to reach a broader audience, and everybody knows the command line is not the answer to that quest.


    Temperature reading should be an easy thing to setup, but hardware and software are not really in sync here, making it much harder than one expects.


    Thanks for your input.

    To expand on this just a bit, if limetech published a list of approved hardware, and the software "just worked" on that specific list, and any other hardware was supported only by the community, would that help or hurt?  For advanced features like sleep, fan, and temperature monitoring, that approach is almost required. As it is right now, limetech pretty much only supports features that are common to 90% of hardware available, and the the "extra" features like sleep and temp are left to unnofficial addons that may or may not work seamlessly.


    To almarma, which approach would you prefer? Would you rather be told that unraid will only work fully if you buy a specific motherboard?

  11. Not sure which topic that is.

    Too much topics spread over this forum about same "dropbox", addons, plugins, scripts,dockers... pff way too much

    Go back into this plugin and hit the support link for those applications


    cant :(

    It's at my friends home, the server

    i'm trying to help him out but remotely

    Free teamviewer session?
  12. I am quite happy with the described behaviour as if I have added files it is a reminder that mover needs to be run (possibly manually if the files are important) to get to a protected state.  I would also in normal behaviour get used to seeing the icon start the day of green as all files have been moved to protected storage and then turn yellow during the day as new files are added that are not protected.  If it started the day of yellow then I know I should check things out.
    Many people have cache only shares which keep the icon yellow constantly. I would be ok with changing the behaviour to ignore cache only shares, and only show yellow if there were unmoved files that should be moved with the next mover action.
  13. For those that choose to remain on the single unprotected drive cache model, I'm afraid the constant appearance of the yellow triangle for even normal array operations may cause a "boy who cried wolf" situation. I'm not sure of a good way to solve this.

    The idea is that one should be able to glance at the page from across the room and see all Green - if some other color shows up, now you have to investigate further.
    A single cache drive with files yet to be moved, or cache only shares, is "normal" and shouldn't need to be investigated, but is currently yellow. Low disk space on the cache drive, or files that should have been moved but weren't because of some error, those conditions need to be investigated.
  14. You must now put the .key file in the /config folder and it must be the only .key file in there!  You, of course, have to use the Flash Drive that the .key file is registered with!

    I'm hearing multiple conflicting opinions on whether the key file must be the only one. Pretty sure I saw somewhere in the V6 development that you could put all your owned keys in the config folder, and unraid would find and use the one that matched the current flash GUID. I haven't tried it, but it would be good to find out for sure.
  15. If necessary, will Unraid 5 then read this disk ok later on - assuming I reformat as ReiserFS?


    Unclear what you mean by reading the disk, the current contents will be completely erased. Any new content should be able to be read by unRaid V5 as long as it is written to a ReiserFS file system, regardless of partition alignment. Switching partition locations (jumper or alignment) or changing FS from XFS to Reiser will erase current content.
  16. I'm using the Apache webserver by dmacias72. As a direct plugin; not using a dockerized webserver.

    I'm using the same webserver plugin, and I just turned on authentication and ssl in the webserver instead of using the phpvirtualbox authentication. Makes it much easier as I just have a single ssl login to get to several reverse proxied hosts as well as the phpvirtualbox.
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