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Posts posted by JonathanM


    Woot! 6.2 is Final Stretch[emoji769]! [emoji13]


    Guess we can stop sharpening our pitchforks and stoking the fires then archedraft?  :-[


    Was quite looking forward to that...



    I'm guessing mid 2016 and 2 (maybe 3) unRAID forum uprisings...


    Indeed... I suppose if 6.2 is released this month my prediction will have been wrong. As far as the uprisings, it would seem that this forum has become a little more classier than the 6.0 beta days.

  2. I don't want to be convinced preclearing disks is a waste of time. I want some clear instructions on how to preclear disks.


    Why would you post in a preclearing thread, trying to convince me that preclearing is a waste of time? I see the point of your argument, but I've waited weeks to buy hardware and get ready to migrate to unRAID, so I don't care if it takes another week or so to preclear drives.


    Now, because the initial instructions sucked, it seems I've formatted the drive I want to preclear. How do I remove the drive from the array, "unformat" it, and start a preclear on it?

    I'm not trying to convince you that preclearing is a waste of time, I'm trying to paint a clearer picture of what it is and does. In a new array, it's simply a method (a good one) of testing drives, but that wasn't what the preclear script was written for, it's just a side effect.


    To remove a drive from the array, go to tools and set a "New Config"

  3. Where do you set the permissions for the metadata that Emby downloads? It's currently 0644, which causes issues.


    What issues are you reffering to?

    SMB client can't move or delete the files until permissions are changed to 0666.
  4. I'm about to convince myself preclear is a big fat waste of time, anyway. Otherwise, it would be included in the guides and in the unRAID distro from the start, wouldn't it?
    If you are setting up an array from scratch, then 95% of the time it is a waste of time. Do you feel lucky? There are other ways to test drives to weed out a bad drive before you trust it, so if you use the drive manufacturers utility and do at least 1 full surface scan, then don't bother with preclear.


    However, after you have a running array, and want to add a new drive slot, then preclear is a huge time saver. If you don't preclear, unraid will be offline for many hours while it clears the drive to make it match parity.


    If you are sure your new drives are good, and keep good backups of your data in case you are wrong about the drives being good, then yes, testing drives before using them is a waste of time in most cases.

  5. Any chance of adding an optional automatic copy first - verify checksum - then remove workflow for paranoid people?


    Doesn't Rsync verify copies without the need for an additional switch anyway?

    It doesn't flush the cache and reread the file from disk.


    So, it would be the second rsync command in the rfs to xfs thread ? rsync -rcvPX ?

    You can't do it with a single run, AFAIK. It would be three steps, like I posted. A copy, then check to see if everything is identical, then a delete.
  6. Any chance of adding an optional automatic copy first - verify checksum - then remove workflow for paranoid people?


    Doesn't Rsync verify copies without the need for an additional switch anyway?

    It doesn't flush the cache and reread the file from disk.
  7.   Users wishing to use my work can continue to download it directly from my homepage.


    How am i suppose to use your work when I don't know how to make a docker?  John did a great job using "your work" so I and others can install it.  You should be happy that we are using it.

    He has a paypal donate button on his page that nobody will know about if they don't have to actually go to the  page to download it.

    I can see both sides of this argument to some degree, but to be fair, John EXPLICITLY directs people to go to the authors web page as a requirement to set up the software. It's not like the zap2 guy is losing page views, on the contrary, he's getting much more exposure, much of which simply would not happen without a docker container being available.
  8. So what is the difference between this one and the non VPN?  Does this support VPN like PIA?  If I use SSL why do I need VPN?

    Only difference is the VPN. PIA is the primary service it's written to support, other services may be able to be used as well. SSL conceals the content of what is downloaded, a VPN conceals the endpoint. With SSL, your internet provider knows you download x GB of content from your usenet provider, with VPN they only know there was X GB flowing from a generic endpoint, possibly in another country.


    If your usenet provider doesn't keep any download logs, I see no real advantage to a VPN over SSL. Opinions differ, so the option is available.

  9. Well, the first thing you would need would be a special Cat5E cable with the leads cross-connected so that the data out pair(s) of one computer becomes the data-in pair(s) on the other.

    As long as both network cards follow GB specs, crossover cables aren't necessary. Auto-MDIX is part of the GB spec, so the cards will figure out automatically what pairs to use.


    Real question is what is the end goal, because writing to a parity protected array with current common hardware can't even saturate 1 GB connection.

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  10. Any time a file is deleted, there will eventually be a fragment of a file to fill the space. So, unless you never delete any files, you will get fragmentation even if there is only one write at a time. Gary's method of copying everything in one go to a freshly formatted disk is the only way to truly clean out a drive. After that, if you ever delete anything off the drive, newly copied files will be fragmented.

  11. Hi! Great job with the docker!

    Whenever i reboot the unraid server the couchpotato and nzbget-docker reverts back to "defaults"

    my /config points at: /mnt/cache/dockerc/couchpotato on my unraid system and is read/write-able... Is there something in the startup script that erases the config.ini and replaces it with a default one?

    No, but the mover will do exactly what you are seeing if the dockerc share isn't set to cache only.
  12. Update: I used rsync instead to move over my files back:

    rsync -av --progress --remove-source-files /mnt/diskX/ /mnt/diskY

    No point in using remove-source-files if you are planning on formatting the disk anyway. Copying vs moving is much faster.
  13. What specifically is different between this docker and the other one. Anything besides the base image?

    Probably the biggest difference is no automatic updates on restart and stable Emby only, no betas.

    Sounds good! I assume switching to yours is painless as long as you keep mappings consistent?
  14. I can't get Deluge to stop seeding when it reaches a share ratio, could someone help me?


    I have set "Stop seeding when share ratio reaches" to 0 just to test, but it still seeds. I want to do this so sonarr can delete my torrents after a while.

    Try 0.01 or something like that.
  15. Would it be possible to add auto-eject via a BASH script or similar? It's one of those MakeMKV requests that has been on the back-burner for years.

    How would you solve that?

    I don't see myself using time to try to figure out something that I don't see useful. You still have to take the disc out and put in a new one so the saved time of auto-eject would be 3-4 seconds?

    Maybe he built one of these?
  16. OR... You can use your external firewall / router. Load a DD-WRT or Tomato firmware on your router and using the OpenVPN client & the active routing policies - you can "route" any number of specific internal source IP's out through the VPN. Keeps the networking on the edge and it is actully quite easy to set up (If I can do it! ;-))

    Easy to set up and use for all services on unraid, yes. Easy to only use for torrents and leave others (like plex) alone, no.
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