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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. Another thing to check for, docker mappings that point to RAM instead of a physical storage device. This warning should be qualified by valid use cases like transcoding in RAM, however, I would suggest also doing a RAM calculation and if the total amount of RAM is less than maybe 8GB, or the amount of RAM available for files is less than (X)GB then the warning would qualify for the Errors section.

  2. Make a change and then apply it.  Known issue as posted in 3rd post.  Needs an update to CA to fix

    My bad. I assumed next day or so had already passed. You probably ought to adopt limetech's "Soon" every time you issue a forward looking statement.  :)
  3. Yes, that's expected. It's caused by now using git for the installation. My first version used git and didn't have this error, but using git in docker is actually not good practice (as noted by Binhex earlier).


    It's safe to ignore the message as it only prevents updates and doesn't impact anything else.

    Would it be possible to suppress the message somehow? It interferes with my ability to click on active elements behind it, specifically when trying to navigate a multipage list, or select the last book in said list. I can work around it with careful scrolling, but having the ability to acknowledge it and move on with life would be nice.
  4. Are these git errors to be expected with your implementation? I suspect they are causing the overlay warning I referenced in my previous post.

    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Starting LazyLibrarian web server on
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Starting LazyLibrarian on port: 5299
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	[VersionCheck] - You are running an unknown version of lazylibrarian. Run the updater to identify your version
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	WARNING	(getCommitDifferenceFromGit) - Could not get commits behind from github. Can happen if you have a local commit not pushed to repo
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	[VersionCheck] - Comparing currently installed version with latest github version
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	ERROR	(getCurrentVersion) Couldn't find latest git installed version.
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	ERROR	git not found - please ensure git executable is in your PATH
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	ERROR	git not found - please ensure git executable is in your PATH
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Checking database
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Config file loaded
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Screen Log set to INFO/WARN/ERROR
    2016-05-08 12:58:57	INFO	Log level set to [2]- Log Directory is [/config/lazylibrarian/Logs] - Config level is [2]

  5. Just had a quick look to see if I could get it to work and you need port 58846 and the username/password from the auth file (I did test with the non vpn version so I could be quick).

    On a hunch I tried saving the settings and THEN hitting the test deluge button, and what do you know, it works. I ASSumed that the test connection button was there so you could verify it BEFORE you saved the changes, but obviously not.


    Sorry for being dense.

  6. Have you tested deluge native connections? I'm getting an error

    Deluge: Connect FAILED
    [Errno 111] Connection refusedCheck Deluge HOST and PORT settings

    using the same settings that work successfully in sonarr and couchpotato.


    Hey, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying you are trying to have LazyLibrarian connect to the deluge in your other docker?

    No, I have not tested that. Don't really see why it would be an issue though.


    If the deluge is the one with vpn in it, maybe the iptables firewall is the one blocking things (there are several ip ranges involved).


    If you can give me a better picture of what you are trying to do I'll try and give you some troubleshooting tips.

    You've got it, exactly. I have delugevpn docker happily connected to the sonarr docker on port 8112, and the couchpotato docker on 58846, but neither configuration allows the lazylibrarian docker to connect. In googling, I noticed that headphones just recently got the ability to talk directly to deluge, and I wondered if the migration to lazylibrarian was only half cooked.

    Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to.  DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share.  In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh.

    Maybe a little warning that you're gonna delete all the data in the target directory with the backup option. I had a bunch of other stuff in my backup folder that's gone now. Easy enough to fix the rsync, but didn't notice it at first.

    You were warned.
  8. Regarding OwnCloud: I can't add external storage. SMBCLIENT is missing. Could it be added to the container?

    If that doesn't work out, you could always connect the remote resource using the unassigned devices plugin, and mapping the /mnt/disk/??? location into the owncloud docker. You would have to restart the docker service after connecting the remote SMB share.
  9. Click on the disk serial number, then click on the partition name and rename it to the share name you want.


    The share won't show up unless you turn on the share switch for the disk and SMB shares is enabled in the UD settings.


    If you hover your mouse over the active areas on the page, you will see a tool tip describing its operation.  This should help you with how UD works.

    When I click on the partition name, it takes me to the contents via the browse share function. What am I missing to be able to rename it?


  10. But you cant format the disk during the array is online - so you must stop it - and then? What happens with the parity?

    You misunderstand. You must stop the array to change the desired format type of a specific disk, but you CAN NOT format the drive until you start the array. The array MUST be started to show the button that allows you to format the disk.
  11. For those of you having formatting failures, please update to the latest release (2016.04.15) and try to format again.  If it fails, post your UD log.  I have added additional logging so we can track down the issues of format failures.

    Here you go. Smoking gun.

    Apr 15 09:21:36 Device '/dev/sdd' block size: 3907029168
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Clear partition result:
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    2097152 bytes (2.1 MB) copied, 0.0132899 s, 158 MB/s
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Reload partition table result:
    re-reading partition table
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Create 'msdos' partition table result:
    /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'.
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Create primary partition result:
    /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Apr 15 09:21:36 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem.
    Apr 15 09:21:39 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table.
    Apr 15 09:21:39 Reload partition table result:
    re-reading partition table

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