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Posts posted by JonathanM

  1. Keep in mind that applications can force a specific download directory when they send a torrent automatically, so you need to make sure any apps sending torrents are also set to /data, and their docker mappings for /data are set to the same mount point in unraid as deluge so they can find the finished files.

  2. I'm having an issue snatching with my torrent provider and the recommended fix is to change a line in "\couchpotato\core\media\_base\providers\torrent\iptorrents.py". I can't seem to find these files while browsing with MC. Could you point me in the right direction?

    They are inside the container. You need to read up on docker exec.
  3. I'm not sure I follow.


    I don't want VPN access through NGINX, I'm trying to get access to the OpenVPN-AS login page so that if I need to I can download the config file if I need it. If you go to the admin page you can set it up so that if you are outside your network you can only use the user login and not the admin one.

    I could be wrong, but what I think the bald one was getting at was the "out of band" encryption issue. If you allow your secret key to be accessible through an externally available web page, you have just potentially weakened your VPN by allowing a hack that penetrated NGINX to also access your VPN secret key.


    With any encryption scheme using a public / private key system, you should restrict access to the private key to the absolute minimum possible.

  4. No problem, as long as I am still using it... ;)

    Just promise us this: when you abandon Unraid/VB as an OVF-compatible virtualization/storage platform, tell us where you went so we can follow along :-)

    There are other reasons to use virtualbox, but OVF works just fine with unraid's built in KVM manager. Frankly it's less work to extract and use the disk image from the OVF archive in KVM than it is to install and use the virtualbox plugin. The automatic disk image selection in unraid doesn't pick up the ova or vdi file, but you can easily type it in to the selection box and it works fine.
  5. Rebooted and had XFS corruption which shortly after it caused a drive to red ball.

    File system content, corrupt, formatted, blank, or whatever, will never cause a red ball. The ONLY thing that causes a red ball is a requested write to the drive fails. It could be a controller error, a bad or poorly connected cable, or an actual drive failure.
  6. I have a sweet little unRAID server for downloading movies and TV shows using Plex Media Server with PlexConnect to view on any of my 3 TV's via Apple TV boxes. A few months ago, TWC started sending me ugly emails about my downloading so I installed the OpenVPN client and have not heard from them since (Great Product, easy setup!!). However, I cannot view my media library on my Apple TV's like before but I can still use a Mac/PC. So my question is, What do I bypass? And How do I bypass? so that PlexConnect works?

    Instead of VPN'ing the whole server, I'd recommend using binhex's VPN enabled download clients, there are several variants available.
  7. As for switching from Apache, I may give that a go tonight, but if I can get it to work in Apache I'd prefer that.

    At this point, setting up nginx is just another troubleshooting tool we can use. If it works with nginx, then probably the issue lies with apache. It it doesn't work, then something is up with the nextcloud config. At least then you can concentrate on one or the other. Right now, it's rather difficult to tell which one is giving you a problem, apache or nextcloud.
  8. I am using https. I don't think it's a resource issue, as Unraid only shows a peak load of like 15% and available RAM. Like I said I nuked it and started over and that didn't change anything. I've also cleared the browser cache and what not, as the only time I got it to login successfully was in an Incognito window, but even that failed multiple times.

    At this point, how married are you to apache? If it were me, I'd temporarily stand up a letsencrypt nginx docker and see if that works any better. Just be sure you don't have both apache and nginx running at the same time, and you should be able to seamlessly swap between the two for testing. It really doesn't take long to set up, WAY less time than you've already beat on apache at this point.
  9. Ok thank you. I'll try my second option and see what happens.



    Regarding my second question, is there a way to use this with an IP instead of a domain? Just to get reverse proxy working with something like http://IP/sonarr ?

    Unless you are an ISP or a large organization, you don't own any public IP's. And no, you can't get SSL certificates for things you don't "own".
  10. it seems to be broken at the moment. Don't know if it's related to the current support case or not.

    Here is what seems to be the relevant log entries that probably indicate my issue. Haven't really researched it yet, but a few of the google hits seem to indicate it's something specific to alpine. I do know the trouble started after the rebase.

    Nov  4 08:53:04 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[18560]: segfault at 2ae072c78000 ip 00002ae072b20c29 sp 00002ae072c6d618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2ae072ad1000+88000]
    Nov  4 08:53:57 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[30009]: segfault at 2b99baa13000 ip 00002b99ba8bbc29 sp 00002b99baa08618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2b99ba86c000+88000]
    Nov  4 08:57:17 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[30685]: segfault at 2b64ecd5a000 ip 00002b64ecc02c29 sp 00002b64ecd4f618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2b64ecbb3000+88000]
    Nov  4 09:07:34 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[405]: segfault at 2b446d161000 ip 00002b446d009c29 sp 00002b446d156618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2b446cfba000+88000]
    Nov  4 09:17:39 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[10512]: segfault at 2b813658a000 ip 00002b8136432c29 sp 00002b813657f618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2b81363e3000+88000]
    Nov  4 09:27:54 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[20966]: segfault at 2abbcfeab000 ip 00002abbcfd53c29 sp 00002abbcfea0618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2abbcfd04000+88000]
    Nov  4 09:37:59 AVFiles kernel: forked-daapd[31065]: segfault at 2ad7ab9db000 ip 00002ad7ab883c29 sp 00002ad7ab9d0618 error 6 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[2ad7ab834000+88000]

  11. Quick FYI, i have now updated the base image, which will now ref the latest version of mono (, so please pull down the latest built docker image and give it a whirl.


    p.s there has also been an update to sonarr, so this is now built with sonarr v2.0.0.4374

    Looks ok. I never had any issues except the warning, so I'm not sure there ever was a widespread issue, probably just some specific indexers would have problems.
  12. 8118 is for the proxy over vpn feature binhex added.


    Yeah, just noticed that. Would it make sense to use different ports as defaults for each docker?

    No. There is no need or benefit for a typical user running multiple instances on different ports. Only one privoxy should be running at a time, no matter how many of binhex's VPN enabled containers you are running.


    If you are advanced enough to utilize multiple instances, you have to know how to set up ports anyway.

  13. If I add 2 new drive is it wise/faster to do rsync (with screen) from 2 drive into 2 new drive,

    or do it one by one ?

    If your parity is intact and working, only do 1 drive at a time. Reason being, each write has to update the parity drive, so if you do both at once, the parity drive will be trying to keep up with both at once, limiting the transfer speed to somewhat less than each one individually.
  14. Now onto configuring apache so I can access via the web........

    Unless you already have SSL certificates well in hand, I strongly suggest learning and using nginx so you can take advantage of the super easy nginx-letsencrypt SSL infrastructure provided in aptalca's docker. (No offense meant to LSIO, it's just so much easier to get SSL running that way)
  15. Just updated and I now get this error -


    your mono version 4.4.0 has a bug that causes issues connecting to indexers/download clients


    How do I update Mono?

    Short answer, you don't.


    You wait for arch linux to update it in their repository and then either wait for binhex to update the docker or exec in and update it manually.


    From what I've read I'm not even sure an upgrade is what we want, it may be fixed by downgrading to 4.2.


    This doesn't look like a simple issue.



  16. I know this is an SABnzbd issue but I was hoping someone here could help.  There seems to be an issue with obfuscated filenames not being renamed because of how SABnzdbd handles par files.  I've seen quite a few nzb's lately where a separate par file called rename.par plus an obfuscated file are left in the download directory. I'm using Sonarr for post processing and it will fail on these files because the obfuscated file name isn't the right format. From here there's two options, manually execute the rename.par file or manually rename the file so Sonarr picks it up and processes correctly.  From what I gather, the folks running SABnzbd don't really want to change how it handles par files (i.e. It only uses par files to repair damaged files, not rename them), so other Linux build users have written custom scripts to manage a workaround.  I'm wondering how to implement such a solution with my current setup of SABnzbd and Sonarr?  Does anyone else have an "automated" solution to this problem?


    EDIT:  Here's a link to a detailed description of the issue.

    Can't help with the issue, but I'm genuinely curious if switching to nzbget would fix the problem? I'm still using SAB, so if nzbget doesn't suffer from the same problem, it may be another reason to switch.
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