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  1. JonathanM's post in Share Safety Status Question was marked as the answer   
    Unraid assumes any multi-drive pool is redundant, since that's the default setting. It's a known issue.
  2. JonathanM's post in Dashboard showing wrong amount of free disk space was marked as the answer   
    Not recommended, be sure you keep good backups.
    See the RAID section of this article, and many others.
  3. JonathanM's post in Share data in cache, cache is not enabled. was marked as the answer   
    Try setting the share to cache:yes, then run the mover. If you enable mover logging before you run it, you can see any error messages in the logs. If you can't figure it out from there, attach diagnostics to your next post and someone can take a look.
  4. JonathanM's post in Shrink Array + New Parity Drive - Sanity Check Please was marked as the answer   
    Looks perfect to me.
    I'd add another step, after everything is complete do a non-correcting parity check, and be sure to keep an eye on the SMART status for all the drives through the whole procedure.
  5. JonathanM's post in How to install safecopy utility on Unraid? was marked as the answer   
    ddrescue appears to do the same thing as safecopy, and it's already available for Unraid in nerdtools.
  6. JonathanM's post in [6.11.5] Help determining drive health (Reported uncorrect) was marked as the answer   
    Expedite replacement, don't bother with extensive testing of the new incoming drive, the rebuild process followed by a non-correcting parity check and long smart test will be a trial by fire for the new drive.
    Might be a good idea to order another replacement to have on hand, I personally keep a tested drive same size as parity in a box as an on deck option.
    Good reason to consider keeping a tested cold spare to limit time at risk.
  7. JonathanM's post in Unable to access Unraid or Dockers From Phone on same Network was marked as the answer   
    Are you sure your phone didn't get connected to a guest network?
  8. JonathanM's post in No drives found on Fedora 37 VM was marked as the answer   
    Try setting the primary vdisk bus to SATA instead of virtio.
  9. JonathanM's post in Array not protected (after cowboy removing drive) was marked as the answer   
    The empty filesystem still has ones and zeroes accounted for in parity, so to remove the disk you will need to rebuild parity after doing the new config without the disk. Do NOT check the "parity is already valid" box, because it isn't. Parity doesn't "do" files, it does the entire drive, which includes the filesystem. Think of the filesystem as the filing cabinet with drawers and blank labels for holding files, it's part of the parity emulation even if there are no files recorded there. That 7GB is the organizational structure needed to keep track of potential files.
  10. JonathanM's post in USB Drive Failure - No Backup Available was marked as the answer   
    Check "parity is already valid" near the array start button, and nothing should be overwritten. New config never overwrites data drive slots, only parity, and if you check the parity valid box, it won't even overwrite parity.
  11. JonathanM's post in Profiling Windows VM Performance and Bottlenecks was marked as the answer   
    Try reducing the cores and RAM assigned to the VM. Remember, all the resources assigned to the VM are off limits to the host that is emulating the motherboard and I/O. Slow motherboard with lots of RAM and CPU = poor performance.
  12. JonathanM's post in understanding CPU utilization in unraid (VM) was marked as the answer   
    Dashboard includes cpu time spent waiting for i/o, and since preclear is waiting for the disk i/o 100% of the time it's running...
  13. JonathanM's post in 2 Unraid boxes, 1 UPS was marked as the answer   
    Slave, note the IP address in the device field, set it to match the fixed IP of your master Unraid.

    Master, nothing special, as long as the apcupsd is up and running it defaults to broadcasting as master on port 3551

    Be sure the network path between the two boxes is powered during an outage, otherwise the slave box will never shut down. I recommend starting shutdown on the slave box almost immediately, so you can be sure it's down cleanly before the master box even starts to shut down. If you have VM's on the two boxes, install the apcupsd program on them as well, use the same slave settings, and start the shutdown first on them. Depending on load, capacity, and desired stress on batteries I recommend starting shutdown on VM's at the 60 second mark, the slave unraid box at 180 seconds, and the master at maximum 300 seconds. That way everything has time for a clean orderly shutdown without distressing the batteries by discharging below 50% or so. Once the heavy draws are shut down, you can leave the UPS running for a little while to keep the network alive.
    Your situation may differ slightly, but the basic outline will probably be the same.
  14. JonathanM's post in Letsencrypt/SWAG Stopped working after last update was marked as the answer   
    Extensively discussed in the support thread. Quick fix is delete nginx.conf ssl.conf and replace them with the corresponding .sample files.
  15. JonathanM's post in can't get legacy boot on z68 extreme3 usb3 was marked as the answer   
    Try reformatting the drive with RUFUS
  16. JonathanM's post in Can't boot Unraid - can boot anything else was marked as the answer   
    Try reformatting the new USB sticks with RUFUS, then follow the normal install instructions.
  17. JonathanM's post in How to install Yeastar IP-PBX Software Edition on Unraid VM was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried SeaBIOS instead of OVMF?
  18. JonathanM's post in Disk Utilization Threshold was marked as the answer   
    Too many different goals have different requirements. No way to generalize except to set an upper limit that is rational for some situations, keeping a minimum free space of at least the size of the largest single file that is currently on the disk or a few multiples of that.
    You need free space if you need to run file system checks, if you get corruption too little free space can keep the repair from completing.
  19. JonathanM's post in docker split over 2 disks was marked as the answer   
    If you stop VM and Docker services, so the menu items no longer appear in the GUI, you should be able to use Dynamix File Manager to move all the appdata folders onto a single disk. Then set the split level to manual, and it should stay on whichever disk you put it, and you can re-enable the Docker and VM services.
  20. JonathanM's post in Usb flash drive changed, cant start array was marked as the answer   
    Semantics. The backup put the key file that belongs to the old USB stick onto the new stick, so you must obtain a new key file that matches the new stick. That's done with the replace key procedure.
    I realize I'm saying the exact same thing that you said, just wording it differently, if I'm not clear reply back and I'll try to explain better.
  21. JonathanM's post in Best Way to Remotely Control Ubuntu VM After Passing Through RTX3060 GPU was marked as the answer   
  22. JonathanM's post in Moving a centralizing data stored on individual vm's on my server was marked as the answer   
    This guy has many videos encompassing pretty much all Unraid can do, have a poke around and see what you see.
  23. JonathanM's post in Wireguard and Duck DNS was marked as the answer   
    What result do you get when you ping your duckdns name?
  24. JonathanM's post in How to install openSSH server was marked as the answer   
    Can you log in with SSH if you set "Use SSH" to Yes on the Management Access page?
  25. JonathanM's post in I need help with some drive and file management (moving drives around) was marked as the answer   
    Assuming you have the file manager plugin, click on the "view" icon at the far right of disk1, select all, move, and select disk 2 as the destination.
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