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Everything posted by Pducharme

  1. Don't know if it will still work. you can try by changing them at the "adding a docker" screen where you see the ports. Change the problematic to a different port and see if it works. Let me know here and i'll see if I can change the default ports.
  2. Hi, I do maintain one one the Plexconnect docker. Wonder what you mean by "all available containers do not show images" ? My docker works for me and others, I wonder what issue you have with it ? (if you tried it)
  3. Tried at least 6-7 times before going deep inside the docker and do it manually.
  4. finally, just got the update in the Docker page of Unraid GUI. I did the Update. Then Not connecting. Now it finally connects after some time, by it says there is an update on the login page. Clicking on the Start Upgrade doesn't work. Everytime there is a owncloud update... that breaks it. I should just stop updating it tried to go inside the docker to launch the update manually... will retry after changing ownership of "occ" to root EDIT : It worked. If you get the Upgrade page not working, you can go inside the running docker (in a SSH session) : docker exec -it ownCloud bash Assuming that your container is called ownCloud Then, when inside it, go to the owncloud folder : cd /var/www/owncloud Then, change owner + execution on couple of files : su root chown root:root occ chown root:root ./config/config.php chmod +x occ Then run the updgrade : ./occ upgrade At that point, wait for it to complete (it took 5 minutes on my server). Dont forget to set back the permission and owner to nobody:users.: chown nobody:users occ chown nobody:users ./config/config.php chmod -x occ That's it, just type "exit" and your done. Now the login page will display the usual login page instead of the "update available" page.
  5. Version 4.7.6 of UniFi Controller is out, Docker has been updated
  6. Sorry for the delay, I updated the docker to UniFi Controller 4.7.5. also updated the UniFi Video (NVR) to 3.1.2. I'll setup a "watch" on the BLOG page of UniFi where they put the new release, so i'll now receive an email when they release a new version of both those UniFi tools. I'll then be able to work on updating the docker in 1-2 days of the Ubiquiti Official release. ** EDIT ** Done! I have created 2 "watch" of the 2 BLOG page where UBNT put the new Release of UniFi Controller & UniFi Video Controller. I used changedetection.com so that will work well (use it for other web stuff I monitor). It means now that you won't have to wait 2 months after a Controller Update for me to add it to this Docker. I'm using it at home only, so it's pretty much "set and forget" and that make me forget that thread and also on UBNT for updates... Now, that should fix this delay
  7. If true, you suggest that it get up to 186Mb in seconds after a reboot? because at each boot, I checked my LOG partition and it was at 100% already so probably not cleared ??
  8. I guess we will know later when the logs starts to get in every day. I didn't increased it before yesterday, except that my LOG partition was full, I didn't had any issue with it. Also, If it's not speficied in the install instructions, I wonder if it's only on certain hardware that would generate more logs (?)... Here is the command to insert in the go file. You can also run it on a live server without reboot and the LOG part increase right away. # Enlarge the LOG partition (because Dynamix System Stats needs at least 186Mb, default LOG is 128Mb) mount -o remount,size=384m /var/log I don't know if it's safe to delete the /var/log/sa/* (content), if so, we could do a if in the go file that check if the sa30 exist, and delete all sa* if it exist. I think that would make it keep the last 30 days (UNTESTED).
  9. Ok, I fixed it by upping the size of /var/log to 384m instead of default 128m. Dynamix System Stats needs 186mb, so I put 384mb to have free space. I think that the size of the LOG partition should be configurable in the WebGUI. Anyway, I put the command in my go file.
  10. seems to be the /var/log/sa folder that contains lots of files and it look like it use 122Mb on the 128Mb total... But I don't know why, and what to do to find out why and to prevent it!
  11. Here it is : root@Unraid:~# df -h /var/log Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 128M 128M 0 100% /var/log root@Unraid:~# du -sm /var/log/* 0 /var/log/btmp 0 /var/log/btmp.1 0 /var/log/cron 0 /var/log/debug 1 /var/log/dmesg 1 /var/log/docker.log 0 /var/log/faillog 1 /var/log/lastlog 1 /var/log/libvirt 1 /var/log/maillog 0 /var/log/messages 0 /var/log/nfsd 3 /var/log/packages 0 /var/log/plugins 0 /var/log/removed_packages 0 /var/log/removed_scripts 122 /var/log/sa 1 /var/log/samba 1 /var/log/scripts 0 /var/log/secure 1 /var/log/setup 0 /var/log/spooler 1 /var/log/syslog 2 /var/log/syslog.1 2 /var/log/syslog.2 1 /var/log/unassigned.devices.log 1 /var/log/wtmp root@Unraid:~#
  12. I did nothing special, not changed anything in the Unraid fundamental... I remember that it was a Plugin that did that (I think proftpd, but not sure.) I reboot the Unraid when I upgrade version, so I did reboot it a lot since all beta version. This problem is present since beta2 or beta3. It never emptied itself. If you say it reset itself at powerdown, there is something that fill it, but when I boot the server, it's already at 100%...
  13. Hi, a while ago, I tested all version of Unraid 6 beta. I think one plugins did fill all the LOG partition and now, everytime I install a plugin (or update it), I always get lots of error because it is full. Attached is the picture of the dashboard showing the LOG at 100%... I would appreciate if someone can tell me how to clear it.
  14. Glad you have it figured out! Don't say your an idiot, your just learning new stuff
  15. Hi, I got the update in Docker, then when I went to my owncloud page, I get the 8.1.1 available. Clicking on Upgrade just do nothing, so I tried using the occ upgrade, that gives this : root@ffc56705ea97:/var/www/owncloud# occ upgrade bash: occ: command not found root@ffc56705ea97:/var/www/owncloud# ./occ upgrade bash: ./occ: Permission denied Here is the Log : *** Running /etc/my_init.d/config.sh... /etc/my_init.d/config.sh: line 3: $: command not found ownCloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available [invalidArgumentException] Command "upgrade" is not defined. Current default time zone: 'America/New_York' Local time is now: Thu Aug 13 22:25:34 EDT 2015. Universal Time is now: Fri Aug 14 02:25:34 UTC 2015. Found pre-existing certificate, using it. *** Running /etc/rc.local... *** Booting runit daemon... *** Runit started as PID 37
  16. Wow didn't look in this thread since a while! sorry. need to add a notification on it ! all the ports are the one Ubiquiti Network says they are needed for UniFi. I don't even know what they are used for... Yes, It interfere with Unmenu...
  17. The new Packet Analysis is very nice! looks a bit like the one in Asus Routers. They also finally implement a basic QoS GUI (always find that it was lacking). Really like my router. Too bad I had to reboot it for the update, it was running since the day I put 1.6 version
  18. ok. just thought that the previous update screen with the choice of the 3 branches was nice.
  19. @gfjardim : Any reason why NZBget docker can't run Updates since a while?? always give error : Currently installed: 15.0 Check failed. Please try again later.
  20. Thanks for keeping UniFi up-to-date. Using this docker for managing my wireless network, works perfect ! Yes me too I love my Ubiquiti Networks products I have the Access Point UniFi AP-AC and the EdgeMax EdgeLite router, good stuff!
  21. Updated UniFi Controller to 4.6.6 version. You should see "Update" in DockerMan page.
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