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Everything posted by Pducharme

  1. Update is done. I remove completely my Unifi folder on appdata share to start from "empty", deleted the Container + image and then Reload Info, then download the new version.
  2. No, i'll do it now to see if It works. Thanks, i didn't notice they update
  3. Did you "Edit" your Plex docker to add a mapping : /transcode to /tmp ?
  4. FYI, i created a docker with UniFi 4.x.
  5. What is Imagemagick ? Also, do you think you can convert an existing docker of Lychee to "Unraid standard" ? I find the look of Lychee more nice than piwigo, it seems faster too.
  6. Implemented Thanks for the tip. I have 32GB ECC, so i guess i'm all good
  7. I don't see anything specials that would make it fail. Did you try having the /config to the cache drive instead ? (/mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan")
  8. If your data are on the same Unraid server, I would use a "Local Storage" that point to the volume you added while creating the docker : ex: /data that you point to /mnt/user
  9. I think that once you set it up in the UI, it goes on it's own and you can then change the ui-properties to the Mac. If you ever want to see the progress of the unraid backup, then you change it again and connect to the unraid. For me, I had 12TB to backup on my Unraid. I'm at 53.2% now, started it early september. Will take about 4 more months. I have limited upload speed. It never went really over 8Mbps (limited by my WAN link).
  10. Ok, Here what I was able to do : When the PlexConnect Docker starts, it copy the Settings.cfg to inside the docker and use it. If you don't have one, it will generate one INSIDE the docker and use it. In short, you can download PlexConnect to your computer, run python Settings.cfg to generate a new Settings.cfg, modify it as you want and drop it in the same place than the SSL certificates (or any other place where you point the /config folder). Also, If you want to modify it, you'll have to Stop/Start the PlexConnect docker so it can load up the new one inside the container when it launch. I would have prefer being able to create a symlink, but I wasn't successful after so many tries. Maybe a "pro" can try to give some instructions to have it working with a symlink.
  11. I did tried but wasn't able yet. i'm working on it right now. My last try is Building on docker, i'll go to bed. If it doesn't work, my docker will stay "broken" until late tomorrow night. The plan is to remove all Variables and just allow access to the Settings.cfg outside the docker. Currently, i'm trying to use the existing one if it exists, if not, will use a new one.
  12. I think it was developed to be the host of docker, not the baseimage, but I might be wrong. Oh maybe your right!
  13. What do you think all "dockers guru" about the Ubuntu Snappy? It suppose to be made for Docker, be secure, etc. I think it's based on Ubuntu Core, but adapted for Docker in mind. Can it be the new baseimage in long term ?
  14. Let's say I want to create my first docker from scratch. Should I start with a Phusion 0.9.15 and use your previous point instructions to make it Unraid friendly ? Thanks!
  15. How do I get these? Install Community Apps Plugins first. search for pducharme and you'll have access to the 3 dockers I maintain. My Dockers: PlexConnect - https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/pducharme/plexconnect/ (UNSUPPORTED, Don't have a ATV3 anymore) Website - https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect/wiki/Install-Guide Added support for Fanart (PIL). Added support for DNS variable to use alternate DNS server. Added support for HTTP(S) Alternate Port (need a Reverse-Proxy). Remove all Variables, instead allow to provide a full customized file in /config. UniFi Controller - https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/pducharme/unifi/ Website - http://ubnt.com UniFi controller 4.2.0 on phusion baseimage 0.9.15 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.5.2 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.6.0 on phusion baseimage 0.9.16 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.6.6 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.7.5 on phusion baseimage 0.9.17 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.7.6 on phusion baseimage 0.9.17 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.8.12 on phusion baseimage 0.9.18 Upgraded to UniFi controller 4.8.18 Upgraded to UniFi controller 5.2.9 Upgraded to UniFi controller 5.4.9 on phusion baseimage:latest Upgraded to UniFi controller 5.4.11 on phusion baseimage:latest Upgraded to UniFi controller 5.5.19 on phusion baseimage:latest Upgraded to UniFi controller 5.5.24 on phusion baseimage:latest Add support for a BETA branch. Just add :beta on the repository field in the Docker Edit page. (5.6.19 currently). UniFi-Video Controller (NVR) - https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/pducharme/unifi-video-controller/ Website - http://ubnt.com UniFi-Video-controller 3.0.8 on phusion baseimage 0.9.16 Upgraded to UniFi-Video-controller 3.1.2 on phusion baseimage 0.9.17 Upgraded to UniFi-Video-controller 3.1.3 on phusion baseimage 0.9.18 Upgraded to UniFi-Video-controller 3.6.0 on phusion baseimage:latest Upgraded to UniFi-Video-controller 3.6.1 on phusion baseimage:latest Upgraded to UniFi-Video-controller 3.6.3 on phusion baseimage:latest Add support for a BETA branch. Just add :beta on the repository field in the Docker Edit page. Thanks: gfjardim - for his great dockerman page smdion - this post I used from his, help to get my repo up. Change Log: 12.15.14 - PlexConnect - Release - with Fanart support. 12.16.14 - PlexConnect - Upgrade docker baseimage to phusion 0.9.15. 12.17.14 - UniFi - Release ubiquiti UniFi 4.2.0 with baseimage phusion 0.9.15. 12.18.14 - PlexConnect - Modify Instructions 12.22.14 - PlexConnect - Modify so you can provide your own Settings.cfg in /config. 12.31.14 - PlexConnect - Modify so you can provide your own ATVSettings.cfg in /config. 01.13.15 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.5.2. 02.19.15 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.6.0 with phusion/baseimage 0.9.16 03.11.15 - UniFi-Video-Controller - Initial release, version 3.0.8 on phusion/baseimage 0.9.16 06.30.15 - PlexConnect - Switch to CyberGhost84 Fork of PlexConnect 07.13.15 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.6.6 version. 10.28.15 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.7.5 version on phusion/baseimage 0.9.17 10.28.15 - UniFi-Video-Controller - Update UniFi-Video-Controller to 3.1.2 version on phusion/baseimage 0.9.17 10.30.15 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.7.6 version on phusion/baseimage 0.9.17 02.02.16 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.8.12 version on phusion/baseimage 0.9.18 02.12.16 - UniFi-Video-Controller - Update UniFi-Video-Controller to 3.1.3 version on phusion/baseimage 0.9.18 05.09.16 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 4.8.18 version. 10.06.16 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 5.2.9 version. 01.23.17 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 5.4.9 version. 01.23.17 - UniFi-Video-Controller - Update UniFi-Video-Controller to 3.6.0. 02.06.17 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 5.4.11 version. 02.09.17 - UniFi-Video-Controller - Update UniFi-Video-Controller to 3.6.1. 03.29.17 - UniFi-Video-Controller - update to version 3.6.3 08.09.17 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 5.5.19 version. 08.30.17 - UniFi-Video-Controller -- Add Beta branch, 3.8.0 beta 4. 10.17.17 - UniFi - Update UniFi Controller to 5.5.24. Also add a Beta Branch, 5.6.19.
  16. Yep, it's right. I don't know the original values on the server, but I guess you can remove Container + Image and re-create it from scratch if you didn't use it yet, there is no harm.
  17. You need to have Crashplan software installed on a different computer or in a VM where you edit the config file to point to the Unraid server IP for the "engine". This works well on a Mac, I guess should be as easy on a PC.
  18. Just a quick question, I don't see all updates in my Docker page, I have a lot of N/A.. .Is there an issue ? My only repository is : https://github.com/gfjardim/docker-containers/tree/templates
  19. Can anyone fix this ? Also, update Crashplan docker to 3.6.4 instead of 3.6.3. Thank you !
  20. I find out that in the day, Crashplan backup at around 8-9Mbps, but in the evening and night, it's 3.3Mbps. I think it's congestion in the route my ISP use to go back to crashplan servers. I don't know where they are, but i'm in Québec, so if they are in Sillicon Valley, it's normal...
  21. 3,3Mbps. My Internet can go up to 10.5Mbps. When I did a test before doing the real thing, I was able to upload at 10.2Mbps. I did put a limit of CPU use of 75% for both away and present. I use a Xeon E3-1240v3 (haswell) with 32GB Ram ECC. Server is pretty powerful.
  22. Thanks for this Docker. I just bought 4 Years of Crashplan (20% Off currently, 151$ for the 4 years). I installed the docker, then did the SSH tunnel and use the Mac GUI to create different Backup sets. It will take at least 6.9 months for my Biggest folder of about 6.5TB I have around 10.5TB currently. Will be a good off-site backup solution! I do hope to get access to a faster than 10Mbps Upload speed so the backup will go faster...
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