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Everything posted by ashman70

  1. So which mappings for sonarr do I change to TV? Not sure what I am changing or to what
  2. The two mappings in sonarr are these: /mnt/cache/TV Downloads /mnt/cache/downloads
  3. Not sure I follow you. In sickbeard I have two mappings: /mnt/cache/downloads /mnt/cache/TV Downloads
  4. New sonarr user here, been using sick beard for years but having issues hence the change. In sick beard my shows point to /mnt/user/download/TV when I try to add this path in sonarr to import my shows, it tells me its an invalid path? Looking for help on how to import my shows into sonarr as I have about 100 of them. Thanks AM
  5. Shame, for now I am relatively content to run them in Safari.
  6. What do you mean by this 'the chrome exorcism process works' and does it work permanently? What do I have to do?
  7. That's funny, because for years I ran Sabnzb and sickbeard on a windows box and had no issues, when I switched to using a mac I had issues with Sabnzb, since running both as dockers on unRaid they have run without issues until now.
  8. So in other words you are saying its a chrome issue? Just don't understand why all of a sudden its affecting me, can't imagine its a coincidence that it started happening after I installed the tvheadend-unstable docker.....:-(
  9. I am running b6.2rc3 and recently installed tvheadend-unstable. Afterwards I started experiencing gui crashes with two of my dockers, Sabnzb and sickbeard. Now I was running needo's version of Sabnzb and was informed he hasn't been active here for a long time, so this morning I uninstalled his docker and installed linux.io's Sabnzb. Since the install went into the same appdata directory it took all the settings of my previous Sabnzb install. When I try to launch the webgui for Sabnzb in chrome on my mac, I get this: 400 Bad Request Illegal cookie name plushHistPerPage Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 635, in respond self.process_headers() File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 737, in process_headers raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) HTTPError: (400, 'Illegal cookie name plushHistPerPage') Powered by CherryPy 6.0.2 I can launch it Safari just fine, but I don't use Safari, I use chrome, and its worked fine in chrome for ever. Before I switched to linux.io's version of Sabnzb, if I cleared the cookies in chrome, this would temporarily resolve the problem, but it would eventually crash the gui again.
  10. I recently installed tvheadend-unstable, and since then I have noticed an issue with my sickbeard docker gui crashing with the following error. I use google chrome on a mac and if I go in and clear the cookies, it resolves the problem for a time, but ultimately crashes again. No idea whats causing this. 400 Bad Request Illegal cookie name ys-api/dvr/entry/grid_upcoming Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/sickbeard/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 625, in respond self.process_headers() File "/usr/lib/sickbeard/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 724, in process_headers raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) HTTPError: (400, 'Illegal cookie name ys-api/dvr/entry/grid_upcoming') Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0rc1
  11. If you are connecting to the pc from work via RDP and whilst remotely connected to said computer via RDP you open an infected email attachment on the remote computer or download an infected file on the remote computer, it can still get infected with ransomeware. Can the ransomeware detect your RDP connection and travel through the RDP connection to your computer at work, no, if that is what you are asking. Will the ransomeware encrypt as many files as it can on the local computer, yes. Will it go out on the network and look for any shares that user has write permission to and encrypt them, more than likely but it depends on the variant of the cryptomalware.
  12. 16GB in my main 100TB backup server 32GB in my second server that runs a windows 10 VM at the moment 4GB in my TV NAS server
  13. So where did you download and install smart tools? On your UnRaid server?
  14. Gary, many of the current iterations of ransomeware go after shares now, not just mapped drives, so whatever shares the infected user has access to, files in those shares will get encrypted.
  15. The problem in the enterprise is some applications require full user access to directories from which they run on the server, I put it down to lazy programming. I have one customer who runs their main application this way, each user who runs the app must be a local admin and then must have full permission to the directory on the server. So far they haven't been hit by ransomeware and we have good backups but its crazy.
  16. Totally agree with you re cooling, it remains to be seen for me how the cooling will work out once I close the case up and put it into production. Right now I am copying 13TB of data to it and I only have 5 drives in it, its sitting on my desk with the front door open and the side panels off, the drive temps are between 31 and 33 degrees celsius. I will be adding more drives in the near future, so we will see. For a solution where four drives simply won't cut it though, I am not sure there is a better case out there.
  17. I considered doing this as well to replace an existing NAS that I had maxed out, but in the end decided to go with a DIY build using the Silverstone DS380 case simply because it can hold 8 drives and I needed the drive density.
  18. I just completed a DS380 build and I am currently transferring data to it. I replaced all three of the original Silverstone fans with two Corsair SP 120 fans on the side, they run at 2350 RPM and one Corsair AF 120 that runs at 1350 RPM at the back of the case. During the array sync my HD temps creeped up to about 41 degrees Celsius and at that point I removed the side of the case and opened the front door on the case and the temps dropped. Right now with the door open and side of the case off the temps are 32, 34, 33, 32, 32 I have only five drive in the case at the moment. I'll report back in a few days when the data copy is done and I put the side back on, we'll see what the temps are like then.
  19. True, I opened the side of the case and the front door of the case as the last three drive bays are empty with no sleds in them, that has helped drop the temps down to 33, 36, 34, 35, and 34 so that is better. Once the parity sync has stopped, I'll close it up and monitor the drive temps.
  20. Yes, its currently doing a parity sync, and one drive just hit 40 degrees, not happy.
  21. Drive temps have increased and now seem to be holding at 36, 39, 38, 39, 39 degrees celsius. I will really be disappointed if they hit 40 or higher. Not sure what else I can do to increase cooling in this case, I am already using the piece of card board 'trick'.
  22. Thanks, I was able to use three of the 6" cables and then had to use two longer ones. I decided to stat out with five drives for now giving me 19TB to work with. I replaced all three 120mm fans in the case with Corsair fans, two SP 120mm and one Corsair AF 120mm. So far UnRaid reports the drive temps at 35, 36, 36, 36, and 37 celsius, I am hoping they stay there and no increase. Hopefully on idle they should drop by as much as 10 degrees, I guess one can be hopeful.
  23. I bought a bunch of 8" cables at my local store today, turns out I can use almost half of them, I can return the ones I didn't open. 10" or 12" would probably be fine for the rest of the ports, but the next size up my store sells is 18" so I am thinking about folding them and tie wrapping them.
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