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Everything posted by mrmarkfr

  1. I have a couple of old 1TB drives that I'm going to replace with larger drives (new ones are smaller than my parity drives). Is it best practice to use unbalance first to scatter the drive, then put in the new, larger drive, or am I better to just follow the guide here (https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_a_Data_Drive), and not worry about running unbalance first?
  2. For anyone else having trouble accessing the web client of the EAPController, I found a setting (I think it was under the network settings) that allowed the Ethernet connection to be bridged. As soon as I changed this setting, I was able to access the controller's webpage
  3. I picked up a T3600 for cheap this weekend, and it has an H310 card, that looks like it can be flashed to 9211-8i. The problem is that the T3600 has almost no storage inside. I do have a Sans Digital 8 bay, dual sata connectors that I can use for storage. Is there a cable or converter to go from the SFF8087 to an e-sata cable,/bracket or sata cable that I could wire up the to case, that would allow me to use the card externally with the 2 sata ports (would have to support port multipiers)?
  4. problem was solved with a reboot GREAT plugin!!!! Makes unRaid even easier to use.
  5. 6.2.4, and everything is updated, fresh install last night.
  6. I just installed unRaid on a new system, and started playing with the plugins, specifically with the "fix common problems", but for some reason, I keep having it tell me that the "plugin update check" isn't enabled. I click on Notification Settings, and have it set to check once/month for plugins version, and have it notify me by browser, and notification entity is all checked. I haven't rebooted the system, is there anything else I can do to fix this?
  7. I've "solved" my issue by swapping out the UPS for an XS off of one of my desktops, it's now showing 150 minutes of runtime, and 3% load.
  8. Mine is also missing the nompower setting, I'm going to swap it with an known good XS 1300 once my wife is done watching TV, and see what happens when I plug it into a Windows machine with PowerChute running on it
  9. Here's my diagnostics, I'm having a similar issue with it not reporting load pct unraid1-diagnostics-20160110-1731.zip
  10. If I'm reading this right, if we got a new install of the apcupsd 3.14.13 for unRaid, would that fix our problem? It looks like it supports Modbus over USB now. http://www.apcupsd.org/
  11. Thanks again for this plugin, it gives a non-linux user a lot easier way to preclear disks.
  12. Again, love this forum. That fixed it. I didn't see the different path required for the regular preclear vs the plugin.
  13. I'm having an issue where my system is saying the script isn't present. This is on a system that I started building in the spring, but it got put on the back burner until now. At the time, I precleared 4 drives, with the script, and I'm still using the same flash drive. When I try running the plugin, I get script not present. Any way to diagnose why it's not seeing the script?
  14. managed to pick up an HX650 today, never used, the guy bought it for bitcoin mining, never got around to using it. Paid $70CDN for it, saved about $50 before taxes
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