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Everything posted by Bugman1400

  1. I am trying to figure out a BTRFS error I get while watching a movie via Plex. I have two 250GB SSDs that are mirrored. In the syslog, the trouble seems to start today, Jan 22 @ 13:57:51. Any ideas? beall-diagnostics-20170122-1408.zip
  2. I rebooted the server several times before but, for some reason, a reboot just now fixed my Save issue....all is well!
  3. I set up NZBGet some time ago on one news server. Now, I am trying to add another and when I try to save, I get the following "Could not save configuration in /config/nzbget.conf.........Please check file permissions". I've checked permissions, and all "appdata" shares show as Public. However, this brings me to another question! I seem to have two "appdata" folders. I have one at /mnt/cache/appdata and another at /mnt/user/appdata. The latter is a user share and is currently configured to be Cache-Only. Previously, I had it set to the rotating harddrive array. Which is the best method for the appdata folder....direct cache or the user cache?
  4. Does OpenVPN-AS allow use of a proxy server like PrivateInternetAccess?
  5. ok...had ProFTPd Plugin installed and then I removed it. When that happened, the built in FTP Server showed back up and the FTP Settings button worked. Is it best to keep ProFTPd and keep it disabled when not in use?
  6. The link posted within the plugin works for me under 6.3 -rc1, and 6.2.1 (and was originally tested with 6.1.9 and 6.2 b/rc) All it does is takes you to Settings / FTP Settings The reason for the warning is that (unless the behaviour has been changed) is that if FTP was disabled, it will automatically get re-enabled after you reboot the system. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48975.0 I also have version 6.2.1. Is the UnRAID built-in FTP server a Plugin. I may have already deleted it (can't remember) and the FTP Settings button may be trying to access a page of a Plugin that is no longer installed.
  7. I show no Errors using the Fix Common Problems Plugin but, a Warning indicates that I still have users defined for the built in FTP server that I have disabled. When I click on the "FTP Settings" button, I get a blank screen.
  8. With Ransomware Protection version: 2016.10.09, I am getting the following: Time Of Attack:Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:43:19 -0400 Samba version 4.4.5 PID Username Group Machine Protocol Version Encryption Signing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service pid Machine Connected at Encryption Signing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No locked files
  9. I have a Windows VM so, no help there. Since the DD-WRT router stays on all the time, seems like the obvious choice. Now, if can only get my UnRAID monitor to wake up with the server, I'd be set!
  10. Its a great day when you can answer your own questions. Turns out my DD-WRT router has a WOL signal feature. Yipee!!!
  11. I have the Z97 Extreme6, from looking at the Software Setup Guide, it does not appear to have that feature. Are there any routers that can provide the WOL signal?
  12. Can the UnRAID server wake itself after S3 Sleep state or does it always have to be via WOL from another source?
  13. Getting my UnRAID server to S3 Sleep is no problem. Waking the damn thing up is a different story. Do I need to hit the power button every time? What are the other ways to wake it up? Can I wake it up in a similar fashion to when the disks spin down, by just trying to access the user share? It would be nice if the Plugin woke it up at a scheduled time just like the schedule to make it sleep.
  14. I was able to reduce my filesize by gzip. Dan, would be nice to add an automatic gzip to the backup file. Since my VM img is 100GB, the backup is also. After gzip, it reduced to 17GB......quite a difference.
  15. This script did not seem to shutdown the VM for me. I had no problem shutting down the VM manually, after which, the script ran fine. Also, I expected the log window to echo the comments as it stepped through the script but, it waited until after my 100GB VM img file was copied and the rest of the script fully executed before showing the echoed comments.
  16. I haven't had any luck making a directory with spaces in the name.
  17. Dan, is your script supposed to run automatically every x days? How do you set this up?
  18. Any status on the plug-in? I'm interested in learning the process of making a plugin anyhow. Is there a noobs tutorial for this?
  19. Dan, Hope you're out of the hospital by now and things went well. Feeling back in action yet? Cheers.
  20. Is it easy to turn this into a plugin so we don't have mess with the flash? Seems like any improvements that are made or features that added would be handled well through the update process with the plugins. Or, would setting up a plugin be too much effort?
  21. Why do the VMs have to be shut down to copy the vdisk1.img? What happens if you try to copy it without shutting it down......will it affect the VM startup when you try to restore with copied vdisk1.img?
  22. I guess I'm not. I tried one USB pass-through based off a previous post but, it did not go well and I could not re-start my W10VM after making an XML edit. I did a search on W10 VM iTunes and did not see a decent post so, I assumed W10 VM and Itunes was too new. Perhaps I should go back and read all the USB pass-through posts to get better acquainted with the subject and process.
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