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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. Hi, Rexima you shouldn't need any kexts for the network to work. Are you having problems with no network connection? This can happen sometimes. One thing to check is that in the XML <interface type='bridge'> <mac address='52:54:00:51:66:48'/> <source bridge='br0'/> <model type='e1000-82545em'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/> </interface> this line <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/> must be as it is. This is because we need to use a custom slot so it isn't sharing the same IRQ as the sata. If we don't do this the mask register isnt being setup before the PCI interrupt is generated. Then the network fails. In fact, I have found that sometimes even with this workaround I have to shutdown the VM then restart it to get network as sometimes it still isn't setup before the PCI interrupts is generated.
  2. Awesome. I seem to have been overcomplicating matters that seems the best way. I will try that thanks
  3. WOL works best from power off. Waking a server from sleep is dicey at best, servers are not designed for sleep. Many high end consumer routers include WOL, so if you have VPN into your router, you can just WOL your server from the router. If you have a server board with IPMI, then just log in and wake it from there. There are several routes to get to your end destination, it all depends on what hardware and software you already have, and possibly need to set up to connect the dots. Oh, I didn't know that WOL works best from shutdown. I found that my WOL from sleep didn't work well after changing the hardware I used for my server. When I found it didn't work from sleep I didn't bother using it again but never tried from shutdown. So if I can get it to work from shutdown i wouldn't need to use a relay on the PI. I can just have my PI when it starts up sends a magic packet to both servers and switch them on
  4. Thanks Guys for all of your help. Yes, all of that makes perfect sense. I never really thought about the wear to the UPS by draining it. I also didn't think about the fact of all the drives spinning up before shutdown using more power. My main reason for wanting 30 minutes running time was in case I was out of the house and power went out. If it was to shut down i would not be able to VPN into it should I want to. Sure if the girlfriend was home I could call her to restart it but would rather not!! I have taken your advice and I have set it now to shut down the first slave server after 90 seconds then the main server 270 seconds. I definitely think what you say is right and more important than keeping the server running just so I can login. However I was thinking maybe I will use a raspberry pi with a relay switch. That way it can it can switch on the server when i am away. My thoughts are. The pi should just restart itself when the power comes back on. Then whenever the pi starts it could ping the server to see if it is up, and if there is no response it turns on the server via the relay or maybe power it on from wake on LAN but I guess wake on lan only works from sleep . Maybe fun to give that a try
  5. Jonathanm thanks so much for your help. I have it all working now. Set my slave to shut down after 90 seconds and have the master to shut down on 10% battery. Power outs seem to be about 30 mins here. The ups will power my main server for about 40 mins but not both for 30. And thanks to both you and Frank1940 for the heads up re all switches. I have repurposed on old small apc 350 to run my router phone etc in the other room
  6. Yes Micheal, thats why. Unfortunately the 460 isn't yet supported yet in Lakka. So it will load the flower logo but when it tries to initialise it will fail and freeze. All of Lakka's drivers are opensource drivers. Lakka is using an older Linux kernel which doesn't support these newer cards. The devs say it will be updated sometime soon. However, the custom Libreelec with emulation station is built from the latest kernel and supports the new cards. Also, the custom LibreElec with emulation station supports a few more systems.
  7. Um I was hoping i could use a script that would send a shutdown command to the second server. I guess i will have to open a suggestion to lime tech in hope thay can add a custom scripts to execute before shutdown with the ups settings on unRAID
  8. Hi is there an easy way I can get my first server to send a signal to my second server when UPS is low so it shutsdown cleanly. main server is plugged into UPS by USB
  9. I have never been able to get the techpowerup downloaded roms to work for me. I have in the last year tried about 5 differnet gpus and non worked. You dont have to dump the 550ti bios to get it to work how you want. Well I dont think you do! You have an x99 motherboard like me. So in mine in the bios i can set any of my 3 pcie slots as primary. So with the 1060 in your second slot set that to the primary boot pcie slot. As you have the rom for that you can pass that through. Then put your 550ti in the first slot and it will work becuase the first slot will no longer be the primary slot. darianf could you attach the rom for the 1060 and put exactly which card it is. I am trying to collect as many rom files as possible to post here Junnu I have a 1070 msi try this bios i dumped should work for you. msi 1070 founders edition https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtm917g5nnagpy6/msifoundersedition1070.dump?dl=0 msi 1070 seahawk . https://www.dropbox.com/s/8u4ryfqexh6ag0i/msiseahawk1070.dump?dl=0
  10. The the rom file is usually read-protected unless '1' is written to it thats why we do the echo 1 But it seems your 550 rom file isnt being read for some reason. Try dumping the rom starting the vm whilst its running. Dont try to unbind it see if you can dump it anyway. On my system i can. If not then for some reason you cant read the bios on that card. If you are using the 1060 in slot one why the need for the rom file for the 550?
  11. Hi Michael, The VM needs a real physical GPU and cant use VNC after setup. Which gpu are you passing through to the VM? Some of the newer ones are not yet supported ie gtx 1080. (but they should be supported by Lakka soon) If your gpu isnt supported you could try the custom libre Elec with emulation station built in as it supports all gpus. (i prefer this now to Lakka for retro gaming as it supports more systems as well) I have done a guide for it here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=55404.0
  12. You can either put vdisks on the unassigned drive or pass through the whole disk as a block device for exclusive use by a vm
  13. Hi, Guys, I have a new method for installing either Sierra or El Capitan. This method doesn't require you to prepare an install media from the app store and is a lot easier. There is no longer any frustrating battles with the vnc mouse during install! Hope you like it and check it out! The newest, easiest and best way to install OS Sierra or El Capitan!
  14. Hi this is because you have not put in the osk key so this error occurs this line in your XML should contain it <qemu:arg value='isa-applesmc,osk=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/> get the osk key and put it in the part where it says xxxxxxxxxxxx If you are not sure how to get the key please see here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43816.msg519095#msg519095 After which it should work I'm a FOOL... figured it out. lol I miss typed the osk key. Ha, it's easily done! Not as bad as me. Yesterday a sat at work in front of the computer wondering why I couldn't log into an IP. Only after 10 minutes, I realised I way putting in my unRAID server's LAN IP at home, not the IP of the device I was trying to access at work. Now that's the definition of a FOOL
  15. Hi this is because you have not put in the osk key so this error occurs this line in your XML should contain it <qemu:arg value='isa-applesmc,osk=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/> get the osk key and put it in the part where it says xxxxxxxxxxxx If you are not sure how to get the key please see here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43816.msg519095#msg519095 After which it should work
  16. Hi Graham. It looks like there is a syntax error when you have copied the scripts/edited the scripts. Check those lines and look at the " Or I have edited the scripts and attached to this post and put in default locations to save the icons to before transferring them to VM manager as the domains share. I have also set it to automatically download and put them straight into the VM manager. If these settings sound ok with you just replace the scripts and use these as they are and it will work without the need to be edited icons edited script https://www.dropbox.com/s/831qhh41atsp9d5/icon%20scripts%20edited.zip?dl=0
  17. Not difficult, but it violates copyright laws in many jurisdictions. Any discussions in this forum will likely be removed because of that. Yes we cant discuss about roms here. As well as emulation there are some other cool things in the build. I find having google chrome in Kodi useful. Here is a list from the devs page about what this build contains - Based on LibreELEC 8.0 - Kodi 17 Krypton - Emulationstation (Herdinger fork with fixes from RetroPie) - sselph's CLI scraper included (not automatically used) - RetroArch (Generic build has all cores from buildbot, RPi has most of the updated ones compiled in) with Vulkan support (only Intel for now) - VICE C64 emulator - Amiga emulators (uae4arm-rpi for RPi or FS-UAE for Generic) - Dolphin Wii/GameCube emulator - ResidualVM (Grim Fandango and Escape from Monkey Island engine) - Dosbox extended SDL2 fork - Shortcut to Emulationstation and RetroArch from Kodi homescreen (Estuary mod, no launcher addon required) - Bluetooth for RPi3 works out of the box (after enabling in LE settings) - tested with DS4 - F2FS/BTRFS/XFS file system support - UNFS3 NFS server (/storage and /media exported rw to any IP by default) - OpenVPN server - Transmission BitTorrent, SABnzbd, Sonarr (needs Mono addon) and Plex Media Server - QEMU (statically linked binary to enable running ARM Docker containers on x86_64) - DRI3 enabled by default on Intel (gives you tear free video in browsers) - Google Chrome - Spotify - Blu-ray playback (requires MakeMKV addon)
  18. It wouldn't hurt and will make it perform a little bit better. How many cores does your system have and how are you assigning them? Success! Looks like isolating the cpus did the trick. Crackle/popping seems to be gone... For the record, this is my xml for cpus: <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='12'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='13'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='14'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='15'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='28'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='29'/> <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='30'/> <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='31'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='0,16'/> </cputune> Hi DoeBoye, I'm glad you have got it sorted out now When you say you isolated the cpus did you have to isolate them from the host using isolcpus= in the syslinux.config or you pinned the emulation calls to separate cores with <emulatorpin cpuset='0,16'/> Just so others reading with same prob know how you solved it
  19. Hi guys. I have made a video about how to install LibreElec without using the limetech template. The version installed in this video is a custom build complete the emulation station and retro arch built in. This as well as chrome and spotify. In this video you will see how to fix the audio problems that can bug some of us, with Libre or Open Elec. Hope you find it useful. Install a custom LibreElec complete with emulation station and other apps on unRAID
  20. Hello, WiFivomFranMan. Please do the following steps 1. Start VM normally. Change the resolution of settings with either clover configurator or manually edit the config.plist file to resolution you want( eg 1920 x 1080) 2. Reboot the VM but stop on the clover boot loader (don't let it boot sierra) 3. Choose restart computer on clover screen 4. As it restarts press delete to enter ovmf setup. (if using a mac either connect a USB keyboard) as mac, backspace will not work.Or on mac hold down the “fn” (function) key then press the “delete” key) 5. Now you will be in config/bios screen of the ovmf 6. Go through the options and change resolution here to match what you did in step 1 by going to "device manager" then "ovmf platform configuration" 7. save settings and restart and boot to osx Now you will have the resolution you want.? Yes, Splashtop is free for use in your own network with the personal version. If you want to use remotely (in another location then pay a small amount http://www.splashtop.com/personal
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