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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. Yes this is normal.The mouse is terrible in osx using the vnc. If you move the mouse fast and then back slowly then you can use it. It is a nightmare. Once installed you can setup osx screen sharing or my favorite splashtop desktop for perfect remote mouse and remote viewing.
  2. Hi I have made a tutorial showing how to run a raspberry pi as a VM on unRAID. As unRAID doesn't have native arm emulation yet, its done via a Linux VM host. Hope you guys enjoy it !! Running a Raspberry PI as a vm on unRAID using Linux qemu
  3. Hi, so i have virtualised a raspberry pi on my unRAID server. So as unRAID doesnt yet have arm emulation well other linux distros do. So I have run it on top of a fedora vm on my unRAID server. For a video guide please check here. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=55082.0
  4. How can I pass through a physical Network controller to a VM? Things to read - ** ***GUIDE*** Passing Through Network Controllers to unRAID 6 Virtual Machines by jonp http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39638 Things to watch - **VIDEO GUIDE** How to isolate then pass-through a Network Controller in unRAID* by gridrunner Thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=54937.0
  5. How do I pass through a USB controller so i can hotswap in my vm ? Things to read - ** ***GUIDE*** Passthrough Entire PCI USB Controller by archedraft http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36768.0 Things to watch - **VIDEO GUIDE** How to easily and safely pass through a USB controller ** by gridrunner Thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=54753
  6. Hi Guys i have put together a video showing how to isolate then passthrough a Network Controller whilst checking that it can be reset. Hope you find it useful How to pass through a network controller in unRAID
  7. Do you have bonding on your net work adaptor. If so you will have to add a variable named INTERFACE in the template then add the value of your adaptor prob bond0 https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-openvpnas
  8. This is a good dongle that works with usb passthrough and usb controller pass through https://www.amazon.co.uk/COOLEAD-Ultra-Mini-Bluetooth-Dongle-Adapter-x/dp/B00WMEVBV4/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1482156441&sr=8-5&keywords=Ultra-Mini+Bluetooth+4.0+USB
  9. Passthrough: Very unlikely. Virtual GPU (CPU/VNC): Should be possible. Doesnt look like anytime soon as no word from limetech Maybe something to look in to for unRAID 6.4. Should be pretty simple to build ARM guest binary for QEMU. My original goal was to slim down the binaries for QEMU and that's why there is only x86-64bit support today but it sounds like there's some interest in ARM guests. I have a few Raspberry Pi projects I'm working on as well Great news +1
  10. Awesome video, gridrunner, added to OP if you don't mind. Thanks gfjardim i'm glad you like it! I'm more than happy for it to be in the OP. Thankyou Thanks bonienl. I didnt know that about the clearing in 6.2, its great the array stays available.
  11. I dont know what else to suggest. I have not had any of the same problems with my fresco logic usb. Mine is Inateck PCI-E to USB 3.0 5-Port PCI Express Card (KTU3FR-5O2I) you can see it here http://amzn.to/2f2OS5U? I am using an x99 motherboard and dont have any acs overide enabled or anything else. this is my syslinux file here. default /syslinux/menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology, Inc. prompt 0 timeout 50 label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append vfio-pci.ids=1b73:1100,8086:15a1 initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS GUI Mode kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest Perhaps the card is just faulty??
  12. please ssh into your server and copy the result of this. Should say reset next to your usb card/controller if it supports reset for iommu_group in $(find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);do echo "IOMMU group $(basename "$iommu_group")"; for device in $(\ls -1 "$iommu_group"/devices/); do if [[ -e "$iommu_group"/devices/"$device"/reset ]]; then echo -n "[RESET]"; fi; echo -n $'\t';lspci -nns "$device"; done; done It should be able to reset itself: IOMMU group 13 [RESET] 03:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: Fresco Logic FL1100 USB 3.0 Host Controller [1b73:1100] (rev ff) yeah thats strange. not sure if you saw the edit i made on the last post to you but if using vfio-pci.ids= then try pci-stub.ids= and vice versa
  13. Yes just be careful not to pass through unRAID's usb flash controller. To stub 2 devices (well interesting point or maybe not lol ... its not stub anymore from linux 4.1 its vfio-pci.ids which is a newer version of 'stub' that allows devices to go into D3 state(low power state) when they are not in use) just put a comma between the ids heres my syslinux line below with 2 devices append vfio-pci.ids=1b73:1100,8086:15a1 initrd=/bzroot
  14. please ssh into your server and copy the result of this. Should say reset next to your usb card/controller if it supports reset for iommu_group in $(find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);do echo "IOMMU group $(basename "$iommu_group")"; for device in $(\ls -1 "$iommu_group"/devices/); do if [[ -e "$iommu_group"/devices/"$device"/reset ]]; then echo -n "[RESET]"; fi; echo -n $'\t';lspci -nns "$device"; done; done edit . if you are using in syslinux maybe try the older pci-stub.ids= instead so vfio-pci.ids=1b73:1100 would be pci-stub.ids=1b73:1100 may not solve your prob but worth a try as i dont think stub also it to go into d3
  15. Hi, Guys. I have made a tutorial showing how to easily and safely pass through a USB controller on your unRAID server. You can see how to quickly identify all USB controllers in the server and see which devices and buses are connected to each controller and also which iommu group each controller is in. So you can easily avoid accidentally passing through the controller used for the unRAID flash drive. You will also see how to easily identify which USB controllers support resetting. I hope you find it useful How to easily pass though a USB controller
  16. Hi, Guys. I have made a tutorial showing how to easily and safely pass through a USB controller on your unRAID server. You can see how to quickly identify all USB controllers in the server and see which devices and buses are connected to each controller and also which iommu group each controller is in. So you can easily avoid accidentally passing through the controller used for the unRAID flash drive. You will also see how to easily identify which USB controllers support resetting. I hope you find it useful How to easily pass though a USB controller
  17. He demonstrated it using a Windows 10 VM. What exactly are you asking? It looked like a mac guess i got it all wrong. Hi Guys yes, you are both right. The VM that I was adding the 1070 GPU to was a windows 10 VM. But the computer that I was accessing the unraid gui and ssh into the server to dump the vbios was a mac. So I guess, you are asking if its the same from a windows computer to dump the bios? Yes exactly the same. Even though I am using a mac to access the server, I am not dumping the bios from the mac. And if you were using a windows computer you would not be using the windows computer to dump the bios. Both computers are using the server (Linux) by use of a remote telnet/ssh connection to get the vbios. So if you are using windows make an ssh/telnet connection using a programme like putty and do the exact same steps/commands
  18. Ok. Check that when you are dumping the bios it is in the secondary slot. Not primary as in showing the unraid console. If it isnt secondary then make changes and try again. If was already in secondary then assign the card to a vm and start the vm. Dont shut it down. Do the same prodedure as you did above and dump the bios but whilst the vm is running with that card.
  19. I did a video guide for this a few posts up, although it doesn't mention to add that variable for bonded connections! Remember the guys who give us these dockers etc do so in their spare time. They may not have hardware configs set up in the same way, as some of us may. ie bonded connections etc. So they can't test all conditions. As such these things can easily get overlooked, which is probably why it's not in the template. I know that some devs don't even use the dockers for their own daily use, they just convert them for us to use in unRAID. Sometimes if you can't find the info you need in the threads for the docker, then its worth posting in and checking the official forums for that particular application
  20. We tried both ways. 1. I have 1000/500, he has 1000/25 (His upload shouldn't affect us when files are coming from my server, going to his?) 2. No, he lives in 20 miles out of town with a "very" small local ISP. 3. Yes I contacted some help from someone who knows VPNs and he remoted in. Getting 2MB/s to him as well. Tried direct connection with no routers on both ends. Tried VPN hosted on unRAID, as well as VPN hosted on router. Every single test results in roughly 2MB/s. He said it's unfixable and due to bad routing between our houses as well as his house. Seems unlikely, but I am out of ideas and that one makes the most sense. We have about 130TB of data each that we want to share with each other, so 2MB/s just won't cut it... guess we'll be stuck with external hard drives and driving 20 miles to share data... Umm yeah, you would think transferring from you to him it should be way better with that upload speed Have you tried testing what kind of speeds do you get transferring files in another way. Maybe using a file transfer with TeamViewer or Splashtop desktop to compare?
  21. Yeah, I love the PI and like it because it's so small. I like to game stream to the pi from my gaming VM, when I'm in bed! So I can't replace that with emulation! But I would love to emulate a PI for fun!
  22. So you are getting 2 MB/s transfers. So the server which is uploading the file is doing so at 16 Mbps. Is this file coming from his server to yours at this speed or from your server to his. 1. Do you both have gigabit internet. 2. If so is it the same ISP 3. When you test Is it the same speed both ways from his server to your server. And from your server to his server ? And would i be ok with 2MBS yes my fiber is only 38mbps (4.75MBS ) down and 10mbps (1.25MBS) up
  23. Hi, Guys. Here's a video tutorial about preclearing your hard drives. It gives a little information about how it works and how to use it. I hope some people find it useful How and why to PreClear your hard drives before adding to your array
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