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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. I can't believe people still reply to this thread. It was a poll that closed on May 21, 2014. (Two and a half years ago) Everyone just replying on the thread saying how much they use, isn't really giving interesting /useful data as its not being displayed anywhere expect just reading through alot of threads. So @limetech why not open a new poll here , as it seems still quite popular. Then we can see the info as a bar chart and get an idea of the current use in peoples servers?
  2. Hi Guys. I have put together a video tutorial to show how to install and configure Linuxserver.io's OpenVPN-AS docker on unRAID. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43317.0 I hope people find it useful! How to install/configure OpenVPN server on unRAID. Secure remote connections!
  3. Hi Guys. I have put together a video tutorial to show how to install and configure OpenVPN-as as a docker on unRAID. I hope people find it useful! How to install/configure OpenVPN server on unRAID. Secure remote connections!
  4. The group 7 has a device that starts with 00: Devices that start with 00: such as 00:1d.0 are generally built into the motherboard so as such can't be physically moved elsewhere Devices that start with another number such as 02:00.0 are discrete devices.
  5. As Bubbl3 says its because it isn't isolated in its own iommu group. You can try to enable ACS override in setting VM manager then reboot the server and see it that splits up the group. If that doesn't work try moving the card to another PCIe slot
  6. Hey Remati, your problem is due to the vnc driver that your using being cirrus. It doesnt work with higher resolutions. Please try changing this part here <video> <model type='cirrus' vram='16384' heads='1'/> <alias name='video0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x0'/> </video> to this <video> <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/> </video>
  7. This would probably be due to the install media that you have. Did you inject clover into the install media when you created it? If not please check my video here ...... youtube.com/watch?v=VCT4aeTbgRc Please remove the osk key from the xml in you post (we are not aloud to post it in the forums)
  8. Im glad you like it! I will definately mention those points in a future video.
  9. Hi, Guys. I have made a video tutorial on how to install and configure binhex's excellent docker 'DELUGE VPN' It shows you how to install the template and the deluge server then configure your browser to send torrents straight to your server. Hope you find it useful!! How to install binhex's Deluge-vpn
  10. Hi, Guys. I have made a video tutorial on how to install and configure Binhex's excellent docker 'DELUGE VPN' It shows you how to install the template and the deluge server then configure your browser to send torrents straight to your server. Hope you find it useful!! UPDATED VIDEO SEPTEMBER 27 2017
  11. sorry for late reply. Yes, you can use a game controller. just passthrough an Xbox 360 controller as you would in a windows VM. Or passthrough a Bluetooth dongle to use a ps4 controller.
  12. hey! Which one should we be using?? if your vm images are on the cache then use /mnt/cache/sharename
  13. In clover there shall be a boot argument that shall enable use of this driver, check nvda_drv=1 EDIT For me I was loosing HDMI sound with nvidia drivers, even if I reinstalled HDMIAudio-1.1.dmg. Back to OSX Default drivers :-) //Peter I am having quite a difficult time getting HDMI audio to work in sierra. It worked in el capitan for me after installing the hdmi audio kext (1.0). Since creating the new sierra vm, i've tried everything I can think of and would appreciate any assistance: smbios is set o 14,2 video card: gtx760 (passes through to vm just fine) tried hdmiAudio 1.0 and 1.1 kexts added in multiple ways to system/library/extensions, library/extensions, manually adding it, using DPCI manager, a standalone kext installer, adding it to efi: clover/....kexts/other & 10.11 (even made a 10.12 to see if that would work). Have tried all the above using nvidia web drivers and OS X drivers. HDMI audio is displayed as an output option but no audio comes through. I know it's not a cable/hardware issue because it still works in the el capitan vm. any help? I don't know of any other options.... Very strange. maybe the audio kext isn't getting installed properly. Please try like this download this file . https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbyyaufc5elss22/HDMIAudio-1.0.dmg?dl=0 its a dmg file so mount it then run in terminal cd /Volumes/HDMIAudio then ./install.sh that should install it correctly. If still not working I can only think it is outputting the sound out of one of the other ports on the graphics card for some reason. I'm not sure how you could change that. Is there anyway you can connect with a different port. If you have DVI out using a DVI to HDMI cable you should still get sound. Also if you have display port out you should get sound too from that. petersm had similar problems to you. Maybe pm him and see how he fixed his problem?
  14. No, you can't update the normal way with the template. You will have to install openelec as a Linux VM putting the install media as the primary vdisk then installing to a second vdisk. There is a tutorial in the forums for how to do this. Once installed this way you can update the normal way.
  15. From the steam os interface switch to the linux desktop. Theres a 3rd party repository for SteamOS called SteamOS-Tools which contains RetroArch. You need to pull steam os tools from git hub. And you can install retroarch from there. https://github.com/ProfessorKaos64/SteamOS-Tools https://github.com/ProfessorKaos64/SteamOS-Tools/wiki/Retroarch
  16. Hi Guys, I have made a video about how to install Lakka, a great light weight retro gaming distro that uses retroarch. Despite on the Lakka website saying it isn't possible to install as a VM, it is possible on unRAID!! How to install Lakka as a VM giving the ultimate retro game experience on unRAID
  17. Not a problem.... Don't particularly run VMs, so beyond the xml I don't know what to back up that contains static data Thanks alot Squid. Just bought you a beer for that one !!
  18. Hi Squid I love the new separate destinations for the VM XML. This plugin just keeps getting better and better! I have a request for a feature. I had to recreate my libvirt.img the other day and as a result lost my OVMF NVRAM files. So when starting a VM it looks for example /etc/libvirt/qemu/nvram/******-pure-efi.fd that was created when the VM was originally made, so will not start. It's not a problem making a new NVRAM file , but if something in an OVMF bios, such as resolution has been changed, then this must be reset up again too. So what I am asking please, is if you could add the NVRAM to the VM XML backups aswell ?
  19. In the Spanish keyboard I have a " when I press shift + 2 not the @. Don't you have the "alt gr" key on your keyboards? To be able to type | I have to press the "alt gr" key + 1. To be able to type @ I have to press the "alt gr" key + 2. To be able to type # I have to press the "alt gr" key + 3. To be able to type € I have to press the "alt gr" key + E. I'm unable to type all those characters. In my search to find a solution there seem to be some programs to remap a key to another key, for example it would be easy to remap the "windows" ket to "alt gr" key. There's is SEIL or KARABINIER but they don't have yet the Mac OS Sierra version ready. SEIL: https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/seil.html.en'>https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/seil.html.en Karabinier: https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/ Gus This may be a longshot but worth a go. When you are home in front of the server. 1. Pass through a USB Spanish keyboard to the osx VM. Then it will ask you to press a key next to the shift to identify the type of keyboard. so should put it correct for your language. It maybe because you have not used a real keyboard on the VM as yet. 2. then with Splashtop desktop installed on a computer also with Spanish keyboard it should -- maybe -- hopefully work as you want it to. 3. Then you could probably remove the passed through keyboard and it stays correct.
  20. I'm not on the computer, I use "as you told!!!" splashtop to connect from work (working flawlessly), but every time I have to enter for example an email address ... there's no "@" on my keyboard!!!! Thankyou Gus Ok i see. Sorry i am not sure how to set the keyboard like that remotely to spanish but i will try find out. I use a uk keyboard which is a different layout to the default apple keyboard. To make an @ symbol i must press the shift and 2 as would be on a USA keyboard. Try to pressing shift and 2 on your keyboard it should do the @ symbol ?
  21. Inside OS VM I have set keyboard also to "Spanish ISO" and also tested "Spanish" without luck. Using Splashtop also the same problem. Any other thing to try? Thankyou Gus Maybe use a dedicated keyboard/mouse for the vm. Just use host dev to passthrough a separate keyboard/mouse (well if you have a spare one !) setting osx to spanish
  22. Do you know if these work with a usb hub. My server is about 15-20 ft away from my desk. At the moment i have a standard usb 3.0 ext cable that is connected to a powered usb 3.0 hub. The hub doesnt work well when connected to the server this way if i have more than 2 items plugged in. However if I connect it directly to server i dont get this problem. I see the 3.0 active repeaters are alot more expensive than the 2.0 so was hoping someone might know? Perfect Timing! I just got my new usb 3.0 hub set up last night! This is my setup: USB 3.0 PCI-e Card -> 50' Active USB 2.0 cable -> USB 3.0 powered hub Observations: This is on a Windows 10 Pro VM. I still need to test in my Sierra VM First and foremost, to get anything to work more complicated then a USB flash drive or keyboard/mouse, I had to pass the whole card through. Passing through individual devices plugged in to the hub did not work at all for a usb 3.0 drive, and a usb sound card worked, but had an annoying crackle. Once I passed through the whole card, everything plugged into the hub was seen and functioned well. Audio crackle was gone from the sound card. USB3.0 external drive was seen and mounted as normal. Transfer speeds on the USB3.0 drive were acceptable but not stellar. I was seeing an average transfer rate on several GBs of .mp3 files in the neighbourhood of 20-25MB/s. Some peaks hit over 30 MB/s, but the majority of the transfer occurred between 20 and 25. I looked at active USB 3.0 cables and couldn't even find anything longer than 25' or so. Pricing was also substantially more than I was willing to pay. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the results. For everyday transfers, 20-25MB/s is fine. If I ever have a huge chunk that needs transferring, I could always just plug it in directly to the card. HTH! Thanks for info it looks like i will be buying a separate usb 3.0 card I think.
  23. I want to install windows 10 on unRAID where do i get started and is there anything i should do post install? Things to watch - ** VM Video guide - Installing a Windows 10 Virtual Desktop on unRAID 6 by jonp
  24. Ok, so I have made a few VMs but how do I back them up? Things to read - ** VM Forum guide -Automatic backup script by danioj http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47986.0 Things to watch - ** VM video guide - How to manually backup and restore unRAID VMs by gridrunner ** VM video guide - How to automatically backup unRAID VMs vdisks and xml files by gridrunner
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