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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. I see what you are trying to do. Using multiple sets of xmls is going to be the best senario. I currently do this for various vms. I am lucky enough to have a cpu with a high core count. Of the14 cores available i isolate 8 of them from the host linux system using isolcpus= for example I have a vm with 12 cores assigned, 8 cores assigned and 4 cores assigned using 3 different xmls and one vdisk. I will use the 12 core vm when the workload requires it. 8 for the gaming but the 4 cores for general stuff. Isolating 8 cores leaves 6 cores for the host and for dockers etc. The 8 cores that are isolated are assigned to a gaming vm so i know they will be purely used by the vm even if emby starts trancoding or a download is unzipped whilst the vm is running. The 8 cores are probably overkill for gaming to be honest. When using the 12 core vm i have to take another 4 cores from the host system that are not isolated, so there is a chance those cores will be shared by other processes.On all my pins i emulatorpin the emulation tasks to 2 cores that are not assigned to vms. This works well for my needs. As far as i am aware there is no way to reassign cores to running vms etc. Anyway its not hard to stop and start vms manually and get the same result.
  2. So why dont TBs show up there in Wolverhampton, work fine in Bristol lol
  3. Use this programme to easily enable msi for your sound. Unzip and run as administrator https://www.dropbox.com/s/gymaipg6vprd508/MSI_util.zip?dl=0
  4. Great work. Thanks for sorting the permissions. Just bought now. Its great with the docker and vm management but if i could make a suggestion. 1. How about when we press the apps button,the vms and dockers are separated rather than one long list (a separate column for each) 2. I would like to see the icons/writing for each vm/docker to be about twice the size( in height). I would rather have to scroll more but have large icons. For me at least it would make it clearer and easier to operate on my phone. (sony xperia z2) 3. When a docker or vm is on, the green tick is not really easy to see. How about the vm/docker icon either changing colour or the icon totally changing to some type of "on" icon. Maybe current icon but with a tick over it. 4. I dont think when you press configure on a vm or docker it should bring the unraid gui up taking us away from the app. I dont think many of us would be editing existing dockers and vms from the app anyway. 5. As in my previous post it would be great to have the app with a restricted mode so it can be put on family members phones tablets to let them start and stop vms or dockers but nothing else. 6. Did you find out about android tv support? I have an nvidea shield in the bedroom. I run emby on that to stream my media to bedroom. I also use moonlight to gamestream games from my gaming vm. I would find you app more useful on the shield than my phone. It would be great to be able to easily start and stop my gaming vm from the shield itself. Anyway thanks for the great work on this app and i look forward to seeing it go forward in the future
  5. Hello gridrunner, I value privacy a lot, so the questions you ask are totally fine with me. With regards to Android TV, I'm not really sure, since I don't know if Android TV runs a sub-set or a different version of Android. I will check this. Now on to the permissions: - Photos / Media / Files Actually, I think I can improve that. I cache the server banner locally (and in the future docker/vms logos), so I'm using the device images folder to store them. But I think I can drop the external storage requirement, just need to check it doesn't break any other code. - Wi-Fi connection information Right - Device ID & call information I'm using the device id as the user identifier for the crash reporting library embedded in the app (it's Fabric/Crashlytics by Twitter). I think I could md5 the device id, before it leaves the app, to keep it private. As for call information, I'm not really using that. To be honest I didn't know the app requests access to the phone number, active calls and remote number The only permissions currently set are INTERNET, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW. I'll investigate how to drop the call information requirement. Thanks for replying so quickly. Yes that makes sense. I will buy the app when i'm home this evening As regards the android tv i think it runs the same android as others as it is possible on rooted devices to run other android apps not meant for android tv. I think its just the different screen dimensions. I am looking forward to the vm and docker support edit... just one thing. It would be good to have a restricted mode on the app so i could put it on the girlfriends phone so she can start and stop vms (mainly openelec) without being able to do any "damage!" to anything else by mistake!
  6. Hi I am interested in getting this app. I would like it if it was also compatible with android tv so i can also run on my shield in the bedroom. Just one thing can you explain the app permissions This app has access to: Photos / Media / Files Uses one or more of: files on the device such as images, videos or audio, the device's external storage I guess this is if the app needs to be moved to sd card? Wi-Fi connection information Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and names of connected Wi-Fi devices This is self explanitory ! Device ID & call information Allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active and the remote number connected by a call This is the permission i am not sure can you explain why this is necessary. I am sorry i hope this question doesn't sound rude but having just read about mobile device app security and the recent Runkeeper data privacy leak I just wanted to ask
  7. Unfortunately its not possible to use the same disk image for both seabios and omvf, it does require a separate install. I have a win 10 seabios and an omvf. The omvf get slightly higher 3dmark scores and passmark scores, but to be honest in real life situations i cant notice a difference. But me being me i use the omvf almost exclusively because i know its benchmarks were a bit higher !!
  8. Sorry to dredge up an old post. I just added pci-stubs to my config, and it didn't change anything. Rebooting the VM (or shutting it down and starting it from the GUI) makes all the USB devices on the card I passedthrough disappear. Very strange, but probably just a quirk of my hardware. I have the same issue. Once the VM reboots I can't pass the USB card to it. If I go to Tools - System Devices the USB card is still present in PCI devices but it disappears from USB Devices I am using 6.1.9 have no tried PCI-Stub yet. Do you need to be on 6.2 for PCI-Stub to work or does it work for 6.1.9 as well? Stubbing a device makes this device not available to the host system (linux unraid) on booting. As of version 6.2 any devices that have been stubbed are added to the vm gui so they can be easily assigned to the vm, without having to do it manually as in this post. (i actually prefer to assign the manually as I dont like to have the device stubbed as i like to be able to passthrough the device without loosing it to the host system when the vm isnt running)
  9. Hi in the Syslinux Configuration you have made a mistake default /syslinux/menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology prompt 0 timeout 50 label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest append isolcpus=11,12,13,14,15,27,28,29,30,31 initrd=/bzroot it should be like this i think default /syslinux/menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology prompt 0 timeout 50 label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append isolcpus=11,12,13,14,15,27,28,29,30,31 initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest the append isolcpus=11,12,13,14,15,27,28,29,30,31 initrd=/bzroot part should be in the default boot part of the Syslinux Configuration so it is executed on start of server.
  10. It tells the samba server to deny the file's existence. See here: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch08.html That's fine if your Windows computers are connecting via SMB and your Macs are connecting via AFP, but with modern versions of OS X SMB is being used more and more, so the Macs are also being denied access to the ._ files. The hide option is a much better one in that case. John_M I think you are right the hide option is a better option where the mac needs to access shares with these files, when they are needed. (However I personally dont like seeing the files at all. I have my windows machines usually with the show hidden files checked so i see the files anyway with the hide option. I also dont like to see the files when working in krusader docker.) The thing i like about the veto is it hides all the existing "veto" files but also stops new files of this type even being created. However this is where the deleting folders problem can occur with these hidden files in. If you had a folder that already had veto files in it, then you applied the veto then these files would not be visable but still present. So here is where you would need to add the delete veto files = yes. (This isnt necessary if you had no files of this type in the first place as none would be created.) I see the best of both worlds to be to do something like the following, mixing the hide and veto options together. For example hide files = /._*/.DS_Store/ [media] path =/mnt/user/Media veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ [softwarewin] path =/mnt/user/softwarewin veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ Here you are first globally hiding the ._* and .DS_Store files. So they are still available to macs. However the other 2 sections veto the ._* and .DS_Store files in the shares called [softwarewin] and [media] Obviously your media folder doesnt need these file types so its worth excluding them from this individual share. Same goes for the software windows share. Using both you can have shares that keep these files but arent seen by windows (hide) and other shares where these files cant be created or seen(veto). People need to test and find out what works best for their situation.
  11. If delete veto files is set to yes, the user can delete both the regular files and the vetoed files in the directory, and the directory itself is removed. If the option is set to no, the user cannot delete the vetoed files, and consequently the directory is not deleted either.
  12. Same code? yes just add for both ._ files and .DS_Store files veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ or for only .DS_Store files veto files = /.DS_Store/ or only ._ files veto files = /._*/
  13. Away from computer for a couple of days but I believe that I included support of ud mounted shares but since I don't use the plugin never tested. If the share appears in the destination disk drop down then it should work. Let me know Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk Unfortunately the share doesnt appear in the list. When mounting the remote smb share using the unassigned plugin it creates the remote share as a mount point /mnt/disks/DSL-AC68U-83E8_ASUS I can select this as a disk in the app backup module but then when asking for which share i cant get any further. It would be great if you could make the module be able to backup appdata to shares off the server. It works as is. All you have to do is manually enter in the destination folder. (It'll take a big ass rewrite of the entire module to get the drop down share picker to reflect that you're using a UD mounted device - maybe at some point in the future). That being said, I make no guarantees about the ability to successfully complete a backup to a UD mounted device. If the destination does not properly handle symlinks, then the backup is going to be incomplete, and you will run into trouble on a restore. (You will know because errors will be returned on completion) On my test to my secondary server, it will return errors due to symlinks. Your mileage will vary. You didn't say WHICH Saturday. ;D Are you angling for a position at limetech? https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/56525828.jpg[/img] Updated to 2016.06.25k with additional text on how to handle UD mounts Hi Squid thanks for the update.. Just sent you a beer Ive backed up my appdata to my flash drive attached to my router. I did get an error but i cant see what is missing. Anyhow i have done a backup to my array aswell! log un 25 23:02:08 Prime root: ####################################### Jun 25 23:02:08 Prime root: Community Applications appData Backup Jun 25 23:02:08 Prime root: Applications will be unavailable during Jun 25 23:02:08 Prime root: this process. They will automatically Jun 25 23:02:08 Prime root: be restarted upon completion. Jun 25 23:02:08 Prime root: ####################################### Jun 25 23:02:09 Prime root: Stopping binhex-delugevpn Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime kernel: vethd01bd93: renamed from eth0 Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth59673bd) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth59673bd) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime kernel: device veth59673bd left promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth59673bd) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:19 Prime root: Stopping binhex-sabnzbd Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime kernel: vethd9e4767: renamed from eth0 Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime kernel: docker0: port 2(veth6f7f723) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime kernel: docker0: port 2(veth6f7f723) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime kernel: device veth6f7f723 left promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime kernel: docker0: port 2(veth6f7f723) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:29 Prime root: Stopping binhex-sickrage Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime kernel: veth3443ba0: renamed from eth0 Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime kernel: docker0: port 3(veth46ba1fe) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime kernel: docker0: port 3(veth46ba1fe) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime kernel: device veth46ba1fe left promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime kernel: docker0: port 3(veth46ba1fe) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:02:39 Prime root: Stopping EmbyServer Jun 25 23:02:42 Prime ntpd[2525]: Deleting interface #3 docker0,, interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=437 secs Jun 25 23:02:43 Prime root: Backing up appData from /mnt/cache/appdata/ to /mnt/disks/ROUTER_sda1/backupappdata/[email protected] Jun 25 23:02:43 Prime root: Using command: /usr/bin/rsync -avXHq --delete --exclude "/mnt/cache/docker/docker.img" --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/community.applications.datastore/appdata_backup.log" "/mnt/cache/appdata/" "/mnt/disks/ROUTER_sda1/backupappdata/[email protected]" > /dev/null 2>&1 Jun 25 23:04:05 Prime root: Backup Complete Jun 25 23:04:05 Prime root: Restarting binhex-delugevpn Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: device veth8a614b8 entered promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth8a614b8) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth8a614b8) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth8a614b8) entered disabled state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: eth0: renamed from veth220fa21 Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth8a614b8) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 1(veth8a614b8) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime root: Restarting binhex-sabnzbd Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: device veth5a50b65 entered promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 2(veth5a50b65) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 2(veth5a50b65) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: eth0: renamed from veth90ef4e6 Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime root: Restarting binhex-sickrage Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: device veth7a8164e entered promiscuous mode Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 3(veth7a8164e) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: docker0: port 3(veth7a8164e) entered forwarding state Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime kernel: eth0: renamed from vethb380fdb Jun 25 23:04:06 Prime root: Restarting EmbyServer Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: ####################### Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: appData Backup complete Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: ####################### Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: Rsync Errors Occurred: Partial transfer due to error Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: Last 10 lines of rsync log: Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] >f+++++++++ kde/share/config/krusaderrc Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] >f+++++++++ kde/share/config/ktimezonedrc Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] >f+++++++++ kde/share/config/kuriikwsfilterrc Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] >f+++++++++ kde/share/config/kwalletrc Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] >f+++++++++ kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] cd+++++++++ kde/share/kde4/ Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] cd+++++++++ kde/share/kde4/services/ Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] sent 613,476,558 bytes received 122,524 bytes 7,437,564.63 bytes/sec Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] total size is 612,883,913 speedup is 1.00 Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: 2016/06/25 23:04:05 [26460] rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2] Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime root: Rsync log to flash drive disabled Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime sSMTP[29090]: Creating SSL connection to host Jun 25 23:04:07 Prime sSMTP[29090]: SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Jun 25 23:04:08 Prime ntpd[2525]: Listen normally on 4 docker0 Jun 25 23:04:08 Prime ntpd[2525]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver Jun 25 23:04:09 Prime sSMTP[29090]: Sent mail for ***********@gmail.com (221 2.0.0 closing connection bh7sm3630094wjb.22 - gsmtp) uid=0 username=root outbytes=724 Jun 25 23:04:09 Prime root: rsync returned errors. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
  14. So now Mac users have a choice. Thanks gridrunner. I've been manually deleting the ._ files once a week for months now. Any differences this has caused must be minor. I haven't noticed any difference between share windows and local folder windows. I'll be glad when a stable version of unRaid 6.2 is released so that I can incorporate this. You dont need to use 6.2 beta, its just easier using the gui. You can edit your smb-extra.conf file manually aswell. It is in your flash drive under config/ smb-extra.conf Use a text editor and add it here and you should be good to go. edit .......... if you dont see the smb-extra.conf you can add it yourself or just install unassigned device plugin as it uses the smb-extra.conf file to add the unassigned devices in as shares and after mounting and sharing a device you will see it creates this file.
  15. The problem is when an OS X (or is it macOS now?) user comes onto the shares, the Windows users see those ._ files and .DS_Store files anyway and it is super annoying when it clutters it up. And anyway, DS_Store files are there to speed up Spotlight searches (I believe) and does no harm when deleted. It just means that server-side files won't get indexed, which is a enhancement, because it improves security. These ._ files basically contain anything that the Mac OS X file system supports but the file system of your unraid share does not. It is written as 2 files. When you copy the file back to OS X, the data and resource fork info is combined again into a normal Mac file. Most of the time, removing these is no big deal. They hold simple data like type and creator codes, modification dates, icons, etc. Yes there are times when they contain more such as mac legacy TrueType fonts(They store the font data in the resource fork) but this is rare. Anyway some people may like to prevent certain files being created on the share. If you only wanted to prevent one type of file and not the other you can just edit the smb config for that one you want stopped. I use an osx laptop to access my unraid but i also have windows and linux on my system aswell from which i see these ._ files. For example You can see the file petst.exe which was a file i downloaded on my mac and put into a share for my windows vms to access. Because i downloaded it on the mac it added this file when i copied it to the share. Obviously a mac ._ file is not needed for the .exe file on windows. At times i may have downloaded 20 files on the mac for use on windows then i have a folder full of ._ files with the same name and its just confusing. I have even copied a file off the share onto a usb stick to take somewhere to only find it the damn ._ file and not the correct file..... but thats probably me just being careless!
  16. What version of UnRAID are you running on? Version 6.1.9 - Shows as current. Sorry forgot to say running UNraid 6.2 23 beta.
  17. There is a way to stop these files being written server (UNraid) side Please see my post here https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=49963.0
  18. Hi Guys I was fed up with when i went onto a share with my mac, or osx vm, the ._ files (appledouble files that are used to store metadata) and .DS_STORE files being created in my shares. I saw various tweaks to do with my mac that were meant to stop it writing these hidden files on the shares, but they didnt work for me. Also if another mac came onto the system it would just do the same, so client side wasnt the best option. So i thought the best solution would be to stop UNraid from being able to show these files so here is how Goto settings, then smb . Then under samba extra configuration add this line veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ This then stops ._ and .DS_Store files from being able to be seen at all by adding it to the smb-extra.conf file. You will need to stop the array and restart it for this change to take effect. Hope this is useful for you guys
  19. By the way Uroth i dont know if you are using seabios or ovmf. But i get better performance with ovmf
  20. I dont think you will get a higher score unless you assign more cores. This would really be pointless for gaming. It would only give you better physics scores on 3d mark. I think that score is fine for the clock speed and architecture of the chip On my xeon i overclock the bclk to 104 giving me a 4% clock speed increase (cant use multiplier on xeons). i dont know how your 2670 v1 would overclock. yes the gui will add that bit when vcpus are changed added etc on gui. Its because we changed the vcpu count in the xml that didnt match the topoly in the xml. Interestingly you can also change the cpu count aswell (not that it should effect performance, but interesting never the less!) windows would see the following as <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='1' cores='8' threads='2'/> 1 cpu 8 cores and 2 threads per core (total vcpu=16) this could be <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='2' cores='4' threads='2'/> 2 cpus 4 cores 2 threads (total vcpu=16) <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='4' cores='2' threads='2'/> 4 cpus 2 cores 2 threads (total vcpu=16) although windows 7 home is limited to 1 cpu and windows 7 pro limited to 2 cpus. I think 10 is also limited to 2 physical cpus (although does support upto 128 gigs ram on home and 512 gigs on the pro)
  21. sorry on the edit i forgot to tell you, you would need to change this line aswell further down the xml (lack of coffee!) <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='1' cores='8' threads='2'/> this correspondes to the number of vcpus used. for example in ours <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> the 16 is 1 socket 8 cores and 2 threads
  22. um thats strange. That means that the line <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> the 16 is more than the vcpus listed? I checked it and cant see a mistake, but guess there must be. So i will write it out again <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='8'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='9'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='10'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='11'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='12'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='13'/> <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='14'/> <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='15'/> <vcpupin vcpu='8' cpuset='24'/> <vcpupin vcpu='9' cpuset='25'/> <vcpupin vcpu='10' cpuset='26'/> <vcpupin vcpu='11' cpuset='27'/> <vcpupin vcpu='12' cpuset='28'/> <vcpupin vcpu='13' cpuset='29'/> <vcpupin vcpu='14' cpuset='30'/> <vcpupin vcpu='15' cpuset='31'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> </cputune> if you still get the error with this edit then please edit in gui and assign logical cpus numbers 8 through to 15 and 24 through to 31. press update. then goto edit xml and add <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> the line before </cputune>
  23. the pairing refers to the threads on each core. So for example 0 and 16 are core 1. 7 and 23 are core 8. These would be on cpu 1 8 and 24 would be core 1 on cpu 2 (or core 9) 15 and 31 core 8 on cpu 2 (or core 16) It is best to use thread pairs from each core or else that core can have a thread used from another process. I would do the following append isolcpus=8-15, 24-31 initrd=/bzroot This will isolate the whole of your second cpu. So these are the cores you want to assign. so try this <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='8'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='9'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='10'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='11'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='12'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='13'/> <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='14'/> <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='15'/> <vcpupin vcpu='8' cpuset='24'/> <vcpupin vcpu='9' cpuset='25'/> <vcpupin vcpu='10' cpuset='26'/> <vcpupin vcpu='11' cpuset='27'/> <vcpupin vcpu='12' cpuset='28'/> <vcpupin vcpu='13' cpuset='29'/> <vcpupin vcpu='14' cpuset='30'/> <vcpupin vcpu='15' cpuset='31'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> </cputune> This will assign the whole of your second cpu to the vm which is isolated from the host os. The emulator pin is on core 1 and 2 on cpu 1 I know the general advise is to use only core 1 for emulator pin, but that is normally people who only have a total of 4 cores in their server, but i think if you have alot of cores, then 2 is better. I have 14 cores and do a similar thing with my gaming vm by using 8 cores pinned and 2 used for emulator pin and i get very good performance. Hope this gets you where you want to be.
  24. Check out asrock itx x99 board http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/X99E-ITXac/
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