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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. Hi Guys I was fed up with when i went onto a share with my mac, or osx vm, the ._ files (appledouble files that are used to store metadata) and .DS_STORE files being created in my shares. I saw various tweaks to do with my mac that were meant to stop it writing these hidden files on the shares, but they didnt work for me. Also if another mac came onto the system it would just do the same, so client side wasnt the best option. So i thought the best solution would be to stop UNraid from being able to show these files so here is how Goto settings, then smb . Then under samba extra configuration add this line veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ This then stops ._ and .DS_Store files from being able to be seen at all by adding it to the smb-extra.conf file. You will need to stop the array and restart it for this change to take effect. Hope this is useful for you guys
  2. By the way Uroth i dont know if you are using seabios or ovmf. But i get better performance with ovmf
  3. I dont think you will get a higher score unless you assign more cores. This would really be pointless for gaming. It would only give you better physics scores on 3d mark. I think that score is fine for the clock speed and architecture of the chip On my xeon i overclock the bclk to 104 giving me a 4% clock speed increase (cant use multiplier on xeons). i dont know how your 2670 v1 would overclock. yes the gui will add that bit when vcpus are changed added etc on gui. Its because we changed the vcpu count in the xml that didnt match the topoly in the xml. Interestingly you can also change the cpu count aswell (not that it should effect performance, but interesting never the less!) windows would see the following as <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='1' cores='8' threads='2'/> 1 cpu 8 cores and 2 threads per core (total vcpu=16) this could be <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='2' cores='4' threads='2'/> 2 cpus 4 cores 2 threads (total vcpu=16) <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='4' cores='2' threads='2'/> 4 cpus 2 cores 2 threads (total vcpu=16) although windows 7 home is limited to 1 cpu and windows 7 pro limited to 2 cpus. I think 10 is also limited to 2 physical cpus (although does support upto 128 gigs ram on home and 512 gigs on the pro)
  4. sorry on the edit i forgot to tell you, you would need to change this line aswell further down the xml (lack of coffee!) <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='1' cores='8' threads='2'/> this correspondes to the number of vcpus used. for example in ours <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> the 16 is 1 socket 8 cores and 2 threads
  5. um thats strange. That means that the line <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> the 16 is more than the vcpus listed? I checked it and cant see a mistake, but guess there must be. So i will write it out again <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='8'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='9'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='10'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='11'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='12'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='13'/> <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='14'/> <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='15'/> <vcpupin vcpu='8' cpuset='24'/> <vcpupin vcpu='9' cpuset='25'/> <vcpupin vcpu='10' cpuset='26'/> <vcpupin vcpu='11' cpuset='27'/> <vcpupin vcpu='12' cpuset='28'/> <vcpupin vcpu='13' cpuset='29'/> <vcpupin vcpu='14' cpuset='30'/> <vcpupin vcpu='15' cpuset='31'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> </cputune> if you still get the error with this edit then please edit in gui and assign logical cpus numbers 8 through to 15 and 24 through to 31. press update. then goto edit xml and add <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> the line before </cputune>
  6. the pairing refers to the threads on each core. So for example 0 and 16 are core 1. 7 and 23 are core 8. These would be on cpu 1 8 and 24 would be core 1 on cpu 2 (or core 9) 15 and 31 core 8 on cpu 2 (or core 16) It is best to use thread pairs from each core or else that core can have a thread used from another process. I would do the following append isolcpus=8-15, 24-31 initrd=/bzroot This will isolate the whole of your second cpu. So these are the cores you want to assign. so try this <vcpu placement='static'>16</vcpu> <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='8'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='9'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='10'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='11'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='12'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='13'/> <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='14'/> <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='15'/> <vcpupin vcpu='8' cpuset='24'/> <vcpupin vcpu='9' cpuset='25'/> <vcpupin vcpu='10' cpuset='26'/> <vcpupin vcpu='11' cpuset='27'/> <vcpupin vcpu='12' cpuset='28'/> <vcpupin vcpu='13' cpuset='29'/> <vcpupin vcpu='14' cpuset='30'/> <vcpupin vcpu='15' cpuset='31'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='0-1,16-17'/> </cputune> This will assign the whole of your second cpu to the vm which is isolated from the host os. The emulator pin is on core 1 and 2 on cpu 1 I know the general advise is to use only core 1 for emulator pin, but that is normally people who only have a total of 4 cores in their server, but i think if you have alot of cores, then 2 is better. I have 14 cores and do a similar thing with my gaming vm by using 8 cores pinned and 2 used for emulator pin and i get very good performance. Hope this gets you where you want to be.
  7. Check out asrock itx x99 board http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/X99E-ITXac/
  8. What are your thread pairings? As you have 2 cpus i would isolate all cores/threads from cpu 2 the assign that whole physical cpu to the vm then pin the emulator pin to a core on the first cpu.
  9. Its because sometimes the cpu isnt detected correctly so the qemu can sometimes be better in this case. What cpu do you have? edit.....ok see you have 2 2670 xeons. what are your cpu thread pairings
  10. Try changing cpu type to qemu64. I remember reading some people have got better performance with this sometimes?
  11. Wow thanks Squid, awesome im very happy! :D
  12. Away from computer for a couple of days but I believe that I included support of ud mounted shares but since I don't use the plugin never tested. If the share appears in the destination disk drop down then it should work. Let me know Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk Unfortunately the share doesnt appear in the list. When mounting the remote smb share using the unassigned plugin it creates the remote share as a mount point /mnt/disks/DSL-AC68U-83E8_ASUS I can select this as a disk in the app backup module but then when asking for which share i cant get any further. It would be great if you could make the module be able to backup appdata to shares off the server.
  13. Is it possible to backup the appdata using the plugin to a remote share added to unassigned devices. I have a usb flash drive attached to my router and would prefer to backup appdata there rather than my array.
  14. No i dont think it is motherboard related. I have 64 gig in my server on an x99 board. I get slow boot speeds when passing through 1070 gtx vms with higher core counts. I can boot to baremetal windows and boot speed normal with 14 cores and 64 gig ram
  15. if you are using the ssd exclusively for the vm, i should passthrough the disk then install the os directly to the disk rather than use a vdisk
  16. Thanks yes i tried that and it made no difference. i have since installed emby server from Emby Repository and this docker works fine. no idea why binhexs didnt?
  17. I have re installed emby due to my appdata getting deleted. I have reinstalled and am having some problems i have not had before. I was hoping anyone with experience with emby could help me incase it is something simple. I use a laptop and an nvidea shield tv to access emby server on local network. Laptop is wireless shield is wired. Playback on the laptop through the emby web interface is perfect. edit....... same is happening on laptop as below but get error playing video message after about 10 seconds However on the shield its a different story. 1. When emby is transcoding to the shield the quality is terrible. The video will play for 10 seconds then loop back to the point video playback started. Transcoding used to be fine. My server has a 14 core cpu and 64 gigs of ram. The directory for transcoding is set to a folder on the ssd cache. 2. When playing a direct stream on the shield the video plays but will stop and artifact every 10 to 15 seconds then continue I have tried playing the same files from kodi on shield from smb share and is perfect so it cant be network related. this is how my docker is setup My path substitution is /media/TVShows To \\\media\TVShows Anyone got any ideas. Strange thing is it all worked fine until i reinstalled. All settings are the same unless there is something i have forgotten?
  18. Hi Squid I just ran the clean appdata module. It found 2 appdata folders from old apps. So i selected them to delete. Unfortunately it deleted all my appdata folders. Looking at the module it still says i have one folder listed SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ however that isnt there in my appdata? edit .. Just selected the above to be deleted again and message i get is Are you sure you want to delete these folders? /mnt/cache/appdata/ is it is deleting everything in my appadata. I let it then folder again. Then ran module again this time i said i have no orphaned appdata folders. I then started emby which created the emby appdata folder again. I checked the module again and it once again tells me i have one orpaned appdat SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ Any idea why this is happening on my system? edit 2.... ok I remember. i guess at one time SABnzbd put its files in the root of my appdata folder. As i manually deleted these files with krusader your module thought they are still present and deletes all files in appdata :-( ok... There was a possibility I just never considered... The key here is that as you've recalled, SAB used to be pointed at /mnt/cache/appdata instead of /mnt/cache/appdata/sab CA went through, saw that sab is no longer installed (and the last installation of it had the incorrect mapping), so CA dutifully (after you said yes to the confirmation prompting to delete the entire appdata) deleted it. It winds up coming back prompting to delete it because other docker apps have recreated the appdata share. Sorry. I just never considered an app completely misconfigured like that as a possibility I'll add some checks to prevent this from happening again. In the meantime, I hope that you have a backup of the appdata folder, and I would suggest going to CA's previous apps section and clicking on the red-x next to sab to get rid of that template so that this cannot happen again. I know i should have read the delete confirmation but just rushed straight through!!! Unfortunately I dont have a backup of my appdata (i deleted it when housekeeping on server then forgot to make a fresh one) but will definately make once again, makes me see how important that is. I have just deleted the old sab template so it won't be checked by the module and will rebuild all my dockers tomorrow. The good thing is now people wont be able to do what I did lol Anyway thanks Squid for all the great work you put in here for us all, its very much appreciated
  19. Hi Squid I just ran the clean appdata module. It found 2 appdata folders from old apps. So i selected them to delete. Unfortunately it deleted all my appdata folders. Looking at the module it still says i have one folder listed SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ however that isnt there in my appdata? edit .. Just selected the above to be deleted again and message i get is Are you sure you want to delete these folders? /mnt/cache/appdata/ is it is deleting everything in my appadata. I let it then folder again. Then ran module again this time i said i have no orphaned appdata folders. I then started emby which created the emby appdata folder again. I checked the module again and it once again tells me i have one orpaned appdat SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ Any idea why this is happening on my system? edit 2.... ok I remember. i guess at one time SABnzbd put its files in the root of my appdata folder. As i manually deleted these files with krusader your module thought they are still present and deletes all files in appdata :-(
  20. yes i am now getting this problem binhex-couchpotato,binhex-delugevpn,binhex-sabnzbd,binhex-sickrage and binhex-sonarr.
  21. Yeah I did the recreate docker and still delugevpn says its needs an update. So I just ignore it now as it works fine anyway.
  22. Hi thanks did that and i can pull the docker image down now. I installed it last night and works fine. However i am getting the update message again this morning. I update it then when i check for updates again it says it needs updating? @naturalcarr are you getting update messages since your reinstall?
  23. Yes im using 6.2 beta 21, still cant pull delugevpn
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