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Everything posted by JoeUnraidUser

  1. The mv will give an error if AUDIO_TS or VIDEO_TS do not exist. I left the error in there so you could see if either directory wasn't present. I can suppress the error if you want. I believe the reason the mv failed may be because of the rev error. I modified the script to use sed instead of rev. It may fix the error.
  2. Too late. I already changed the script to accommodate for DVD# subfolders. It assumes the structure under each DVD# folder contains VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS.
  3. I changed the folders to be all lowercase to match up with \\tower\test\movies \\tower\test\backup Can you change the folders to lowercase or should I change the script back?
  4. Are your movies in \\tower\test\movies all lowercase?
  5. I changed the script so it also moves AUDIO_TS to the backup.
  6. That looks good except it didn't see a VIDEO_TS folder under "catch me if you can". Was there a folder VIDEO_TS folder under "catch me if you can"? Otherwise how did all the other movies work out?
  7. Yes. Note: 1. On Linux, slash / is used for folders instead of the Windows backslash \ 2. On Unraid, the share \\tower\test is represented on Linux as /mnt/user/test 3. Linux folder names are case sensitive. So your folder names in Linux should look like this: movies="/mnt/user/test/movies" backup="/mnt/user/test/backup"
  8. It will only affect the folders under the folders you define with the variables "movies" and "backup"
  9. Install the "CA User Scripts" app. Go to the settings tab and click on the "User Scripts" icon. Click on "ADD NEW SCRIPT". Give the script a name. Click on the name of the script. Select "Edit Script". Paste your script and make any changes. Hit "SAVE CHANGES". To the right of the name click "RUN SCRIPT". Edit: I would test it first on a couple movies. For example: test ├── backup └── movies ├── everything you wanted to ask about sex └── forrest gump
  10. I modified the script to move "mkv" files from anywhere under the movie folder.
  11. Here is a script that should do what you need. Set "movies" and "backup" to your folders. #!/bin/bash movies="/mnt/user/test/movies" backup="/mnt/user/test/backup" process() { local movieDir=$1 local backupDir=$2 pushd "$movieDir" >/dev/null find ./ -iname "*.mkv" -exec mv -f {} . \; mkdir -p "$backupDir" mv -f AUDIO_TS VIDEO_TS "$backupDir" popd >/dev/null } ls -1d "$movies"/*/ | sed 's/\/*$//' |\ while read movie do name="$(sed 's/.*\///g' <<< $movie)" back="$backup/$name" printf "$name\n" if [ -d "$movie/DVD1" ] then ls -1d "$movie"/DVD*/ | sed 's/\/*$//' |\ while read dvd do num="$(sed 's/.*\///g' <<< $dvd)" process "$dvd" "$back/$num" done else process "$movie" "$back" fi done
  12. Script to convert text files from DOS to Unix format. dos2unix #!/bin/bash # Convert text files from DOS to Unix format. if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] then printf "Usage: dos2unix <files>...\n" exit 0 fi for file in "${@}" do user=$(stat -c '%U' "$file") group=$(stat -c '%G' "$file") perms=$(stat -c "%a" "$file") tmp="$file.$(date +%N)" cat "$file" | fromdos > "$tmp" mv "$tmp" "$file" chown $user:$group "$file" chmod $perms "$file" done Script to convert text files from Unix to DOS format. unix2dos #!/bin/bash # Convert text files from Unix to DOS format. if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] then printf "Usage: unix2dos <files>...\n" exit 0 fi for file in "${@}" do user=$(stat -c '%U' "$file") group=$(stat -c '%G' "$file") perms=$(stat -c "%a" "$file") tmp="$file.$(date +%N)" cat "$file" | todos > "$tmp" mv "$tmp" "$file" chown $user:$group "$file" chmod $perms "$file" done
  13. Backup/Restore dockers. The backup directory contains cache files and Gzip files. Running dockers are stopped and started during backup and restore. Gzip compression is used so the owner and permissions are preserved in the backup files. If you want to run with hard coded variables, then set the variables under Defaults. Usage: Usage: [-a] [-d <backup directory>] [<dockers and/or archive files>...] -b : backup mode -r : restore mode -l : list dockers -a : all dockers -c : crc comparison during rsync, default is check time and size -d : set backup directory -s : save backup during restore Examples: Backup dockers into a specific backup directory: -b -d /mnt/user/backup/dockers binhex-plexpass transmission Restore docker latest file and a certain docker file from a specific backup directory: -r -d /mnt/user/backup/dockers binhex-plexpass transmission.2019-07-02-12-30-38-EDT.tgz Backup all dockers into a specific backup directory: -bad /mnt/user/backup/dockers Restore all dockers from a specific backup directory: -rad /mnt/user/backup/dockers Source: If copy/paste doesn't work then download the file. #!/bin/bash # Defaults backup="/mnt/user/Backup/Dockers" restore=false all=false checksum=false dockers=() files=() usage() { echo "Usage: [-a] [-d <backup directory>] [<dockers and/or archive files>...]" echo echo " -b : backup mode" echo " -r : restore mode" echo " -l : list dockers" echo " -a : all dockers" echo " -c : crc comparison during rsync, default is check time and size" echo " -d : set backup directory" echo " -s : save backup during restore" echo exit 1 } while getopts 'brlacd:?h' opt do case $opt in b) restore=false ;; r) restore=true ;; l) docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV exit 0 ;; a) all=true ;; c) checksum=true ;; d) backup=${OPTARG%/} ;; h|?|*) usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ "$all" == "true" ] then readarray -t all < <(printf '%s\n' "$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV)") else all=() fi readarray -t items < <(printf '%s\n' "$@" "${dockers[@]}" "${all[@]}" | awk '!x[$0]++') [ "${items[0]}" == "" ] && usage for item in "${items[@]}" do if echo $item | grep -sqP ".+\.\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\w+\.tgz" then files+=("$item") else if [ ! -z $item ] then dockers+=("$item") fi fi done date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Z") echo "DATE: $date" appdata="/mnt/user/appdata" cache="$backup/appdata" if [ "$restore" == "true" ] then restores=() errors=() for docker in "${dockers[@]}" do file="$(ls -t $backup/$docker/*.tgz 2>/dev/null | head -1)" [ -e "$file" ] && restores+=("$file") || errors+=("$docker") done for file in "${files[@]}" do docker=$(echo $file | cut -d '.' -f 1) file="$backup/$docker/$file" [ -e "$file" ] && restores+=("$file") || errors+=("$file") done for error in "${errors[@]}" do archive=$(echo "$error" | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev) echo "ERROR: $archive: archive not found" done readarray -t restores < <(printf '%s\n' "${restores[@]}" | awk '!x[$0]++') for restore in "${restores[@]}" do archive=$(echo "$restore" | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev) docker=$(echo "$archive" | cut -d '.' -f 1) [ "$docker" == "" ] && continue echo "DOCKER: $docker" running=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" -f name="^$docker$") if [ "$docker" == "$running" ] then echo "STOP: $docker" docker stop --time=30 "$docker" >/dev/null fi cd "$appdata" backup="$docker.$date" echo "MOVE: $docker -> $backup" mv -f "$docker" "$backup" 2> /dev/null if [ -d "$backup" ] then echo "RESTORE: $archive -> $appdata" #tar --same-owner --same-permissions -xzf "$restore" pv $restore | tar --same-owner --same-permissions -xzf - if [ ! -d "$appdata/$docker" ] then echo "ERROR: restore failed" mv -f "$backup" "$docker" 2> /dev/null if [ ! -d "$appdata/$docker" ] then echo "ERROR: repair failed" fi fi if [ ! -d $docker ] then echo "ERROR: restore failed" fi else echo "ERROR: move failed" fi if [ "$docker" == "$running" ] then echo "START: $docker" docker start "$docker" >/dev/null fi done else for docker in "${files[@]}" "${dockers[@]}" do if ! docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | grep $docker -qs then echo "ERROR: $docker: docker not found" fi done mkdir -p "$backup" "$cache" chown nobody:users "$backup" "$cache" chmod ug+rw,ug+X,o-rwx "$backup" "$cache" for docker in "${dockers[@]}" do if [ -d "$appdata/$docker" ] then echo "DOCKER: $docker" running=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" -f name="^$docker$") if [ "$docker" == "$running" ] then echo "STOP: $docker" docker stop --time=30 "$docker" >/dev/null fi echo "SYNC: $docker" [ "$checksum" == "true" ] && checksum=c || checksum= rsync -ha$checksum --delete "$appdata/$docker" "$cache" if [ "$docker" == "$running" ] then echo "START: $docker" docker start "$docker" >/dev/null fi mkdir -p "$backup/$docker" echo "GZIP: $docker.$date.tgz" tar cf - -C "$cache" "$docker" -P | pv -s $(du -sb "$cache/$docker" | cut -f 1) | gzip > "$backup/$docker/$docker.$date.tgz" chown -R nobody:users "$backup/$docker" chmod -R ug+rw,ug+X,o-rwx "$backup/$docker" fi done fi date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Z") echo "DATE: $date"
  14. This script will stop the running dockers, sleep for a specified duration, and start the previously running dockers. If you want to run your backup from this script, just replace "echo Pausing $pause..." and "sleep $pause" with your own code. #!/bin/bash pause=1m running=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV) echo Stopping Dockers... for docker in $running { docker stop --time=30 $docker } echo Pausing $pause... sleep $pause echo Starting Dockers... for docker in $running { docker start $docker } Edit: Copy/Paste is a pain.
  15. I know this is overkill, but it only took about 15 minutes. Here are 3 different scripts for different situations: Remove directories within a source directory over a certain size: #!/bin/bash limit=20G source="/mnt/user/Movies" limit=$(echo $limit | cut -d 'G' -f 1) for dir in "$source"/*/ do size=$(du -sBG "$dir" | cut -d 'G' -f 1) if (( $size > $limit )) then echo remove: $dir rm -rf "$dir" fi done Remove files within a source directory over a certain size: #!/bin/bash limit=20G source="/mnt/user/Movies" find "$source" -type f -size +$limit -delete -print Remove files within a source directory over a certain size with specific extensions: #!/bin/bash limit=20G source="/mnt/user/Movies" find "$source" -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(mpg|mkv)' -size +$limit -delete -print To change extensions you could replace mpg|mkv with avi or mpg|mkv|avi etc...
  16. I have to go out for dinner now, but I will write it up later on this evening. Are you looking to just delete .mpg and .mkv files or do you want to delete any file over 20GB? Do you just want the files removed or the whole directory?
  17. Here is a script that will remove directories within a source directory less than a certain size limit. I used 100M, but you can change it to any size in MB. The script can be easily changed to KB, GB, TB etc... Don't forget to set your source directory. #!/bin/bash limit=100M source="/mnt/user/Movies" limit=$(echo $limit | cut -d 'M' -f 1) for dir in "$source"/*/ do size=$(du -sBM "$dir" | cut -d 'M' -f 1) if (( $limit > $size )) then echo remove: $dir rm -rf "$dir" fi done
  18. When I copy and paste from now on, I will also attach a script with the code just to be safe.
  19. Lately, for some reason, copy and paste doesn't seem to work correctly for posting code. Sorry, I'm not sure how to fix the other problems.
  20. It doesn't equate to a number. I have attached the script that I use.
  21. Try it one more time. I repasted it.
  22. try it again. I repasted into the post for some reason there was a special character pasted in the code. chown -cR nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud chmod -cR ug+rw,ug+X,o-rwx /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud
  23. Try it now. I updated it to handle spaces in folder names.