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Everything posted by bluepr0

  1. There's some kind of bug that doesn't show your VM list, I've got one and it doesn't show up there.
  2. Glad it's a bug, was driving me crazy as it started to happen without changing anything.
  3. Hello! I've been running flawlessly unRAID 6.7.2 since it came out. However since a couple of days the server is hanging completely and I'm unable to bring it back unless I force restart. Wake up this morning and it was looking like this As you can see on the web interface, some of the cores are blocked at 100% (however that doesn't seem to be the case if you get into terminal > ssh > htop. I was only running a VM, because this happened to me a few times already so I was trying to troubleshoot what's the problem. I'm also unable to stop or force shutdown the VM, I will get the message below And this is what the VM itself shows in the video output By the time I try to force shutdown the VM I'm not even able to get into the web interface, but I still get SSH access. I have been reading the Help post here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/37579-need-help-read-me-first/ and followed the instructions, first I run diagnostics command to create the ZIP, however the powerdown command is not working. It won't shutdown In the logs > libvirt.txt I'm seeing the same message I attached before in the screenshot. However I'm not sure how to troubleshoot or what's really the culprit of these hangs. Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can move forward and find a solution. Thanks! xserver-diagnostics-20191005-1253.zip
  4. Hello, I'm currently using time machine just fine on my current iMac. However I've bought a new one recently and at the time of installing or restoring the system I'm not getting the Time Machine volume. Not entirely sure how to debug but on one machine I can see it and use it perfectly and on the other it's not even showing up Is there any steps I can take to try to see what's going on? Both machines are over ethernet and connect to the network (can see both) Thanks!
  5. Hello! thanks so much for putting this docker together. Looks like it's working like a charm... probably not renewing my Dropbox subscription next year. Anyway! I just wanted to ask if it could be possible that the nextcloud docker is avoiding my disk where the nextcloud share is to go to stand-by mode? Even if it's not syncing anything since yesterday, I'm still seeing my disk up. If yes, is there a way I can avoid this and let my disk to go to sleep? Thanks!
  6. Shameless bump in case someone can throw some light
  7. It seems to be working... yaaay! Thanks a lot!. Will do a check for sure, something weird happened for sure.
  8. Alright removed it and added it back and now when I run the VMDelay it actually turns on the VMs (so it's triggering the other script). I will try restarting just to confirm it's finally working. Thanks!
  9. Also If I do root@xserver:~# cd /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs -bash: cd: /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs: No such file or directory root@xserver:~# I can get into scripts folder root@xserver:~# cd /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/ root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# ls -la total 56 drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 8192 Mar 20 12:59 ./ drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 Mar 19 21:19 ../ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 20 12:59 StartVMs/ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 20 12:59 VMDelay/ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 19 21:14 delete.ds_store/ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 19 21:14 delete_dangling_images/ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 19 21:14 viewDockerLogSize/ root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# But then I can't O_O root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# cd StartVMs -bash: cd: StartVMs: No such file or directory root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# I can get inside VMDelay root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# ls StartVMs/ VMDelay/ delete.ds_store/ delete_dangling_images/ viewDockerLogSize/ root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts# cd VMDelay/ root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/VMDelay# ls -la total 32 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 Mar 20 12:59 ./ drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 8192 Mar 20 12:59 ../ -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Mar 20 12:59 name* -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 85 Mar 20 12:59 script* root@xserver:/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/VMDelay# I will try to delete and add the script again
  10. This root@xserver:~# /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script -bash: /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script: No such file or directory root@xserver:~# VERY WEIRD O_O
  11. Nope, I get this output but the VMs stay off root@xserver:~# echo "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script" | at now warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job 8 at Wed Mar 20 15:43:00 2019 root@xserver:~#
  12. Nope, if I run the VMDelay script it runs fine but it doesn't fire the other script it seems, at least the VMs are not getting started. If I run manually StartVMs they do get started so I would guess it's not a problem of the script itself. I did copy and paste the script on Atom to modify and then paste it on the script file on unRAID However here's the text as well #!/bin/bash printf "%s" "waiting for pfSense ..." # Change IP to match an address controlled by pfSense. # I recommend pfSense internal gateway or some address guaranteed to be up when pfSense is finished loading. # I don't use external IP's because I want my internal network and appliances to be fully available # whether the internet is actually connected or not. while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done printf "\n%s\n" "pfSense is back online" virsh start Hassio # Insert optional delay to stagger VM starts sleep 1 virsh start Windows10 And the other one #!/bin/bash echo "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script" | at now Thanks so much for your help ❤️
  13. Just tried it but still not working. I'm making sure that from the server I can ping the pfSense machine and it works fine. So this command "ping -c 1 -n -w 1" is working. I'm also seeing the first script (I called it VMDelay) on the logs Mar 20 13:16:03 xserver root: Delaying execution of fix common problems scan for 10 minutes Mar 20 13:16:03 xserver emhttpd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/startBackground.php "/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/VMDelay/script" > /dev/null 2>&1 Mar 20 13:16:03 xserver emhttpd: Starting services... Mar 20 13:16:03 xserver emhttpd: shcmd (55): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart But after pfSense is back online the other script is not triggering. However if I run it manually from the User Script panel by hitting the "Run Script" button then it turns on my other VMs. I'm probably doing something wrong but not sure how to debug the mistake 🤔
  14. oh damn, I thought it was just one. Sorry! will try again. Thanks!
  15. Hello! I've tried to setup today this but it seems the array never starts, it get stuck in "Mounting drives". If I remove the script then it starts correctly. I'm running on 6.7-rc5... maybe that's the problem? 🤔
  16. Hello! I've been taking a look at the unRAID wiki and doesn't explain too much about how to create a bonding, only how the different modes works. I've followed steps on Settings > Network Settings (check image attached) but I'm unsure if this is the correct setup. As you can see have I have "bond0" for eth0 and "bond1" for eth1. I'm unable to select eth0 and eth1 inside the option "Bonding members of bond0" for example (of course tried this with array stopped). My thinking was that you would have a "bond0" interface and inside of this you would get all the interfaces you wanted to be bonded, eth0 and eth1 in my case. Do I have this setup correctly? Or this is plain wrong? Thanks!
  17. I've also tried downloading from internet the 10GB.bin file I mentioned earlier as follows Bare-metal pfSense - Download from pfSense - Download from iMac unRaid server (so pfSense is virtualised) - Download from iMac - Download from pfSense - Download from unRaid As you can see in this image where I put together all the graphs, only one that is not steady is unRaid https://d.pr/i/wva5Rv
  18. Alright, I've installed pfSense on the unRaid server but as a bare-metal. Then I run the iperf3 server on the pfSense bare-metal box and run the client in another PC. Both tests ```iperf3 -c -i 1 -t 3600 -V -R``` and ```iperf3 -c -i 1 -t 3600 -V``` shows steady speeds, sometimes drops from 112 MBytes/sec to 111 MB/sec but that's about it. NOTE: I made this test both testing the integrated NIC (the one unRaid uses to connect) and the external PCIe Intel PRO/1000, the one pfSense VM uses on unRaid (passthrough). Both are working good speed-wise.
  19. Gotcha! I don't see any errors, all are at 0. I've now tried running the iperf3 server on unRaid and connected with another computer. If I run iperf3 -c -i 1 -t 3600 -V I get no issues but if I run iperf3 -c -i 1 -t 3600 -V -R (with -R for reversing) I get drops from time to time I think I'm going to install pfSense on the unRaid server computer as bare-metal and test. This is driving me crazy haha
  20. Hey, thanks for your reply. I've tried UDP and it seems to not drop. Wondering why is this happening tho, my server NIC is the Intel 210. MTU I believe is default 1500. As for the NIC stats I checked it on pfSense because it's easy to see collisions, errors, etc but not sure how to check it on unRaid (searched for plugins but the one I found doesn't provide that info) What I think I’m going to do is put another computer in the network and do the iperf3 with my iMac. That should hopefully show some light if it’s related to the server or if it’s maybe a switch problem
  21. Yes! just tried with iperf3 and here's the results Run iperf3 as a server on both the unRaid machine (xserver) and the pfSense machine (fw). Connected as a client my iMac Here's the video for the unRaid machine https://d.pr/v/y0fI6b Here's the video for the pfSense machine https://d.pr/v/CZk9YG As you can see the unRaid machine drops the speed every X seconds while the pfSense machine keeps it stable
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