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Everything posted by cheesemarathon

  1. Have you followed the installation instructions? They were recently updated. When you browse to http://<unRAID-IP>:4180 you should see: If this is not the case, can you post the logs from the container. Hopefully, that will shed some light on the issue.
  2. I'm not an expert in system stats but by the looks of things, your system usage is high because of IO wait. This is the system waiting for input/output operations to complete. If in netdata on the right hand side you click on steamcache, I would imagine you will see nearly 100% cpu usage on this container. To fix this there are several things you can look at. One of your disks may have an issue with it, slowing down read/write operations, you may also be running low on RAM in the system. I have not seen this issue before with Steamcache so I don't think that it is anything specific to steam cache causing an issue, it has just highlighted the problem. When building a NAS IOWait is an issue because most the of the applications you use a NAS for will at some point perform large read/write operations to disks. So I suggest that you do some googling to find a solution as there is no deffinitive fix for this. If you do need more help however, just ask! 🙂
  3. Hmm that is very strange! If that first screenshot was taken at the same time as your ran htop then I would say that the dashboard is doing something wrong. I suggest you install Netdata from community applications. This will show you a lot of useful stats for diagnosing issues. Overall statistics and stats are broken down to individual containers.
  4. Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you able to post any of your logs where the error occurs? I won't pull the latest update, for now, see if we can compare our setups!
  5. If your updating there should be no issues. If it's a fresh install then see the updated instructions here!
  6. Yes! I have moved my local install over to the pusher docker image with no breaking changes. I just have a slight bug where I get redirected to the wrong page when auth fails. When I have that sorted I'll update the template!
  7. You would have to pull the repo, build the docker image from the dockerfile and then change the repository name in the unraid ui to the tag you gave the image when you built it. That should work provided no breaking changes were made. But thats not super simple, so @mlebjerg how far have you got with pulling those changes into the main repo?
  8. It looks like this is something that has come up before. There is nothing official supporting fail to ban, however, login attempts are written to the logs. So you should be able to use the logs with fail2ban. This is discussed in detail here. I have not set this up myself and have little experience with fail2ban, but shout if you need some help. The GitHub issue discusses setting it up with docker but not UnRAID which may make it harder or easier in place. I don't know, but do let me know how you get on. I can always create some instructions for others if we get this working. Good luck!
  9. @mlebjerg Have you seen this message? Something you can work on?
  10. Hi, sorry I haven't had time to look at this, however, @mlebjerg is the expert and maintainer of this version of the container so I shall message him and hopefully, he can add the option
  11. Thanks for all the info. I will spin up my instance of steamcache when I get home from work, as i'm unsure what the issue is here.
  12. In your windows pc dns settings I would not set the secondary DNS. Although you might think it would only use that if the first fails, that is not always the case depending on the application. Some times it will skip the first or just randomly chose one of the two. If you only set one, there is only one it can use. I havn't used steamcache in a bit. I'll spin up my instance when I get home tonight and see if i'm having any issues.
  13. Hey! Year very nearly there. There is just one error in your config. The "LANCACHE_IP" setting wants to be the same IP as you set in the "Fixed IP" setting. So in your case both should be Then you should be good to go. That command you run will then output the logs from the container and you will see the cache working.
  14. Ok, background knowledge time. Docker containers run in their own self-contained environment. In order to get shell access to them you need to run the command: docker exec -it <container-name> <command> This will run the command you place in <command> in the container you specify. In unRAID you can also click the console button on the container you want, and this will open a console window in the container you specify. unRaid is effectively running the following command: docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash Then you can run any command you like and it will execute in then container. Therefore, you have two options. One, open a terminal window connected to your unRAID server and run: docker exec -it SteamCacheBundle tail -f /data/logs/access.log Here you can see you container name is "SteamCacheBundle" and the command is "tail -f /data/logs/access.log" Or you can open the unRAID GUI, click on the console button for the SteamCacheBundle container and then in the new window run: tail -f /data/logs/access.log I hope this clears things up for you
  15. Head to the Docker page in the unRAID GUI. Click on the icon for Steam Cache Bundle. Click "Console". In the new window that opens type then hit enter. You should then be able to continue with the instructions. If it mentions running again, do as I have instructed here again.
  16. This is not fixed yet however the issue is being looked into. There does seem to be a fix for now. Add the environment variable "DISABLE_WSUS" and set it to "true". The issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains/issues/39
  17. Have you tried to see if this works already? The DNS forwarding should already work. If not, open an issue here as i'm not the author of the software, I just create the template with the help of @mlebjerg
  18. Yes I'm well aware that oauthproxy is no longer being developed by the owners. There is an issue that I'm subscribed to that is discusing how the project will go forward, whether that is new owners for the project or moving official support to a new fork. I'm reluctant to move to a new fork until official agreement has been made as buzzfeed sso only supports Google as an auth provider at the moment.
  19. URGENT!!! @MarkusMcNugen It looks like with your qbittorrent template you have forgotten to remove your VPN username and password from the template. Lines 71 and 76 currently contain values. I suggest you remove them!
  20. Yeh, that's probably the best way! Not a problem, I'm here to help! Thanks for the coffee, unfortunately I'm an idiot and set it up with the wrong pay pal email. So they payment will bounce back in 30 days. Thanks anyway though!
  21. Yes that will work. Yes it won't get updates if you ghost creates updates for it. But you can always add those in manually. The default theme in the container will get updates so you can download that from the admin page and merge updates manually. It's one or the other to be honest. I wouldn't want my theme changing without me changing it, but that's personal preference.
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