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Everything posted by cheesemarathon

  1. Sorry for the confusion everyone. I will of course continue to help those that have my template installed. I removed it as the creators of bitwarden_rs created an official docker image and added it to CA. So any newbies I suggest use the template currently on CA. I will of course help any one that posts here the best I can! Hope that clears things up 😊
  2. I havnt written a guide, nor do I know if one exists specifically for unRAID. However here is my config: Admin email can be anything, it's only used if you set the SMTP parts up for sending admin emails. I don't use that function as I'm the only one using bitwarden. The admin token is the password to the admin interface accessible at /admin. This is different to the normal bitwarden webui. You can set it to what you like or disable it, instructions in link in first post, but I don't recommend that. As for remote access, I have my instance behind a reverse proxy provided by the linux server let's encrypyt docker image. Here is my config for that. server { listen 80; server_name bitwarden.mydomain.com; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name bitwarden.mydomain.com; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; location / { proxy_pass http://<UNRAID_IP>:8343; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; } } You just need to change the domain name and your unRAID IP and your away. This config proxies to a sub domain not a sub directory. Depends on what you prefer but i like 'service_name.domain.com' rather than 'domain.com/service_name' If you need any more help, give me a shout!
  3. I've just noticed that the image I use is no longer maintained so I will work on a replacement and see if flash can be a feature.
  4. Yup sounds about typical. A new version is being worked on to improve this.
  5. Everything you should need to know you can find here: https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/wiki Anything else you need, feel free to ask
  6. Yes, it requires quite a bit of rework so may take some time. Hopefully I'll have some time of this festive period to work on it. Work has kept me very busy of recent. As for @mlebjerg, I believe he has been busy with his studies! Don't worry, there will be a big post here as soon as it is ready!
  7. Yes just set the root variable in the cloudcmd.json file located in your appdata folder. Just change it to /UNRAID You can also find all documentation for cloud commander at https://cloudcmd.io/ Cloud commander shouldn't change anything unless your telling it to. Is this when your renaming files? or are you downloading files using the terminal in cloud commander?
  8. I have just installed this container on my machine and it worked perfectly first time. Take a look at my settings in the screenshot below and make sure they match yours. The fixed IP for br0 can be anything, so long as its in the same subnet as your unRAID machine and is not already in use. The MAC value should be the same as the MAC address for br0. The IP value should be the same as the value you set for br0. That should then work perfectly. Then you just need to browse to the IP you set for br0. In my case this is
  9. What exactly do you wan't to know? If it's caching or if a game has been cached. If there is data in the cache directory, then it's working. As for if a game is cached, there is no way to check that other than download it and see if any of the files hit the cache.
  10. The steamcache software has ceased development in favour of a new version fixing a large number of bugs. @mlebjerg and I have not yet had time to move the docker image over to the new version of steamcache. Apologies.
  11. Strange, may be a bug with 6.8.0-rc3 as I don't have mine running on port 80 and it works all fine. Post your config?
  12. Your a star! Thanks for spotting this. I will test, and make the necessary changes! Thank you.
  13. I have not tried passing queries onto something like pi-hole after the cache. In theory it should work, but it looks like that may not be the case. @mlebjerg is the best person to debug this. However, just try setting it to a public DNS such as, just to make sure everything else is working.
  14. Steamcache doesn't modify your DNS requests in anyway so to speak. If the file is not found in the cache, the it just passes the request on to the domain the original request was for, no changes made. So for some reason, Steam has requested this file from Seattle rather than Edmonton.
  15. It should take you to the diyhue UI. Did you set the IP variable to the same IP as your unraid machine? You need to set it to a different IP, the same as the one you should have set in the network settings as it must be on the bridge (br0) network. If the link to go to the web UI still doesn't work, then just browse to the IP you set.
  16. Windows updates is temperamental. Microsoft likes to changes things rather regularly. It should be fixed in the new version @mlebjerg is working on.
  17. I havn't tried it personally, but instructions can be found here https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/wiki/SMTP-configuration
  18. That entirely depends on the settings your router has. Some have the ability to set multiple DNS addresses which it may fail over to, so if your server go's down, requests go to another DNS. I suggest having a google about your routers DNS settings. In short, yes it's possible with some routers
  19. Thanks for spotting that. I'm at work right now, but I'll either send you the instructions or fix the link as soon as I get back home in a few hours.
  20. Hi Alphahelix Take a look at LinuxServer's reverse proxy docker container. It is how I have my Bitwarden setup and it works perfect in every browser I have tried. Shout if you need further help setting it up and ill share my config with you.
  21. This shouldn't be an issue with this docker image but may be an issue with unRAID. Perhaps ask for some help in the networking forum. I'm not an expert on vlan's
  22. Apologies for this. I'm moving house at the moment and the server hosting the instructions currently doesn't have an internet connection. Should be backup sometime this weekend fingers crossed!
  23. I had to take my server down for several hours the other day. It's back up and running now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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