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Everything posted by trurl

  1. @SpencerJ Seems to be other recent threads with similar.
  2. Sorry you went to all that trouble to attach so very many files, but since nobody is going to go to the trouble to download them separately, I have cleaned that up.
  3. Click on the SMART ( 👎 ) warning to acknowledge, and it will warn again if it increases. Parity contains none of your data, so can't corrupt a data disk unless you use it to rebuild one of them.
  4. According to these latest diagnostics: b-----s shareUseCache="no" # Share exists on disk1 b--------n shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on disk1 isos shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on disk1 M--------a shareUseCache="yes" # Share exists on cache, disk1 system shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache, disk1 T---------e shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on disk1 u------p shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache, disk1 So, you have several shares set to only use the cache drive, but they have files on disk1, including the earlier mentioned "system" share. Merely changing the settings will not move anything. In fact, changing a share to only use cache will guarantee that mover will ignore it, since it is not possible to set a Mover action for shares without Secondary storage. Also, syslog has several entries where mover says the file already exists. Mover won't replace files. And nothing can move or delete open files, so you have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings to work with some of these. Might be simpler to clean this up yourself using Dynamix File Manager.
  5. There is always some filesystem overhead even on a newly formatted disk.
  6. There will always be some space used even on a newly formatted disk due to filesystem overhead.
  7. This requires a VPN service outside your network.
  8. I've never seen it ask that. Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.
  9. See if your flash drive has FSCK files at the top level. These will result from running fsck
  10. Are these devices on your LAN? Do they require transcoding?
  11. What exactly do you mean by "same"?
  12. Assuming no RAID controllers involved in old or new system, it should be just that easy.
  13. Did you reinstall all of your containers? It is only using 5.8G. Usage shouldn't grow unless you add containers, and even then shouldn't grow a lot. The usual cause of filling docker.img is an application writing to a path that isn't mapped to host storage. I don't use that. Click its icon and select Support
  14. Delete config/plugins/disklocation.plg file and config/plugins/disklocation folder from your flash drive and reboot.
  15. No way to know since it is unmountable. We can take a look at how much is used after you recreate, but leave it at default 20G for now. Making it larger probably won't keep you from filling it.
  16. docker.img is unmountable. Perhaps you filled it up. Recreate https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/docker-management/#re-create-the-docker-image-file and Reinstall https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/docker-management/#re-installing-docker-applications Then post new diagnostics.
  17. You should see a SMART ( 👎 ) warning for that disk on the Dashboard page. Setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected.
  18. 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 097 097 010 - 9168 Too high for my comfort. Plus Model Family: Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR) SMR for parity is not ideal. I would replace with CMR drive.
  19. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management/#rebuilding-a-drive-onto-itself
  20. Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.
  21. Check connections, both ends, SATA and power, including splitters.
  22. Unrelated to the corruption Your "app" share where you have your docker.img and default appdata location configured, has some files on disk3. Ideally, these would all be on fast pool such as cache, with nothing on the array, so Dockers can perform better, and so array disks can spin down since these files are always open. Instead of reconfiguring things so Mover will move those for you, it's probably simpler to clean this up yourself with Dynamix File Manager plugin. Nothing can move or delete open files so you will have to disable Docker in Settings.
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