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Everything posted by trurl

  1. If mover doesn't do it, or doesn't do it all, we can go from there. Diagnostics will tell whether any share still has files on cache.
  2. We will take this in multiple steps with some diagnostic checks along the way. This first set is intended to copy your cache to the array. Go to Settings - Docker and disable dockers. Do the same for Settings - VM Manager Go to Shares and set appdata, domains, and system shares to cache-yes You also have another share anonymized as m-------t that is currently set to cache-no, but all of its data is on cache. Set that one to cache-yes also. Go to Main - Array Operations and Move Now. Wait for it to complete. Then post new Diagnostics.
  3. What he said. If you use that original flash on the first server, then it will be fine and won't get blacklisted. In fact, as long as you use that original flash with its registered key on any server it won't get blacklisted. But to have 2 servers running at the same time you have to have 2 licensed flash drives, one for each. You will have to get another license for the flash drive on the second server.
  4. And for backup I recommend not caching anyway.
  5. 169 is what happens when it can't get ip from router. Check cables plugs ports
  6. Latest Unraid beta supports multiple cache pools. I have 2x500GB SSDs in cache pool and 256GB M.2 in my "fast" pool.
  7. Are you sure it isn't a 169.x.x.x address? Try renaming or deleting config/network.cfg on flash so it will use the default network settings, which will use DHCP to get an IP from your router.
  8. Just saw your other thread. Probably would have been better if you had just asked this new question on that thread since that thread had all the context for your new question, and the person @johnnie.black who was replying to you on that other thread is the best one for telling you how to proceed. In fact, I am going to lock this thread and suggest you just go back to your original thread for further advice. I have unlocked this thread again but I suggest any further discussion of this go to this thread: because I don't think this is a valid assumption.
  9. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post.
  10. Each cache pool works more or less the same as the original cache pool. If you have only a single disk in a pool, it can be xfs or btrfs. If multiple disks in a pool, it must be btrfs. Even with the stable version where only one cache pool is supported, you have always been able to set that up with various btrfs raid configurations. See here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=480421
  11. These 2 statements are contradicting, unless the windows you are referring to is a VM on your Unraid server. Are you transferring over the network and back or not? Tools - Diagnostics, attach complete ZIP file to your NEXT post.
  12. Are you sure Unraid is booting and not
  13. You could put a single disk in the array, no parity, and maybe not even use it, then use the multiple cache pool feature in the latest beta to set up multiple btrfs raid pools.
  14. Are all your other dockers using /mnt/cache/appdata already?
  15. Not entirely clear which of my multiple choices you mean with that answer. Plex would work pretty smoothly either way. Seems a lot of trouble to maintain all those separate mappings, and no doubt you would end up adding some if you made new subfolders under your Media share.
  16. Yes that would be correct, but I am wondering why you have a mapping for /mnt/user/Media, and also separate mappings for lots of different things under /mnt/user/Media. How did you have your plex libraries setup? Were they going from a folder in /data (the container path for /mnt/user/Media), or were they going from /Movies, /Hallmark, /TV Shows, ... etc. ?
  17. OK. Go to Apps, select Previous Apps, and it will show you all the applications you can reinstall. Let's just start with Plex for now. Click on the reinstall icon (download) for your plex. That will take you to the Add Container page. Move the slider at upper right from Basic View to Advanced View, and post a screenshot. There will definitely be some things you need to change since we moved your plex library (its appdata) to the appdata share.
  18. User shares allow folders to span disks. A cache drive is part of user shares, and mover will move to/from cache depending on settings for each user share. An unassigned drive can be shared, but is not part of user shares so no spanning and no moving. Some people do set up unassigned disks for use with dockers, and if those other features of cache aren't important for your use case then that is fine.
  19. That wiki states at the very top: So the scenario you are interested in is not covered in that old wiki. Are you sure you quoted that correctly? It is wrong. Prefer means prefer to keep on cache if there is room. If there isn't room then allow it to overflow to the array, but mover will try to move it TO CACHE when there is room, since it is preferred to be on cache and not the array. In actual practice, mover can't move open files, so if any do overflow to the array, you would have to stop the docker service before mover could move them.
  20. Mover will not move files from one user share to another. You have files in the Media user share that need to be moved to the appdata user share, so mover can't help with that.
  21. OK, that looks good. And your appdata is already all on cache so nothing needs done about that. You need to move that Plex-Media-Server folder from the Media share to appdata so it will be in the right place for reinstalling Plex. But don't actually install any dockers yet. We need to take them one at a time and see what needs changing in their setups.
  22. None of the things in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user are plugins. They are the templates that contain the settings for your dockers. You can reinstall any of those docker exactly as they were because you have those templates. OK, let's go on to this: Did you already start docker? If so, post new diagnostics just so I can check how it is configured now.
  23. So do you still have a Plex-Media-Server folder in your Media share?
  24. According to your earlier screenshots, your Plex-Media-Server and all those other plex libraries were in the Media share. What do you get from the command line with this? ls -lah /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user
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