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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Since you have given this to the community, you should make a little more effort to explain the differences yourself. Not everyone is going to be able to make useful comparisons between different Dockerfiles in different repos.
  2. Google urlencode. When URLs are involved, spaces are encoded into + and + are decoded into spaces. Other things happen to other special characters so they might need to be considered as well.
  3. Have you installed the Community Applications plugin? It really makes using dockers much easier, and gives you links to each dockers support threads.
  4. Looks like this is your first post to any docker thread. Since this particular thread is about 2 dockers, maybe you should tell us which one you're talking about. Do you have any other working dockers?
  5. thanks trurl for your help. So you mean that I only need not to assign the drive when I start the array and then move data from one disk to this drive? My understanding is that you intend to use your parity drive as a new data drive and run without a parity drive, correct? If so, New Config without a parity drive and assign the parity drive to a data slot. When you start the array, unRAID will format that drive. Then you use it however you want as another data drive. Obviously you won't have any parity protection. Do you have backups of anything important?
  6. unRAID requires that any data drive added to a parity array be clear so parity will remain valid. No parity, no need to clear.
  7. The User Share Copy Bug can only happen if you are mixing disks and user shares in a copy/move. If you read the thread it explains why this happens.
  8. See search tips in my sig. Post from the author, in this thread. Be careful to select the correct disk since it won't be able to save you from yourself if you run it on another system.
  9. I followed the bunker thread but never bothered to use it because in the end I wanted something that was filesystem independent. I backup my really important user shares to NTFS disks and store them offsite. That makes it much easier to access them without unRAID. I had been running an md5 script I got from bjp999 before this plugin came along, and I had used corz in the past but not diligently, and never seemed to get around to actually verifying anything. This plugin is indispensable in my opinion and it already has all the functionality I could hope for, but I will look forward to further refinements. I just hope it continues to maintain corz compatibility and filesystem independence. Thanks
  10. Success notifications should probably be a checkbox. I personally like getting success emails from all my various automated processes but others might rather not.
  11. Changing the modification dates of your files? Or just the modification dates of the folders? The folders are modified by writing the .hash file for the folder. Creating a checksum does not change the date of the file. Certainly hasn't on my system. Just folder dates when the .hash is written. I expect that is what he was seeing.
  12. Changing the modification dates of your files? Or just the modification dates of the folders? The folders are modified by writing the .hash file for the folder.
  13. Yes it will. That is the main purpose of preclear. If you don't preclear a disk to be added, unRAID will have to clear it so parity remains valid, and your server is not accessible while unRAID clears a disk. The preclear script was developed so you could clear a disk before you give it to unRAID, so it will not have to clear it. Preclear is also often used to test new disks.
  14. I think it is maybe the cache space that's in play, buffering I/O. Not entirely sure. I know back when I was running with less RAM on 32bit unRAID it would run out of RAM preclearing large drives unless I set some options to make it do smaller chunks. See here. Not sure this can even be an issue on 64bit unRAID, especially with 32GB RAM.
  15. Mostly about RAM. You seem to have plenty according to your sig, but I don't think I have heard of anyone else doing that many at once. Maybe it was stuck waiting for memory.
  16. How is the drive connected? USB2? USB3? SATA? eSATA? What kind of drive? Flash? SSD? HDD?
  17. That's FAR more power than you need. 650 watts would be plenty. Newegg specs for that drive says +12V Rails: 4
  18. If you have no parity drive, just rearrange the drives however you want and start.
  19. No. Tools - New Config. Check the box to Trust Parity.
  20. Could be the docker you got "in the wild" doesn't work, or it could just be an issue with your volume mappings. Do you have other working dockers?
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