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Everything posted by trurl

  1. It may be that you aren't copying things where you think. Are you sure you can even see the UD drive in dolphin? Dockers will not be able to see anything that was not already mounted when the docker service started, and by docker service I don't mean the dolphin container but the docker service that all dockers use. Show the volume mappings for dolphin and where in dolphin you are copying the files to.
  2. Post your volume mappings for this docker.
  3. Looks like I pulled the trigger to soon. Just did the latest update and now the Apps page fills with Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/0.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/1.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/2.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/3.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/4.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning: file_put_contents(/var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community-apps/5.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 569 Warning:
  4. I have a 700w PSU. Question should have been "What is the exact model of your power supply."
  5. Thanks! Your answer pointed me to these posts and it all makes sense now. Now i should just make sure that it gets mounted/unmounted at boot/shutdown. And it made me wonder .. would that be something i could automate by programming a plugin? Assuming it doesnt exist yet. Perhaps thats something for another topic.. but insights welcome.. His answer should have led you to the Unassigned Devices plugin. See search tips in my sig.
  6. Looks like the drive has dropped offline. Probably a connection issue. Check SATA and power plugs.
  7. Take a look on the Dashboard under System Status for the numbers labeled flash : log : docker. Possibly the "no space" device is the log.
  8. Probably putty connection. Any process you expect to take a long time should be done in a screen session so you can disconnect and resume as needed. Screen can be installed from NerdTools plugin. Google Linux Screen Command.
  9. See Step 1: Delete your previous image file May look slightly different than that old post but that's basically the idea.
  10. Since that was your only docker might as well start clean by recreating your docker.img
  11. OK; do I still remove the container and image first? Then...re-trace my steps? Yes
  12. There are no port mappings for Network type: Host You need another volume mapping for your media. Go back and review your own post history.
  13. It's just an example. Any .cron file under the plugins folder or subfolders will get added. Create one and name it whatever or just put it in one that's already there.
  14. I think this is a blocked port issue; I can't hit unserver:32400...so my machine, not the FireTV can find the PLEX server. The question is...at least for this noob; is why? Why...all of a sudden?? This looks like the syslog, not the log for that specific docker container. Click on the container's icon and you will get a popup with a few choices, one of these being the log for that container. Just realized you have named your server the same as I did, right down to the lower/upper case.
  15. Random acts of troubleshooting. Are you sure the rip was a format supported by Plex? Looking at your recent post history you did manage to work through getting plex to work at least. Maybe you should go back and review.
  16. What else have you tried to fix your problem? If it's growing that fast you need to figure out what is wrong with the way you have set your dockers up. Something is writing data inside docker.img instead of outside it where it belongs. Try one docker at a time and see which ones are making it grow and maybe we can look more closely at how it's configured both in the docker setup and in the application itself.
  17. Just allocate a /mnt/cache/appdata/dolphin to /config and leave all the rest. The /mnt mapped to /mnt is required so you can actually access your Unraid array. You can set the Host port to any unused port on the Host. If you already have something on 8080 you must use a different port.
  18. Rebuilding an empty filesystem (freshly formatted drive) is no quicker than a full drive. Every bit of the entire disk will be rebuilt regardless. Parity knows nothing of filesytems. In order to change filesystems, you are going to have to copy from an old filesystem disk to a new filesystem disk anyway you do it, so if you have enough slots, I think it would be easier to just preclear the new disks, add them to new slots and format them to the new filesystem, copy from the old filesystem disks to the new filesystem disks, then New Config without the old disks and rebuild parity.
  19. Click on the 'Help' button then click on the 'Download" button and download the log. Then post it so I can review it. here is the log file : i only want to mount and share the WD disk, i don't use the ST disk. Go to the command line and get a copy of this file: /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/BACKUP_DD.conf and post it. This will show the read and write privileges of the share. I don't understand : "invalid users = @users" => I enabled SMB Security in the Plugin settings and set R/W for me and Read-only for an other user! Are you sure you aren't having a Windows issue? Windows will only allow one login from one computer to another. If you have already logged in to your server with the read-only user then you cannot also login to it with the read-write user.
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