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Everything posted by trurl

  1. working fine in mine (v2015.12.30). Try deleting cache? That's not the current version of the plugin. There is a new one 2016.01.24. I have the same issue with the icon on the Plugins page. Don't know if it also affects where that icon gets displayed elsewhere in the UI since my router is my Local Master.
  2. Not important to me to get that specific script to work because as I said Maybe I should clarify that. My old script is still running and writing to that disk and it was launched by your new plugin. It is successfully writing 2 of my shares to that empty disk with rsync. Yes that is what the old plugin did, but my script is currently still running and the Unmount button is displayed and enabled. Does it have anything to do with Run in Background?
  3. TL;DR Something not working about 1st script in 1st post. Also, plugin enables Unmount button before script completes. Finally got around to testing the scripting after this latest update. I copied the "PicturesBackup" script exactly since I do have a Pictures share to use for testing this and a 2TB disk that I formatted NTFS with the plugin. I set the script to Run in Background. If I look in /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices the script is there with the name I gave it. I set Automount and Share both to NO. When I click on the Mount button, after a short delay it refreshes and Mount button has changed to an Unmount button, which is enabled. I can go into mc and see the disk fine, but nothing is written to it from the script. After several minutes I clicked the Unmount button and it unmounted. Here is the log from the plugin after your update Sun Jan 24 10:35:36 EST 2016: Disk with serial 'WDC_WD60EFRX-68L0BN1_WD-WX81D65ASSCX' auto mount is disabled, not mounted. Sun Jan 24 10:39:15 EST 2016: Drive found with the following attributes: serial_short='5YD1C5H9', serial='ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD1C5H9', device='/dev/sdk1', part='1', disk='/dev/sdk', label='ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9', fstype='ntfs', target='', size='2000397795328', used='0', avail='2000397795328', mountpoint='/mnt/disks/offsite', owner='user', automount='', shared='', command='/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/offsite.sh', command_bg='true' Sun Jan 24 10:39:15 EST 2016: Adding disk '/dev/sdk1' ... Sun Jan 24 10:39:15 EST 2016: Mounting drive with command: mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdk1' '/mnt/disks/offsite' Sun Jan 24 10:39:23 EST 2016: Successfully mounted '/dev/sdk1' on '/mnt/disks/offsite' Sun Jan 24 10:39:23 EST 2016: Partition 'ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9' marked as not sharable, skipping. Sun Jan 24 10:39:23 EST 2016: Running command '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/offsite.sh' with action 'ADD'. Sun Jan 24 10:39:23 EST 2016: Disk ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9 shared successfully. Sun Jan 24 10:57:06 EST 2016: Drive found with the following attributes: serial_short='5YD1C5H9', serial='ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD1C5H9', device='/dev/sdk1', part='1', disk='/dev/sdk', label='ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9', fstype='ntfs', target='/mnt/disks/offsite', size='2000397795328', used='128618496', avail='2000269176832', mountpoint='/mnt/disks/offsite', owner='user', automount='', shared='', command='/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/offsite.sh', command_bg='true' Sun Jan 24 10:57:06 EST 2016: Removing disk 'ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9' share ... Sun Jan 24 10:57:06 EST 2016: Running command '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/offsite.sh' with action 'REMOVE'. Sun Jan 24 10:57:06 EST 2016: Reloading Samba configuration. Sun Jan 24 10:57:07 EST 2016: Successfully removed SMB share 'offsite'. Sun Jan 24 10:57:07 EST 2016: Unmounting disk ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9 .. Sun Jan 24 10:57:07 EST 2016: Unmounting /dev/sdk1... Sun Jan 24 10:57:07 EST 2016: Successfully unmounted '/dev/sdk1' Sun Jan 24 10:57:07 EST 2016: Disk ST2000DL003 9VT166 5YD1C5H9 removed successfully Even though it says it is not going to share it says "shared successfully" and then on unmount it says "Successfully removed SMB share". I can confirm it was not shared which is what I intended. I tried the script from the command line like this root@unSERVER:/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices# export ACTION="ADD" root@unSERVER:/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices# ./offsite.sh ./offsite.sh: line 27: [: =: unary operator expected root@unSERVER:/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices# line 27 appears to be if [ $OWNER = "udev" ] which doesn't seem like a syntax error but I am pretty useless at bash. I just tried it with the old script I was using with old plugin and that is currently working, so it looks like the plugin does in fact launch the script but there is something wrong with your example script. But the Unmount button is enabled before it has completed. The old gfjardim plugin would not enable the Unmount button until the script completed.
  4. Screenshot? Does it not give you anything to click on to start it or does it give you something to click on but clicking on it does not start it?
  5. Since we're sort of on the subject of the Dynamix webUI instead of any of these other plugins, is there anything that can be done about the "adblocker" problem that has spawned so many threads recently? This has never been a problem for me since I have always had my server whitelisted, but it seems to be a new problem for many so I don't think it has always been this way.
  6. What version of unRAID? The docker management page is not a plugin anymore and hasn't been for a long time. When is the last time you successfully updated plex? It's the latest version of unraid, 6.1.7. And the last time I updated it must have been around September so it wasn't that long ago really. September was ages ago on plex time. What plugins do you have installed? Sorry Guys, but its not a plugin / old dockerMan conflict. I posted this same thing here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45645.msg435973#msg435973 a week ago with regards to mkvToolNix-GUI In my case, due to the overwhelming response that I got from my post, I just went ahead and deleted the container and then re-added it. I remember your post now. Didn't immediately associate it since yours wasn't a screenshot of the message. Looks like some old error message is still in the code from its plugin days.
  7. What version of unRAID? The docker management page is not a plugin anymore and hasn't been for a long time. When is the last time you successfully updated plex? It's the latest version of unraid, 6.1.7. And the last time I updated it must have been around September so it wasn't that long ago really. September was ages ago on plex time. What plugins do you have installed?
  8. What version of unRAID? The docker management page is not a plugin anymore and hasn't been for a long time. When is the last time you successfully updated plex?
  9. Yes, but I am coming from a plugin, not a docker, so if I keep my plex config, then it will be working with a different folder structure. The plex library folder structure should be exactly the same, and your media folder structure is exactly the same, so with volume mapping you should be able to make the docker use the same folders the plugin was using. Post a screenshot of your plugin setup if you still need help with volume mapping.
  10. Yes and no, sort of. User shares are indeed built and run in memory, but that memory can be claimed by any and all other processes. When something is accessed, the disks are spun up to rebuild that portion of the user share fs. Cache dirs keeps the underlying disks contents fresh in memory, so accesses are nearly instantaneous. So to answer the OP's question directly, you will see a benefit from running cache dirs on the DISKS that make up the user share that you wish to cache, as long as you have enough RAM so the directory tree can actually stay cached without being overrun by other processes. Whether or not you use disk shares has no bearing on cache dirs being useful to user shares. Where people are running into issues is trying to use cache dirs to keep too much of the directory tree in memory, as that causes cache dirs to keep the disks spun up because as soon as it's done walking the disk, something else comes along and needs that RAM, knocking the directory list out, causing the disk to stay spun up as cache dirs reads it into RAM again, causing a loop. OK, that's basically the way I thought it worked. My users and my apps are only given access to user shares and I only access disk shares as root from telnet when needed. I had thought my user shares benefitted from cache-dirs and that's what it sounds like you are saying. I have plenty of RAM so haven't ever had an issue with spinning drives because of cache-dirs.
  11. Could you give a reference for your understanding that user shares are already managed in memory? The User Share file system is a virtual file system built by FUSE in memory, which should make it unnecessary (and wasteful and inefficient) to require caching it in additional memory. I've always felt that CacheDirs is not useful at all for User Shares, but I vaguely remember a very knowledgeable user saying there WAS a use in certain circumstances, which I don't remember. I'd say uninstall CacheDirs and see if you ever spin spun-down drives up while browsing the shares. OK. I found Joe L. post in original thread. I had thought that if you run it on the drives the user shares already got the benefit. Did he mean the user shares already have them cached even if you don't run it at all?
  12. Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are not mounted as unraid user shares (/mnt/user). Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are mounted at /mnt/disks and are shared using the smb_extra configuration file. The unassigned device and SMB Mount is shared and shows as an smb share, but unraid is not aware of it as a user share. Mount a device and look at the /boot/config/smb-extra.conf file and you'll see an include that inserts the share properties of the device. The include file is created by unassigned devices when the share is mounted and the share switch is turned on. The include file is located at /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/. I mostly knew all this but kizer is changing it from /mnt/disks/name-you-want-for-share to /mnt/user/share-that-he-created if I understand him correctly.
  13. Since you can mkdir path-to-mount-point then mount .... path-to-mount-point it makes sense that this would work. What I wonder about is what happens when path-to-mount-point is inside a user share as kizer is doing. This method is even in the wiki. But how does unRAID treat this "folder" when it comes to calculating the free and used space in the user share, or when doing other things with the folder? What if you cache that user share and write to that folder within the user share, does it go to the cache drive or the external drive or where? If it does go to cache, where does it get moved to? Etc.
  14. I don't think you can expect to have SMB shares show up as unRAID user shares or get unRAID to share SMB shares if that is what you are trying to do. User shares takes place at a lower level than I think this plugin does or even should work.
  15. Could you give a reference for your understanding that user shares are already managed in memory?
  16. Sounds like you may have found a way to trick it into preclearing your flash!
  17. Why have you posted this as a plugin when your description says it is a docker?
  18. No need for repositories. If you click Add from CA then it fills in the page for you. Selecting a template is only for when you want to get the page filled in from one you have already saved.
  19. I agree so completely I could have written Gary's post! I too use Corz and would like to see a fully supported tool that creates and maintains the separate hash files. Maybe bonienl will reconsider, and add that alternative some day? It's a little disappointing, thought we had a good hash tool and PAR2 on the way, but I can understand if Squid is unwilling to enslave himself to us! He knows better than most of us the work, the commitment, and the responsibility involved in maintaining an important plugin. Always better sooner than later to admit the drive and interest is not there, before more users are relying on it. +1 I am still using this.
  20. Community Applications has a feature that will help you with trying to use dockers out in the wild, wild, web. The unRAID docker page is really just giving you a form to enter parameters for the docker run command. Nothing special about the way unRAID does this really. If you have some dockers that tell you how to run it then you should be able to give it a try.
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