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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Even if you only want a NAS, V6 gives notifications of SMART issues and other things which can prevent you from accumulating problems until you have more than you can recover from. And there are other features besides VMs and dockers that make it a better NAS. Also, V6 is going to be better supported by the forum since that is what most will be running.
  2. Without a parity drive you can just stop and change anything. Nothing will be lost. You really should get parity going though. And you should have backups of anything important even if you have parity.
  3. Just thought I would chime in with my experience. As far as I know I am using the latest version without issue. My use may not be typical. I usually only mount a single NTFS drive for as long as it takes to rsync update my offsite backup disk, less than 30 minutes. I do use the scripting capability to trigger my backup when the disk is mounted. In addition to that I usually access preclear from this page but that doesn't mount any partitions of course. I would hate to see this go away, but I do know how to mount my disks from the command line as documented in the wiki.
  4. I think your latest post got lost in quoting. Is this it?
  5. Looking at your post history I assume you were using the plugin. You should be able to see the results by clicking on the "eye" next to the disk. The results are also saved to your flash.
  6. Did you ever get an answer? I have just started adding Dockers to my setup and was puzzled to see no port numbers etc in config for the web interface. Is that not configurable or is this Docker broken? Port Mapping is only available when Network type is Bridge. Also try the Advanced Settings slider in upper right.
  7. unRAID can only tell you when the docker has been updated. It can't really tell when the application in the docker is updated because the details on how to determine this can vary widely for different dockers. When I open my Plex Server WebUI it tells me there is an update available, and I just close it and restart the docker to get the update.
  8. Parity check will not do anything for these problems. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and post the complete diagnostics zip.
  9. I use this to mount NTFS all the time. Possibly you have multiple partitions on these disks. You have to mount a specific partition. Is there a '+' icon next to the drives that would let you expand to see the partitions? Maybe post a screenshot showing what you are talking about.
  10. Haven't tried it myself, but like Squid said, just edit the one you want to duplicate and change its name and whatever settings you need to be different. The docker template and the docker container both get whatever name you give it so if the name is different, you have a different one to run. I doubt the original will be removed or even stopped, but even if it is, you can just reload it from its template. Try it and let us know if it works for you.
  11. Just take a look at the documentation provided for each and see what the docker run command is. Here is what is really happening with the unRAID Add Docker page. You are filling in a form with stuff that is used by the docker run command. Once you have filled in the form it is saved to an XML template on your flash so you won't have to enter it again. Community Applications gets docker XML templates from the community docker authors so most of the form is filled in for you. Community Applications also has a feature that tries to figure some of this out from dockers on the hub that don't have an XML template. Try them and see what happens.
  12. So what options are available for us to fix bitrot/whatever? Restore from backup. Or Squid has a checksum plugin that also makes par2 files but I haven't tried that functionality yet.
  13. If you are then try deleting it. It is easy to recreate from docker templates.
  14. 3,4,5 don't necessarily have anything to do with converting depending on your specific situation. I was able to convert all my data disks to XFS without removing any drives or rebuilding parity just by moving things off each drive and onto others with free space, then formatting the empty, then repeating with others. There is a lot in that first thread you linked.
  15. That bit about uninstalling Community Repositories was just referring to an old version of this plugin. The Docker Repositories page is builtin and can't be uninstalled. Nothing needs to be deleted or reinstalled or anything. This plugin just gives you an easier way to find and create dockers. Nothing about your existing dockers needs to change.
  16. I am currently running 6.0 beta 15. I am planning on upgrading to the newest version, just haven't gotten that far yet You can probably assume most plugins only work on 6.1+ at this point. You shouldn't be running a beta anyway.
  17. If the original hash no longer matches the file, then the file has changed since that hash, whether corruption or something else. If the file still plays OK I suspect something has updated the tags in the mp3. I'll let Squid answer the question of which hash his verification would use, but I suspect it would use the one that follows his naming convention; i.e., *.file_extension.md5
  18. Sounds suspiciously like 100Mb ethernet speed, but you ethtool says otherwise. Have you tried it from a different computer?
  19. I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin. [global] security = USER guest account = nobody public = yes guest ok = yes map to guest = bad user [global] domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255 [crypt] path = /mnt/crypt valid users = Rick write list = Rick force user = root create mask = 0711 directory mask = 0711 browsable = no guest ok = no #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] vfs objects = recycle recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin #vfs_recycle_end
  20. Unclear from your description. If you are booting from the flash then the boot menu should be the first thing you see. Maybe check your BIOS boot selections.
  21. Didn't affect me for some reason, maybe one of my other plugins. I know something Squid did moved some things in the webUI for us like moving Users off the top tabs and into Settings (where it belongs IMO).
  22. Of course not, but it creates/checks hash files which is what I was asking about.
  23. Tell us more about the export files. I'm sure it was discussed in the bunker thread but it would be helpful to have it here as well. Where are they stored? One hash file per file hashed, one hash file per folder, one hash file per share or drive? Are they compatible with the popular corz checksum application for Windows / Linux?
  24. I followed the bunker thread but never tried bunker because it didn't really fit with what I needed. I create NTFS disks containing specific unRAID shares for offsite backups. I assume the extended attributes hash would not transfer to the NTFS files, and I didn't want to have to manually export these every time I want to make a backup. I am currently using Squid's checksum since it creates separate hash files which get copied to NTFS along with everything else, and it works with shares or disks. I do like some aspects of the UI you have created for this though.
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