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Everything posted by trurl

  1. What exactly do you mean by "paused". Post a screenshot.
  2. It won't let you click the button if it is already running.
  3. If you open your browser and load the page again you won't see anything until another file is displayed in the log so if you are moving large files it might take a while to see the next file.
  4. It does already. Are you having a problem?
  5. /mnt/user/tmp is not in RAM. When you specified that path you actually created a user share named tmp which will be stored on your disks using the default user share settings. Your original mapping of /transcode:/tmp was the right one because /tmp is in RAM, but you also have to go into plex and tell it to use /transcode for transcoding. Also, there have been reports that this doesn't work correctly with recent version of plex anyway. Not sure if that was ever resolved or not.
  6. What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot. Hello, I see nothing additional at all, just the standard options UPDATE: Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings. I think it only displays in the header if your server IS the local master. Haven't tried it lately since I have given that duty to my ASUS router.
  7. Grey means spun down or on standby and temperatures are unavailable in that state.
  8. IIRC all you have to do is download the ubooquity.js file and toss it into the appdata (overwrite the existing file) Not js, it's java but yes you can replace it yourself as in the link I gave to the support thread for the actual container. I see the support link in Community Applications actually points to this thread instead of the support thread for the docker though. Is that something the docker author needs to fix?
  9. Thanks for the /root backup. Is there some way we can get selectable color schemes? I have 2 servers and I need a strong visual reminder which server I am talking to.
  10. Moved on, i got 20 drives for free if 2 fail Meh, once i get done with the others i will re-try it. Thanks for the help. Am I reading that correctly? You signed a deal which got you 20 drives for free if two of your batch failed? I interpreted it as meaning he got the 20 drives for free so was not too worried if 2 failed. I wonder which is the correct interpretation? That's the way I read it too. fixed your quoting
  11. I think you must misunderstand the purpose of Dolphin since it is nothing like Tonido. A good analogy for Dolphin is Windows File Explorer. This particular docker implementation of it is just giving you a Linux desktop in a browser with the Dolphin file manager already launched. Yeah, sorry my end goal was always just something to manage my files without managing them from my other systems, not necessarily to have access to the files remotely like with Tonido. I still like being able to manage files while I'm away, but would rather not have it open to the world. With that in mind, is there a way to lock it down? Best option is vpn, second best is to use a reverse proxy like nginx. With reverse proxy, you can set a password through .htpasswd For vpn, check out the openvpn server dockers For nginx, you can use either the nginx docker or the letsencrypt one I have, which sets up a free 3rd party SSL certificate with nginx Many new routers have VPN built-in. I use the built-in VPN on my ASUS router, and I also use Teamviewer to remote control computers on my home network.
  12. I think you must misunderstand the purpose of Dolphin since it is nothing like Tonido. A good analogy for Dolphin is Windows File Explorer. This particular docker implementation of it is just giving you a Linux desktop in a browser with the Dolphin file manager already launched.
  13. Me too. There is also OpenVPN client for Windows. And ASUS has a free DDNS for their routers.
  14. There may be a new version of sensors-detect than the one included. See here
  15. So is the drive order irrelevant? I can plug the existing drives in any order into the new server, and Unraid will detect which drive is Parity and what drives are Data? Thanks. If you do it like lionelhutz suggested then unRAID will know all the drive assignments by their serial number. (These assignments are stored on your flash in config/super.dat)
  16. What really helps is buy an email domain forwarding account, it will cost you tens of euro per year and makes it possible to relay that email address to every physical emailbox you want... So switching providers or preference does not make a difference anymore.. If you choose your last name (I did) you can also use it for your whole family.. This is what I do. I have had the same email address since 1996 despite changing providers many times since then.
  17. But this brings up the question: If you don't specify a drive, what does it think "all your XFS drives" means, all the sd or all the md?
  18. It might be less error prone to do it that way instead of New Config. Then after everything checks out just replace the old parity with the new larger parity. And of course if you wanted to reuse the old parity as data you could use the method linked in bjp999's sig for a way to avoid having to clear the old parity. So many options!
  19. Yes. You can format any disk at any time to any filesystem simply by stopping the array and going to that drive's page and change the filesystem. Then when you Start the drive will be formatted to the new filesystem. Formatting a drive is simply writing an empty filesystem to the disk, which is treated just like any other write as far as parity is concerned. And you can mix filesystems as much as you want as long it is one of the supported 3, ReiserFS, XFS, btrfs. (And of course parity doesn't have a filesystem.)
  20. New Config with the existing data drives and new parity. Start and parity will build. Preclear each new drive and add.
  21. So the answer is Dolphins not the right tool to build an external client accessed FTP server on unRaid? If that's correct, what tool should I use? An FTP Server perhaps? If you don't like the built-in one I think there are some plugins. FTP Server isn't really the sort of thing that needs to be a docker.
  22. The webgui in your first screenshot is the "client" interface. It is basically running a linux desktop application inside a web page. Don't really understand what you are trying to do with filezilla. Dolphin is just a desktop application for managing files similar to Windows File Explorer. Do you think Windows File Explorer should give access to a "client"?
  23. mc (Midnight Commander) has been part of unRAID as long as I have been using it, at least since v4.7
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