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Everything posted by trurl

  1. I've been following this thread very closely, and I know there was work on it by dlandon, but I don't see anywhere that says there was a new release updated for 6.1 except for a couple of users who said they got an update, but those posts were unclear about the official status. Since I uninstalled this plugin when I upgraded to 6.1, I also did not get any notification that it was updated. Nothing new in the first post of the thread either. So do the bugs mean that it shouldn't be moved to 6.1 compliant? Do the bugs mean it no longer works on 6.0? Not intending to sound impatient here, just would like some official statement.
  2. Unraid 6 right? On my system, it's at /usr/lib64/libutempter.so.0 Not in bzroot, so probably installed as part of screen, maybe by Nerdpack.
  3. Not clear at what point you intend to add it to the array. You should do this before you format it to XFS since unRAID will want a clear drive if adding it as an additional array drive. A clear drive is not at all the same as an empty filesystem drive. So I should 1. empty cache drive 2. format it to XFS 3. add to array 4. start moving files from existing array drives to the XFS drive formerly known as cache Assuming you don't want to do a new config and rebuild parity, you should preclear the drive, then add it to the array, then format it. If you try to add a drive that is not clear to the array, unRAID will clear it, taking the array offline until it's done, then you will have to format it. The only way to maintain valid parity when adding a drive is to add a clear drive. A clear drive is all zeroes, so has no effect on parity. A formatted drive is not all zeroes, because it has a filesystem written to it. So, you should: 1. preclear drive 2. add to array 3. format
  4. Not clear at what point you intend to add it to the array. You should do this before you format it to XFS since unRAID will want a clear drive if adding it as an additional array drive. A clear drive is not at all the same as an empty filesystem drive.
  5. Bumping this to see if the author can confirm that it is compatible with 6.1. I am using it under 6.1 without issues.
  6. Each container can only see the host paths that it has mapped.
  7. Also read the stickies in the docker subforums.
  8. What volume mappings do you have now? From telnet or console ls -lah /mnt
  9. I don't use this container, but firstly I would format the drive with xfs, secondly post your mappings that you're using because something isn't quite right if it's recording to a different location. I don't know if NTFS on Unraid is a format that can be written to, although I know you can read it. You have to use ntfs-3g to write. I do it all the time. Unassigned devices works for this. Would NTFS-3G have to be in the container or just on the host? Not actually tried this with a container. I would think just the host, that's where all the other filesystems are. Someone should try it.
  10. I don't use this container, but firstly I would format the drive with xfs, secondly post your mappings that you're using because something isn't quite right if it's recording to a different location. I don't know if NTFS on Unraid is a format that can be written to, although I know you can read it. You have to use ntfs-3g to write. I do it all the time. Unassigned devices works for this.
  11. You might try this. On Windows 10, go to Control Panel - Credential Manager and delete any credentials for unRAID so they can be renegotiated. Make sure the first share you try to access is a Secure or Private share for the unRAID user you want to use and see if Windows will give you a login dialog.
  12. Sorry I missed your reply. Very very intrersted in this. Once last question before I attempt to migrate away from my roll-your-own-solution; can you define which script run before umount? You can define the script that runs, but it runs on both mount and umount. See the example in first post.
  13. Edit docker. Turn on Advanced slider in upper right. Enter Environment Variable Name and Value
  14. If you used all 3 of those, 250, 240, 140, you would get 315. The extra space may not be worth using 2 extra ports, but you also get mirroring. btrfs disk usage calculator
  15. Already saw the tentative changes to the templates (when the test templates caused havoc with the appfeed, which Kode then had to account for). Put two and two together and figured out the rest. I was impressed and think that it will be a huge boon for unRaid as a whole, and a welcome relief for everyone using containers that continually has those same problems. And a welcome relief for people trying to support everyone using containers. I get the impression there are a lot of docker users who still don't really get the whole mapping thing, but somehow got it to work by copying from others.
  16. docker exec -it container-name bash will give you a bash session inside a container.
  17. Good idea! If this plugin (and docker hub) weren't such a moving target I would ask for this functionality to be incorporated into the base product like some other community contributions have been.
  18. If it is anything like Pushbullet, then you have to get it from your Pushover account. I login to the pushbullet website and go to my account settings. Maybe pushover is similar.
  19. That's a recent change, I believe, and a significant one. Apart from a recent post by bonienl, I don't think I have seen any mention of it anywhere! It IS in the Help info for Enable disk shares. I'll make a note about it in the upgrade guide. bonienl, hoping you will see this, there's a misspelling in the Help info for this. I don't know what 'partiticapting' is, but it sounds like too much adult fun for this board! This is explained in more detail in the 6.1rc1 release announcement
  20. Settings - Disk Settings - Enable auto start: No Then when you boot up the array will be stopped and you can change your Global Share Settings.
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